Damn, this is good....

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
If ever you were looking of proof of SS and its efficiency, look no further. Althought it is long, you WILL be glad u read this.

I was stunned at the power of my SS skillz.

Blonde_Princess03 : hi
Guy9512 : hey babe
Guy9512 : how u doin?
Blonde_Princess03 : fine
Blonde_Princess03 : u?
Guy9512 : Im cool
Guy9512 : where ya from?
Blonde_Princess03 : i sitting here in a mini-T and thong
Blonde_Princess03 : Fla
Guy9512 : ur quite horny, arent ya?
Blonde_Princess03 : yes
Guy9512 : already trying to rape me in the first five minutes!
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : lol
Guy9512 : you sound like the type that might try to follow me home?
Guy9512 : !
Blonde_Princess03 : i might
Guy9512 : I believe ya
Blonde_Princess03 : no only if ya want me to
Guy9512 : I dont know yet
Guy9512 : I gotta get to know u first
Guy9512 : You might be some kinda psycho!!
Blonde_Princess03 : no i promise
Guy9512 : wutever u say, babe
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : so what ya wanna know?
Guy9512 : why u are tryin to get in my pants so much!
Blonde_Princess03 : sorry
Guy9512 : lol
Guy9512 : I understand
Guy9512 : it happens to me alot
Guy9512 : All these chicks tryin to pick me up
Blonde_Princess03 : you must be cute
Guy9512 : You dont know
Guy9512 : that's the funny thing
Blonde_Princess03 : what do you look like
Guy9512 : I look like a human
Blonde_Princess03 : eye color
Guy9512 : You gotta show me ur a good girl first....
Guy9512 : then MAYBE ill tell ya
Blonde_Princess03 : ok
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : lol
Guy9512 : Most guys like good girls.....
Blonde_Princess03 : do u
Guy9512 : maybe
Guy9512 : maybe not
Guy9512 : I aint the average joe.........
Blonde_Princess03 : plz tell me
Guy9512 : You gotta show me how bad u want me to tell ya!
Blonde_Princess03 : come on plz i'll do anythang
Guy9512 : anything.....
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : anything
Guy9512 : like what?
Guy9512 : Im curious
Blonde_Princess03 : anything u want
Guy9512 : ok
Guy9512 : first, answer some questions
Blonde_Princess03 : ok
Guy9512 : what part of fla are ya from?
Blonde_Princess03 : Destin
Guy9512 : small town?
Blonde_Princess03 : beach town
Guy9512 : o
Guy9512 : What is it like to live there?
Blonde_Princess03 : fun
Guy9512 : how so?
Blonde_Princess03 : like whenever i won't i just go out on the beach
Blonde_Princess03 : have parties all the tine
Guy9512 : ok
Guy9512 : do you party alot?
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah
Guy9512 : lol
Guy9512 : y?
Blonde_Princess03 : that is basically all there is to do here
Blonde_Princess03 : what else ya wanna know
Guy9512 : ok
Guy9512 : how old are u?
Blonde_Princess03 : 16
Blonde_Princess03 : u?
Guy9512 : If youre good, I MIGHT tell ya!
Blonde_Princess03 : what else ya wanna know
Guy9512 : Dang, ur desperate!
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : i can't help it
Guy9512 : What are ya, runnin from the law?
Blonde_Princess03 : no!
Blonde_Princess03 : i'm a good girl
Guy9512 : Yeah, ok!
Blonde_Princess03 : so will ya tell now
Guy9512 : Maybe
Guy9512 : Maybe not
Blonde_Princess03 : why not?
Guy9512 : I gotta make sure that u REALLY want it
Guy9512 : cause I dont just give out the info to anyone
Guy9512 : like alot of guys on this site who are desperate
Blonde_Princess03 : i really really really really really reall wnat it
Guy9512 : want what?
Guy9512 : Cause I cant sleep with ya so soon!
Blonde_Princess03 : info on u
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : you're gonna make me pout
Guy9512 : lol
Guy9512 : I know you want me badly
Guy9512 : cause deep down inside....
Blonde_Princess03 : what
Guy9512 : you know you have NEVER met someone like me before
Guy9512 : even if it is online
Blonde_Princess03 : are u a psycho killer?
Blonde_Princess03 : are u
Blonde_Princess03 : are u
Blonde_Princess03 : are u
Blonde_Princess03 : are u
Blonde_Princess03 : are u
Blonde_Princess03 : are u
Guy9512 : ur kidding, right?
Blonde_Princess03 : maybe
Guy9512 : lol
Guy9512 : now ur tryin to be like me
Guy9512 : very interesting
Blonde_Princess03 : i'm a copycat
Guy9512 : I know
Blonde_Princess03 : I know
Guy9512 : You copy those you are interested in
Blonde_Princess03 : yep
Guy9512 : I can tell
Guy9512 : You really like me, dont ya?
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah
Guy9512 : I know
Blonde_Princess03 : I know
Guy9512 : I know
Blonde_Princess03 : I know
Guy9512 : I know
Blonde_Princess03 : I know U know
Guy9512 : I know u know I know what?
Blonde_Princess03 : that i'm sitting here in a mini-t & thong
Guy9512 : that's why it takes u long to answer
Guy9512 : ur hands are preoccupied....
Guy9512 : If you know what I mean
Blonde_Princess03 : give me a little bit of info on u
Guy9512 : are u askin or are ya tellin me?
Blonde_Princess03 : askin
Guy9512 : Lol
Guy9512 : I know you are DYING to get to know me
Guy9512 : Ok, Ill tell ya this..
Guy9512 : Im a teenage guy
Blonde_Princess03 : a little more
Guy9512 : incredibly funny
Guy9512 : quite confident
Blonde_Princess03 : more
Guy9512 : and a sexy smile...
Blonde_Princess03 : more
Guy9512 : that's enough
Guy9512 : u gotta still prove urself
Guy9512 : !
Blonde_Princess03 : what else ya wanna know 'bout me
Guy9512 : Here's one I just thought of...
Guy9512 : Why are u wearin so little at the comp?
Blonde_Princess03 : ??????
Blonde_Princess03 : at the what
Guy9512 : why are u rockin only a t shirt and a thong?
Guy9512 : computer
Blonde_Princess03 : my air-condictioner is broke
Guy9512 : o
Guy9512 : I thought u were just really horny..
Guy9512 : would u consider urself mature?
Blonde_Princess03 : no
Guy9512 : y?
Blonde_Princess03 : i'm 16 and at like a two yr. old
Guy9512 : lol
Guy9512 : u still wear diaper?
Guy9512 : s
Blonde_Princess03 : no!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Guy9512 : haha
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : you are mean ya know?
Guy9512 : You know ya like it....
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah you are right there
Guy9512 : lol
Guy9512 : tell me something
Guy9512 : why are u up so late?
Blonde_Princess03 : what
Guy9512 : its past 3
Blonde_Princess03 : can't sleep
Guy9512 : afraid ull wet ur bed?
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : why u up this late
Blonde_Princess03 : no!!
Guy9512 : haha
Guy9512 : I came home from a night out
Guy9512 : and I got kicked downstairs to the basement
Guy9512 : because I was so late
Guy9512 : and Ive just been on the computer since
Blonde_Princess03 : poor thing lol
Guy9512 : I know you want to cuddle wit me....
Guy9512 : 2 year olds love to cuddle
Blonde_Princess03 : ha ha not funny
Guy9512 : yes it wa
Guy9512 : s
Guy9512 : u know ur dying in florida
Blonde_Princess03 : plz treat me like a 16 year old
Guy9512 : ok
Guy9512 : Im jus playin wit ya
Guy9512 : no need to cry
Guy9512 : lol
Guy9512 : Anyway, I got a question i wanna ask u
Blonde_Princess03 : what
Guy9512 : Have you ever met someone you felt like you had known youre entire life?
Blonde_Princess03 : what?
Blonde_Princess03 : yes
Guy9512 : what did it feel like?
Guy9512 : Describe the emotions

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Blonde_Princess03 : a cross between love and confusion
Guy9512 : go on
Blonde_Princess03 : feels like a long lost firend has come back
Guy9512 : continue
Blonde_Princess03 : heart kinda tells u don't let them go
Guy9512 : its like u have met ur perfect someone....
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah
Guy9512 : who is the man of ur dreams...
Guy9512 : and that you and him...
Blonde_Princess03 : Brad Pitt
Guy9512 : no names
Guy9512 : just think with me here
Blonde_Princess03 : ok
Guy9512 : cause u could meet this guy anywhere
Guy9512 : u just never know....
Guy9512 : its like u could share ur world with him...
Guy9512 : and that he can really understand u and penetrate ur thoughts...
Guy9512 : and deep down inside....
Guy9512 : you know that you can't let him go...
Guy9512 : because u dont know if you will ever meet someone like him again
Guy9512 : If i am totally wrong, correct me
Blonde_Princess03 : you are totally right
Guy9512 : what are ya feelin now?
Guy9512 : besides horny!
Blonde_Princess03 : all warm and fuzzy inside
Guy9512 : explain
Blonde_Princess03 : like a sweet and caring person
Guy9512 : go on
Blonde_Princess03 : all loving inside
Guy9512 : y so?
Blonde_Princess03 : i'm not sure
Guy9512 : usually when ya get feelings
Guy9512 : and youre unsure of them
Guy9512 : its because...
Guy9512 : deep inside...
Guy9512 : u know something....
Guy9512 : and that u want to bring it out....
Guy9512 : cause ur gut feeling is ALWAYS ur true feeling
Blonde_Princess03 : why
Guy9512 : Jusst out of experience
Blonde_Princess03 : do u have that feeling
Guy9512 : when I got a feeling that im confused on having....
Guy9512 : I act on it....
Guy9512 : cause ur gut feeling is what will make ya happy
Guy9512 : any thoughts?
Blonde_Princess03 : if you don't wanna cyber any more it is ok
Blonde_Princess03 : ?
Guy9512 : y, u dont wanna?
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah if you do
Guy9512 : i do
Blonde_Princess03 : ok
Guy9512 : Just cause i wont tell ya where i live
Guy9512 : doesnt mean I hate ur guts!
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : u start
Guy9512 : Im thinking that u got some feelings deep down that u wanna express
Blonde_Princess03 : i didn't ask
Guy9512 : but are a little hesitant to express....
Guy9512 : because we cant physically touch and talk to each other
Guy9512 : am i dead wrong?
Blonde_Princess03 : no
Guy9512 : so tell me about ur warm and fuzzy feeling
Blonde_Princess03 : why
Guy9512 : if u dont want to you dont have to
Guy9512 : but I know ya want to....
Blonde_Princess03 : ok ....
Blonde_Princess03 : when i think of u i get all warm & fuzzy
Guy9512 : that's cool
Guy9512 : go on
Blonde_Princess03 : well that feeling ...
Blonde_Princess03 : deep down inside...
Blonde_Princess03 : is telling me i know u
Blonde_Princess03 : ya know
Guy9512 : ya
Guy9512 : great feeling, eh?
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah
Guy9512 : its a shame i cant meet u in person....
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah
Guy9512 : but I know u might rape me, so I wont take chances!
Blonde_Princess03 : ok
Guy9512 : lol
Guy9512 : Jus playin wit ya shortie
Blonde_Princess03 : 4'9 is not short
Guy9512 : its a term
Guy9512 : not an insult
Guy9512 : its like "chick"
Guy9512 : u never heard of it before?
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah i know just saying
Guy9512 : ok babe
Blonde_Princess03 : i'm 4'9
Guy9512 : most guys like short chicks....
Blonde_Princess03 : people call me shortie all tthe time
Guy9512 : are u a dime?
Blonde_Princess03 : u?
Blonde_Princess03 : ?????
Guy9512 : guess u never heard of that expression
Blonde_Princess03 : no
Guy9512 : Its used sometimes where I live
Guy9512 : for a bangin shortie
Blonde_Princess03 : oh
Guy9512 : u know what that is?
Blonde_Princess03 : yes
Guy9512 : ok
Guy9512 : anyway, lets talk more about that feeling u had
Guy9512 : Im very intrigued about it...
Blonde_Princess03 : why cause it has to do w\ u
Guy9512 : nah, cause u wanted to talk about it
Blonde_Princess03 : oh...i idid
Guy9512 : proceed
Blonde_Princess03 : well it is like i've known u 4-ever
Blonde_Princess03 : like i love you
Guy9512 : interestin
Guy9512 : keep talkin
Blonde_Princess03 : that is about it
Guy9512 : ok
Guy9512 : and do you feel like u should act on these feelings?
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah
Guy9512 : how so?
Blonde_Princess03 : i don't know
Guy9512 : cant think of ONE way?
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah but
Guy9512 : go on
Blonde_Princess03 : never mind
Guy9512 : Let me guess...
Blonde_Princess03 : ok
Guy9512 : u want to meet me...
Guy9512 : but...
Guy9512 : ur afraid of meeting me...
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah
Guy9512 : cause I could be some freak...
Guy9512 : I understand perfectly
Guy9512 : I would want the same thing
Guy9512 : Too many sickos online
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah
Guy9512 : its cool
Guy9512 : but now, ive got a game for u
Blonde_Princess03 : ok
Guy9512 : guess my age
Blonde_Princess03 : 16
Blonde_Princess03 : 17
Guy9512 : damn
Blonde_Princess03 : what
Guy9512 : u got it
Blonde_Princess03 : 17?
Guy9512 : no
Guy9512 : six
Blonde_Princess03 : 16
Guy9512 : yea
Guy9512 : were closer than we think
Blonde_Princess03 : wow
Guy9512 : Never met a 16 year old like me, have you?
Blonde_Princess03 : no
Guy9512 : tell me why
Guy9512 : im so different
Blonde_Princess03 : ??????
Guy9512 : why im uniques
Guy9512 : unique
Guy9512 : in what ways

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Blonde_Princess03 : i mean't yes i thought u mean't up till now
Guy9512 : no, i mean from other teens my age
Blonde_Princess03 : Baby you got me confused
Guy9512 : nm
Guy9512 : lets forget the topic
Blonde_Princess03 : ok
Guy9512 : it aint important, anyway
Guy9512 : all u know is that Im quite special...
Guy9512 : U got aol?
Blonde_Princess03 : no
Guy9512 : msn?
Blonde_Princess03 : no
Guy9512 : aol instant messenger?
Blonde_Princess03 : no
Guy9512 : do you have electricity?
Guy9512 : lol
Blonde_Princess03 : yes
Guy9512 : it was a joke
Guy9512 : but forget it...
Blonde_Princess03 : ok

Now it get REAL interesting (kiddies, stop reading here!)
Blonde_Princess03 : do u wanna cyber
Guy9512 : what is that?
Blonde_Princess03 : ....................................cyber sex
Guy9512 : o this will be interesting....
Guy9512 : hold up a sec
Guy9512 : Im curious...
Guy9512 : If I was with u know, and it was gettin late, what would we be doin?
Blonde_Princess03 : having sex
Guy9512 : cool
Guy9512 : u a virgin?
Blonde_Princess03 : what would you do to me?
Blonde_Princess03 : no
Guy9512 : whaddya mean?
Blonde_Princess03 : what would you do to me? while we are having sex
Guy9512 : so were gonna cyber?
Blonde_Princess03 : yeah
Guy9512 : I never tried it before...
Guy9512 : but I hope ur good
Blonde_Princess03 : it is easy & i am
Guy9512 : ok
Guy9512 : lead me baby
Blonde_Princess03 : ok we are on the bed
Guy9512 : aight
Blonde_Princess03 : what are u doing to me
Guy9512 : first, im slowly undressing u
Guy9512 : im caressing everywhere around ur body
Guy9512 : im lickin and suckin ur huge tits
Guy9512 : just the way u like it
Guy9512 : I massage ur body
Guy9512 : just enough to have you beggin for me to bang you
Guy9512 : then I pull out my....
Guy9512 : u know...
Guy9512 : now, ur turn
Blonde_Princess03 : i sit on top of you
Blonde_Princess03 : pulling off your shirt
Blonde_Princess03 : kissing you
Blonde_Princess03 : u r turn
Guy9512 : aight
Guy9512 : I get down on the floor
Guy9512 : I spread ur legs
Guy9512 : and i begin to lick ur thighs
Guy9512 : I move up to your navel
Guy9512 : and i lick there too
Guy9512 : then I come back down again
Guy9512 : and begin to work between ur legs...
Guy9512 : while usin my fingers to massage ur ****
Guy9512 : I suck on ur big tits, each one at a time
Guy9512 : and i also kiss u
Guy9512 : i massage ur hair
Guy9512 : and then i climb back on the bed with u
Guy9512 : ur turn baby
Blonde_Princess03 : i beg u to ****
Blonde_Princess03 : me
Blonde_Princess03 : hard as you can
Guy9512 : i oblige
Guy9512 : but first
Guy9512 : my...
Guy9512 : ...needs lubrication
Guy9512 : so I ask u to get on u knees
Guy9512 : now u take over....
Blonde_Princess03 : i suck long and hard
Blonde_Princess03 : and rise to my feet kissing your lips
Blonde_Princess03 : and go back down again
Blonde_Princess03 : u go
Guy9512 : ok
Guy9512 : as u suck the *** out of my schlong
Guy9512 : drinkin it like gatorade
Guy9512 : I relax
Guy9512 : but at the same time
Guy9512 : i gently tug ur hair
Guy9512 : and play with it
Guy9512 : after Im done being sucked
Guy9512 : I pull you back to your feet
Guy9512 : throw u on the bed
Guy9512 : and ask u again if u want it
Guy9512 : u say, yes
Blonde_Princess03 : i do i do
Guy9512 : i grab my....
Guy9512 : and put it near ur puss
Guy9512 : but i dont put it in yet
Guy9512 : i tease u by slapping repeatedly on your ****
Guy9512 : but not placing it inside of you
Guy9512 : when u are basically screaming for me to put it in
Guy9512 : i do
Guy9512 : I bang you at different paces
Guy9512 : sometimes fast
Guy9512 : sometimes slow
Guy9512 : but i vary it, like a good lover will do
Guy9512 : all the while I tug at your hair
Guy9512 : ur turn cutie
Blonde_Princess03 : i holla and beg for
Blonde_Princess03 : more & more
Blonde_Princess03 : Baby? I'm cold
Guy9512 : y?
Blonde_Princess03 : i think i have a fever
Guy9512 : y
Guy9512 : i think i got the perfect medicine, I say
Guy9512 : so....
Guy9512 : after 19 minutes of the best sex of our lives...
Guy9512 : I take out my...
Guy9512 : Turn your face towards me
Guy9512 : and begin to let myself go
Guy9512 : I *** a little on your navel
Guy9512 : in order to warm u up
Guy9512 : and then I open up ur hot, juicy lips
Guy9512 : and stick my big, long...
Guy9512 : ...in your mouth
Guy9512 : and I let got a huge blast
Guy9512 : it sends chills down ur spine
Guy9512 : you swallow it
Guy9512 : and u realize that ur fever is gone
Guy9512 : after that
Guy9512 : we just kiss and cuddle in bed
Guy9512 : to the crack of dawn
Guy9512 : THE END

*Although I did get aroused, I didnt jerk off during this convo. I simply relayed her wildest fantasies to her, just to gain experience for college.;)*

This is when the convo ends. She stops answerin me back so I assume one of two things:

A) someone at her home made her leave the computer
B) She was on her bed with some kind of humongous orgasm.

Probably B. :cool:


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
well, that was interesting, ive always wondered how you would "cyber" with someone. haha

anyway, about the pattern though, I dont think its safe to say that it was your SS skills that got you cyber laid.

When a girl tells you she is wearing a Tshirt and panties, its pretty obvious what she wants ;)

It would be like introducing yourself to a girl and she says "Im not wearing any underwear... :)" Its pretty clear she wants to fvck you, and there isnt really any need to seduce her.

Mack Of All Trades

Master Don Juan
Dec 5, 2002
Reaction score
Originally posted by oreo_renegade
well, that was interesting, ive always wondered how you would "cyber" with someone. haha

anyway, about the pattern though, I dont think its safe to say that it was your SS skills that got you cyber laid.

When a girl tells you she is wearing a Tshirt and panties, its pretty obvious what she wants ;)

It would be like introducing yourself to a girl and she says "Im not wearing any underwear... :)" Its pretty clear she wants to fvck you, and there isnt really any need to seduce her.
Yea, I was curious about cyber as well.

And I think that SS may also not have been as big a factor as her hornyness, but it still was big. It forced her to verbalize her feeling for me, therefore reinforcing her feelings and making her more willing to be mine.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2002
Reaction score
ash nc US
of course :)