Do you play active sports? Tips for getting better


Don Juan
Jun 11, 2003
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Active sports, meaning any sport for which you need to be fast, strong, or/and explosive.

Want to get better? practice. But you probably knew that already.

How can you get faster? Lifting weights. How can you get stronger? Lifting weights. More explosive? Lifting weights.

Lifting weights is the way to go, and anyone who wants to be good at any sport knows that.

However, if you really want to get better, don't settle for things like leg presses, leg curls, or going to the Y and working with machines.

I have two main points:
-Free weights are way better than any machine. It takes more energy and strength to keep them balanced, and that will make the lift better for you. So next time you go lift, don't go to the chest press machine, go to the bench and bench press. Don't use the bicep machine, grab an ez curl bar, and use it. You get my point.

-Want to run faster? Well, building leg muscle would make sence, huh? But don't just go do leg presses, or to the leg machine (don't know what they're called, the one you lay on chest down and curl your legs, and the one you sit on and raise your legs.). Better than any of these things are....

Olympic lifts. I'm talking about the power clean, snatch, and clean and jerk. These lifts will make you faster, stronger, and most importantly, more explosive. They also work a lot of muscles at the same time. The are the best lifts for you. How will they make you more explosive? Try doing a power clean with high weight in slow motion....just try it and let me know how it goes.

Back and front squats are great lifts to complement olympic lifts. I would actually say, that back squats are the best things you can do without an olympic lifting platform.

So, don't lay on those stupid machines if you want to get faster, do the olympic lifts.

Maybe some of you knew this, but too many people that I talk to say "I'll just lift at the Y" and they have dreams to play college basketball or stuff like that. And I try to explai nto them, how much better they would get if they would do some olympic lifts.

SO, if you have access to platforms for cleans, snatch, then forget about the leg machines.

I know all of this from talking to several football, weight lifting, and track coaches.

DJ Girevik

Senior Don Juan
Nov 17, 2002
Reaction score
Vista, CA
To add to FBGangsta's tips, also do kettlebell workouts, as well as walking lunges while holding weights. And stay away from isolation exercises even with free weights. For example, if you want to work biceps, do chins and pullups. If you want to work triceps, do dips. If you want to work the shoulders, do military press, etc etc.