Committing to meet women


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2000
Reaction score
This is something I've experienced recently and wanted to sahre with everyone. I recently relocated from another city where I was dating a girl I liked quite a bit. Since I've been relocated, I haven't been attracting women as i had been. At first I thought the girls here were different than the ones I was used to encountering and I would have to change my game accordingly. During this time, I was still in conctact with the girl I was seeing before I moved.

Then I realized something, something that was extremely important as I've learned.

In my mind, I had not decided I was out to meet new girls. I was just there, doing myself no good, by not committing to meet them, and this was affecting my entire rapport with women.

It's been three days since I realized this and committed myself once more. Since that time, I've meet 5 girls worth spending my time on. (Of coutse I got their numbers!)

Suddenly, things have shifted to the way I like them. All I can attribute to it is being committed about meeting new women. This is a small concept, not something as powerful as maintaining confidence, but useful to me and hopefully helpful to anyone else who might be experiencing a similar situation.
