3rd date with hb 10 on Monday (Picnic date) Its make or break time


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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I'm about to go on my 3rd date with this girl who I would consider a 10. The first two dates went o.k, the conversation was good, we had fun, but I didn't escalate sexually. I still havn't kissed her. I figured a picnic would give me the best opportunity to move this into the right direction.

Some background on me/my situation:

I have next to zero experience with women - I've never had a girlfriend, and only been on a few dates prior to this girl. I just recently started to gain confidence in myself, and was shocked when this girl began showing interest in me. I was able to man up enough to ask for her #, and we've hit it off really well, talking almost every day on the phone. She's very proper, which is why I don't feel AS bad that I havn't moved things faster than I have. On the last date after we watched a movie at the theatre, I put my arm around her as we walked to her car, that was the closest thing we have shared thus far. It felt kinda awkward to me, cause I hadn't kino escalated with her up till that point. I don't know if it felt awkward to her, but it probably did.

I know I ****ed up by not kino'ing her more, but its hard to go from no contact with woman period, for years, to contact with your ideal woman. I need some major help here guys!

I need to make this a unique, fun, bust most importantly, sexual date. Now I'm not saying I have to make-out with her (I havn't even kissed a girl in years) I just need to step up the kino, big time. And I must get a kiss-close this time. I need any and all advice for a great picnic date. Should I use a blanket, or go for a more modest private park table? I know what to pack as far as food, but anything else I should bring? I don't think a vase with flowers is my style at all, but should I bring one anyway?

The biggest thing I need to do is kino her, well. If I can do that, then I will have the confidence to go for the kiss at the end of the night. I know your going to say don't wait till the end of the night, and if I have an opportunity at any point, I will try to capitalize on it.

If you guys can offer me anything, I mean anything, I am forever grateful (haha cheesy I know). Any picnic date advice, any kiss-close advice, any kino advice, is sooooo important to me right now. I just need to be smooth this time, and romantic, from the start. This is my last chance, this is make or break time.


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Sep 26, 2010
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WhatchaOnaDo said:
I'm about to go on my 3rd date with this girl who I would consider a 10. The first two dates went o.k, the conversation was good, we had fun, but I didn't escalate sexually. I still havn't kissed her. I figured a picnic would give me the best opportunity to move this into the right direction.

Some background on me/my situation:

I have next to zero experience with women - I've never had a girlfriend, and only been on a few dates prior to this girl. I just recently started to gain confidence in myself, and was shocked when this girl began showing interest in me. I was able to man up enough to ask for her #, and we've hit it off really well, talking almost every day on the phone. She's very proper, which is why I don't feel AS bad that I havn't moved things faster than I have. On the last date after we watched a movie at the theatre, I put my arm around her as we walked to her car, that was the closest thing we have shared thus far. It felt kinda awkward to me, cause I hadn't kino escalated with her up till that point. I don't know if it felt awkward to her, but it probably did.

I know I ****ed up by not kino'ing her more, but its hard to go from no contact with woman period, for years, to contact with your ideal woman. I need some major help here guys!

I need to make this a unique, fun, bust most importantly, sexual date. Now I'm not saying I have to make-out with her (I havn't even kissed a girl in years) I just need to step up the kino, big time. And I must get a kiss-close this time. I need any and all advice for a great picnic date. Should I use a blanket, or go for a more modest private park table? I know what to pack as far as food, but anything else I should bring? I don't think a vase with flowers is my style at all, but should I bring one anyway?

The biggest thing I need to do is kino her, well. If I can do that, then I will have the confidence to go for the kiss at the end of the night. I know your going to say don't wait till the end of the night, and if I have an opportunity at any point, I will try to capitalize on it.

If you guys can offer me anything, I mean anything, I am forever grateful (haha cheesy I know). Any picnic date advice, any kiss-close advice, any kino advice, is sooooo important to me right now. I just need to be smooth this time, and romantic, from the start. This is my last chance, this is make or break time.
I'd go for the blanket on the grass, it'll give you more opportunity to be close to her and escalate kino and kiss her. Pack a bottle of wine, a glass will make you both a bit more relaxed, don't get smashed though!


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
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I agree. Have two glasses of wine (give or take a little bit depending on your tolerance). This will make you relaxed and less reserved, but you won't be acting stupid or brash.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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JLW said:
I agree. Have two glasses of wine (give or take a little bit depending on your tolerance). This will make you relaxed and less reserved, but you won't be acting stupid or brash.
Neither the girl nor the OP drink. I already suggested a cool lounge for the first date but that was nixed due to the lack of adult beverages consumed by the two peeps here.

I'm sorry but this picnic date has disaster written all over it. Picnics are for families, friends, or gay people. She isn't your family, neither are gay, so guess where this date is going to leave you when its done? FRIENDS.

You two are going to be there, you're going to feel weirded out sitting with someone on a blanket on the grass staring at each other thinking how uncomfortable this is. I've never been on a picnic date, and I don't plan to start anytime soon. It's just so....feminine. You've already been on a what, mini golf and a movie date?? Time to take it up a few notches sexually, and instead you might as well take her to McDonalds Kiddie land for a happy meal and a ride down the mini slide.

STOP this date right now. And man the F up. And for the love of all that is manly at least break down and be able to have a beer or a glass of wine. Not saying you get loaded, but having an adult beverage with your date is a GREAT way to loosen things up and get the party started.

You are headed for the friends zone here my friend, and you will not pass go.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 3, 2006
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First things first: realize this girl is ACTING proper because you are not escalating . In reality if you really made her wet she would be about as proper as a three dollar bill.

If anything is going to ruin your chances, it is thinking she is some asexual proper thing and not understanding her true nature and desire to be conquered.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I have next to zero experience with women - I've never had a girlfriend, and only been on a few dates prior to this girl
You have zero experience with women but you are dating a HB10. Talk about starting at the top, lol. Seriously, I don't believe in tens, but I digress.

I think that due to your lack of experience you are almost certain to mess this up (if you haven't already). So you may as well just relax and enjoy yourself and look at it as a learning experience. The only way this may all work out somehow is if she has practically no experience either. If she's really a "HB10" that seems unlikely. But you guys sound young, so you never know.

I get a kick out of cordoncordon nixing all the dating ideas and trying to force alcohol into the situation. If they want to go on a picnic, let them. And if they don't want to drink, so what? Even an alcoholic has to crawl out of the bottle once in a while.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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zekko said:
I get a kick out of cordoncordon nixing all the dating ideas and trying to force alcohol into the situation. If they want to go on a picnic, let them. And if they don't want to drink, so what? Even an alcoholic has to crawl out of the bottle once in a while.
I'm not saying he has to drink with this girl...though that would be ok. I am saying that in the future, as he gets older, if he stays on this path of absolutely no drinking-not even a beer or a glass of wine, he will be GREATLY damaging his ability to meet, attract, and get with women. I'm not saying he needs to get trashed 3 nights a week, but a drink or two at a bar, a lounge, or with dinner somewhere would be a good thing.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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I'm not saying he has to drink with this girl...though that would be ok. I am saying that in the future, as he gets older, if he stays on this path of absolutely no drinking-not even a beer or a glass of wine, he will be GREATLY damaging his ability to meet, attract, and get with women. I'm not saying he needs to get trashed 3 nights a week, but a drink or two at a bar, a lounge, or with dinner somewhere would be a good thing.
Yeah, I hear what you're saying. I don't drink much at all anymore, don't really feel the urge. But life should be experienced, a guy should go out and at least check out what that scene is like. And if you're looking for sex, nothing puts women in the mood faster than alcohol.

A picnic could be nice though, if they're comfortable with each other. Which it sounds like they're not. If they were, the OP wouldn't be asking for advice before each date.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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zekko said:
Yeah, I hear what you're saying. I don't drink much at all anymore, don't really feel the urge. But life should be experienced, a guy should go out and at least check out what that scene is like. And if you're looking for sex, nothing puts women in the mood faster than alcohol.

A picnic could be nice though, if they're comfortable with each other. Which it sounds like they're not. If they were, the OP wouldn't be asking for advice before each date.
Agree. If I was to lets say go on a picnic with my gf of a year and a half, (I wouldn't but lets say I did), then we would be perfectly fine with that and comfortable in that kind of situation. But to put two people together where already it seems as if there is some uncomfortableness, and I won't say tension but at the very least they are having issues getting to that stage where they don't feel as if they need to force things (probably because they haven't been sexual yet), and where it is going to be JUST THEM-two inexperienced daters, sitting on a blanket in some field somewhere, staring at each other with no other distractions or activities like bowling or mini golf, OR having drinks in a bar situation? This just has disaster written all over it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
zekko said:
Yeah, I hear what you're saying. I don't drink much at all anymore, don't really feel the urge. But life should be experienced, a guy should go out and at least check out what that scene is like. And if you're looking for sex, nothing puts women in the mood faster than alcohol.

A picnic could be nice though, if they're comfortable with each other. Which it sounds like they're not. If they were, the OP wouldn't be asking for advice before each date.
I agree with Zekko, picnic dates are nice, I remember this chick I took to one two months ago, she loved it because of how "original" it was, I see were CC is coming from with the lounge/drink idea, that's usually my standard MO, but women are tired of the whole drink/dinner/move spiel, that a picnic is a breath of fresh air for some.

Personally speaking the OP is way over his head, the fact that he is making this thread shows that he has put the girl on a "pedestal" and with this mindset already is defeated. OP your putting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much pressure on yourself, just go out have fun, flirt and be sexual (by sexual I mean sexual innuendo) the fact that you making this thread is not a good sign. FUCCING kiss her already

p.s. Since she is a "10" you don't mind posting her pic here do ya? I'm curious to know if she is really that hot



Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Solomon said:
I agree with Zekko, picnic dates are nice, I remember this chick I took to one two months ago, she loved it because of how "original" it was, I see were CC is coming from with the lounge/drink idea, that's usually my standard MO, but women are tired of the whole drink/dinner/move spiel, that a picnic is a breath of fresh air for some.
Thats great for two people who are comfortable with each other and fvcking.

Solomon said:
Personally speaking the OP is way over his head, the fact that he is making this thread shows that he has put the girl on a "pedestal" and with this mindset already is defeated. OP your putting waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to much pressure on yourself, just go out have fun, flirt and be sexual (by sexual I mean sexual innuendo) the fact that you making this thread is not a good sign. FUCCING kiss her already
Well that's my point. You have two inexperienced daters going on a picnic? Where you have to just focus on each other, with NOTHING else to take away the pressure of saying something witty and being entertaining? And add in that there will be no alcohol to take that edge off?

Hmmmmmmmmm :eek:


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
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Inside her mind
cordoncordon said:
Thats great for two people who are comfortable with each other and fvcking.

Well that's my point. You have two inexperienced daters going on a picnic? Where you have to just focus on each other, with NOTHING else to take away the pressure of saying something witty and being entertaining? And add in that there will be no alcohol to take that edge off?

Hmmmmmmmmm :eek:
CC you must think that I'm an amateur you don't think sir, that i had wine at the picnic?

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

I don't think the OP is of drinking age, maybe he is, if he is I recommend some "Zinfandel" can't go wrong with that.

p.s. But I do agree that a picnic date should be done if there is more comfort, even though the it was the chicks first date, I knew I could bang her just because I put in work with my phone game. That was my first picnic date in 4 years. The one previous to that was a girl I was FWB's with. The best date IMO for the OP would be an activity date like bowling or Dave and Busters. Those dates are still cheap and you are doing something fun. Bowling IMO is underrated as a date.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Solomon said:
CC you must think that I'm an amateur you don't think sir, that i had wine at the picnic?

:crackup: :crackup: :crackup:

I don't think the OP is of drinking age, maybe he is, if he is I recommend some "Zinfandel" can't go wrong with that.

p.s. But I do agree that a picnic date should be done if there is more comfort, even though the it was the chicks first date, I knew I could bang her just because I put in work with my phone game. That was my first picnic date in 4 years. The one previous to that was a girl I was FWB's with. The best date IMO for the OP would be an activity date like bowling or Dave and Busters. Those dates are still cheap and you are doing something fun. Bowling IMO is underrated as a date.
No no Sol, I know you have game. I respect your posts on here.

The Op is of drinking age, I guess its a personal choice of his. I can respect that, but he is just going to run into problems in today's day and age because of it.


Don Juan
Jun 28, 2009
Reaction score
Man, alcohol is the key. I hooked up with two of the hottest girls at a party in one night, and it's all because I was hammered. Granted this site has improved me so much I can't give enough thanks.

Even if you can't drink, bring her somewhere where you guys can dance real raunchy...so easy to hook up. (Can't do that sober either...just weird).


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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Alcohol, (not abuse but casual drinking) can do wonders. For example. Last night me and my gf head to Hollywood to Katsuya for some sushi and drinks to start, then onto Boulavard3 dance club. (that was where the fight scene between Vince and Eminem took place in the finale this year) We get there around 10:30, and everyone is kind of standing around, in their own little clicks. Everyone just starting to get a nice little buzz going. Every minute that went by though, as more and more alcohol was consumed, you could just see everyone start to loosen up and the sexual vibe in the place was on full out blast. By midnight or so it felt like a full out sex fest in a dance club, with everyone dancing and having a great time. That just WOULD not happen without alcohol. No one was fighting, no one was being an ass, people were just having a good time. Its all about control. But there is no doubt that having at least a few drinks can put everyone at ease and on the path to having a great night/date.


Don Juan
Jan 12, 2009
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I've gotten to know this girl pretty well guys, we just havn't been physical yet. I've been talking to her for almost 3 weeks, its not like a first date, not at all. We're not gonna be sitting on a blanket the entire date, we'l be walking around, which should offer some kino opportunity. I think this date will give me a chance to show her that I remembered certain things about her, like the food she likes (I read chicks love that) and I think she might appreciate this kind of date. I also have already been on an action date (bowling) and a movie date (her idea, I offered mini golf) and I feel like if I don't put myself in a vulnerable, 1 0n 1 situation, then I will not be given the chance to succeed. I know my chances of success for this type of date are slim, but my chances of success with this girl if I pass on this type of date, I feel, are zero.

The girl doesn't drink. Like I said she's not your typical girl. I would have no problem having a few drinks at a bar on a date, just not with her, when I have already told her I don't drink.

I'm not putting her on a pedestal, yeah it will suck if I lose her, but Ive already looked at this whole situation as a MAJOR plus. Matter of fact I had an hb 8 text me last night, while I was texting the hb 10) I now know I can attract good looking women, and keep them around. I know I can be relaxed, and conversate with women. I just need to get over the hump, and get comftorable with the physical stuff.

Keep the advice flowing fellas, this $hit is going down in a little over 24 hours.


Dec 17, 2009
Reaction score
Listen to me very carefully. You know who goes on picnics? Homosexual men who met this past weekend. Husbands and wives. Why would you take her to something boring like that? Take her out to coffee or something. Picnics, lunch, formal dinners, these are what COUPLES do. Take her somewhere fun and with other people around so she doesn't feel like she's already in a relationship. ALCOHOL EQUALS SEX, FOOD EQUALS SLEEP ON A WOMAN.