confidence building

  1. w4nhels1ng

    Fear of approaching women

    Hello guys, How did you overcome the fear of rejection? Do you have any tactics, techniques or exercises towards this confidence problem? It happens to me every time when I watch some kind of video about approaching women and I would get motivated, only the sky would be a limit. And when I...
  2. aforabi

    3 QUICK ways to combat your low self esteem...

    3 quick ways to combat your low self esteem Having a low self esteem will not only affect your game in the world of seduction and dating, but more likely affect other areas of your life. It can be a negative cycle. If you are not happy about life, then women won't wanna hang out with you, and...
  3. TheBalalaikaMan

    Any advice for a painfully average guy?

    Hey guys. It's me. The Balalaika Man. I'm new here and stuff. I'll try to avoid using the word 'I' too much, without writing out my whole life story too. But there are a few things about me that need to be said. Well first off, turned 18 about six months back. Studying mechanical engineering...
  4. T

    Need Some Advice from the Pros

    I recently got back into the dating game after a divorce. I've worked on myself and thought I had everything together until last night. I met a really cool chick on a dating site, and I'm talking 9-10. (Yeah I've been reading the RM and understand dating sites are a buffer that promote One-itis...
  5. resilient

    Killing the thirst

    Does anyone find that women look at them differently when they're not looking thirsty and pursue their own passions? There are so many needy AFCs out there that are constantly looking for women to fulfill a hole in themselves. "Omg! Fvck! I must have 3 steady plates, or I'm not making it in...