How true is this video?


Nov 2, 2011
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What's up guys. Let's play a game, I'm going to translate you a video, and you read my translation, and watch the video, and tell me how true this is or is not. Ok? But no cheating, read all, watch video, otherwise you might get a wrong perspective.

I’ve arrived at the biggest mall in the area, because I want to show you something. The biggest mall in the area, Tyrone square mall. Americans love to come here to shop. Ok, let me park my bike. You love watching people, you asked me for it, here it is. There you go, the most fashionable mall in the area. There are a lot of brand name shops here, and fashionable people come here to buy sht. I don’t know if only I’m noticing it, or maybe not, I don’t know, sometimes I look at Americans and I get a feeling that they are all lagging, like in a video game, haven’t rendered fully. I don’t know, maybe I’m saying some kind of crap, I’m not sure. They are like characters from a game, awkward, similar to each other, plane. Not a single thoughtful face, you can walk all day long, and don’t find a single thoughtful face, they are like slaves of their gut, or something else is wrong with them, I don’t know. It’s hard to describe it, to be honest. Ok enough with that.

You know how it used to be before? If you wanted to meet a woman you’d always go to the mall, in the U.S. it always was like that. It used to be place for meeting new people. Women always dressed and come here, but it was all before, in America of the past, which I still remember somewhat back in year 1995. But right now I can tell you one thing, among other things, in the U.S. flirting is done with, nobody is meeting anybody in such places. Women unlearned how to flirt, men let’s say that, unlearned how to approach. If I would approach any girl here, yea, and began flirting, ….. hahah, let me sit down someplace, or I’m begging to attract attention to myself, and you can’t do that here… . Although, let me take a walk instead. So anyway, if I would approach a girl here, best case scenario she'd look at me like I’m sick, but if it was a feminist of some sort, she’d make a scandal. Why you think it’s this way now? Like everything this is not by accident, I think. For me it is obvious that some demographic processes are happening, aimed towards reduction of population. In particular I would even say aimed towards European population, at that not only in the U.S., but also around the world. Well I think it appears this way. Obviously in the frame of this logic, in the west, relationships between man and woman, like basis of foundations are subject to preliminary attacks......................................... Women have gotten the power, and femenization of men has occurred.

All the way up to 6 minutes deep, skipped a little bit where dots are. Enough to understand basic subject matter of the video.

Your thoughts and comments please.

P.S. Video thumbnail says COUNTRY OF SINGLE FATTIES