Shes not Ready for sex


Don Juan
Aug 29, 2010
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Ok my girlfriend of a 1 month and a half says shes not ready for sex but wants it she is a virgin btw. Mind you I'm the farthest shes ever been with a guy sexually even though she had a 7 month relationship with a guy and only got as far as handjobs an fingering. Now heres the thing we were completely naked at the time and was saying shes not ready for it and wants it saying she wants do it eventually saying like 2 weeks or some bs. This about the 2nd time shes done this and so I just stpped and ignored here she got mad. Although when I got her tell me she said "She wants to be totally in love and have the guy in with love her" Any advice on how to get rid of this LMR because I get her extremely horny but she was still pushing me off when I said yes?


Don Juan
Oct 18, 2010
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How to get rid of her?

Tell her the truth. Say that you don't feel that she trusts you enough to get intimate and that she will never be "ready" for sex with you because you are never going to change, so whatever she is experiencing with you now, is going to be the same in the future.

60% of the time, she'll put out soon after this speech. (at least with me it does)


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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I don't know man. I'm just answering you because I'm home on a saturday night and bored. I'll probably lose my V card tomorrow or something, so I can tell you more, haha.

She is ready for sex, that's clear from your post, but not with you.
So from what I've read, you should do something like making it natural. Don't make sex a big deal. I don't know how to explain it really. You gotta pump her emotions, and escalate.

Jack Wealthy

Master Don Juan
Nov 6, 2010
Reaction score
Don't be a fvcking ahole about it.
I read, "so I just stpped and ignored here she got mad" and m throat hurt. It just sucked that hard. Are you 12? If so, don't have sex, wait til 16.
If all you've done with her is fingering and handjobs, its a pretty big jump to sex. Ask her (when shes super horny for you) for a *******. Get her comfortable with that, wait it out a bit, then before sex rub your d*** on her p****. Its a good step on the way there.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 22, 2008
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youngdon said:
Ok my girlfriend of a 1 month and a half says shes not ready for sex but wants it she is a virgin btw. Mind you I'm the farthest shes ever been with a guy sexually even though she had a 7 month relationship with a guy and only got as far as handjobs an fingering. Now heres the thing we were completely naked at the time and was saying shes not ready for it and wants it saying she wants do it eventually saying like 2 weeks or some bs. This about the 2nd time shes done this and so I just stpped and ignored here she got mad. Although when I got her tell me she said "She wants to be totally in love and have the guy in with love her" Any advice on how to get rid of this LMR because I get her extremely horny but she was still pushing me off when I said yes?
Completely serious post coming up ... be advised that this advice is based on experience. Also, I have absolutely no problem lying to girls. I do what I want in order to get what I want. I guess I justify this with the whole "fake it till you make it" deal: if you're faking confidence you're lying, so why stop there if it works?

Bottom line: she's not emotionally attached to you, nor are you turning her on enough for her to give it up to you. Until she tells you that she loves you, you aren't getting it in.

This solution is actually what I did in your situation, and yes it worked. First, you need to have an extremely deep conversation about her; one she wouldn't have with just anyone. It can be about anything, but it has to be personal and emotional. Do this while cuddling one night; just talk, no hooking up. Don't give her the satisfaction or validation just yet.

Next you're going to open up to her a little bit. Be sincere, but protect yourself above all else. If you have to lie, do it. You have permission to give compliments and tell her how special she is if you're constantly ****y and funny. Think of it this way, if Brad Pitt started telling a girl how special she was, and that he only wanted to be with her etc., do you think she'd think he's an AFC and move on? NO. He has status; you have C+F. They both work.

This part comes down to how bad you want her virginity. You're going to have to hold back so hard. I know how much she turns you on, trust me, I've been there, but you have to hold back. Kissing is allowed, no french, no neck, no ears. Touching is allowed, no genitals. Do this for your next couple hangout sessions. Obviously if she stopped doing this kinda stuff, you'd wonder why. This is the feeling you're going to create in her.

The next part depends on how often you guys hang out. If you've been hooking up everyday and hanging out etc, this should be a week. If you hang out once a week, this should be a month. It just depends on how often you're alone together. Once this time period has passed where you're only doing what I've described above, it'll be time to step outside your comfort zone. By that I mean you're going to have a full on conversation with her while hooking up. It's called dirty talk. No I cannot tell you exactly what to say because it's all situational and your girl is different that mine. All girls like dominance at some point though, and I'm sure she will enjoy you telling her exactly what you plan on doing to her. When you finally get to her vag, stay outside her panties until she takes them off for you. Tell her how you're going to get her so wet she's going to ruin them. Tell her you aren't going to give her what she wants until she begs for it. Tell her how much you enjoy teasing her. It really is endless what you can talk about.

Eventually she will either stop you (you're doing it wrong) or take her panties off because she's absolutely turned on beyond belief (you're doing it right). At this point you can go inside, but give as little stimulation as possible; make her want something more, something bigger ;).

Here's the kicker ... Tell her exactly what you are going to do with your dik. Tell her how good it's going to feel inside her. Hold her arms down with yours and climb on top (dominate her).

WARNING: Stop doesn't always mean stop, but you obviously aren't going to want to rape her. Setup a safety word before hand so she can trust you.

Once on top, rub your manhood on her puddle of a vag (haha, she should be dripping by now). When you do actually go in, don't go in more than an inch. Tell her you don't think she can handle it. Don't give her the satisfaction of a full vag just yet. Hold back until she grabs your hips and pulls you in. When she does this, forcefully throw her arms back above her head, stare deep into her eyes, and slowly go all the way in. After that start nailing it and enjoy the show :cheer:

Hope that was helpful, let me know how it goes bro.


New Member
Nov 7, 2010
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I had this same problem with my ex-girlfriend, and it eventually fukked things up for us.

Wanna know the secret? You WANT IT TOO BAD! You're being desperate, and deep-down it's a turn-off for her. Try some push-pull with her(i.e. put your hand ALMOST on her vag, then pull it back and act like it didn't happen) and get her CRAVING you. If you rush through the foreplay and keep trying to get it wet, you'll end up turning her off. Hell, even get her to the point where she's begging for sex, and DON'T GIVE IT TO HER! Make her wait.

I'm no expert, nor have had I an abundance of lays, but after wasting several months of my life trying to work through something so tough, I figured I'd share. Hope it helps.


New Member
Nov 28, 2010
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theres always lots written about womens 'emotional needs' etc related to sex... but sometimes you actually need to just look at things from a practical level??

boring as it sounds, have you talked about contraception? she says she wants sex etc, and she probably isnt lying. but that little niggling doubt of 'will i get pregnant' may be holding her back.

yes you think its boring and girly etc- but have the convo with her. it may just be that she feels slightly paranoid that one think piece of latex isnt gonna work, and she just needs to go and sort out her pill...

then youre in! (pun intended)