When should I ask this chick to be my gf?

Aug 25, 2005
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San Diego
So I've hung out with this chick like 6 times. On Saturday we hooked up and were going to have sex but I couldn't get it up because I was drunk. Then we hung out yesterday and I was going to **** her but she decided she didn't want to anymore and wanted to wait. I got a little irritated and I was like "why not you wanted to saturday?" shes like "I was buzzed"(she was pretty much sober). So I kind of let my guard down and showed that I was irritated. Didn't get to pissed off though but at one point shes like "are you mad?". Then we continued to hook up. So how would you guys handle this? You think I showed too much emotion? How long should I wait around until we have sex(shes no virgin)?

What can you do other than have sex? Fingering her gets a little old although I like her *****.

We have good chemistry and have a good time every time we hang out so how long should I wait to ask her to be my gf? I know the rule is wait until you have sex but this would be my first gf so I don't really know how to handle it. Any suggestions bros?


Master Don Juan
Aug 15, 2004
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You're serious? You're going to ASK her to be your girlfriend? You're going to do this so you'll be able to get SEX?

See...that's the wrong thing to do.

You seem young. That's good. You should not be in any rush to make any girl your girlfriend.

Either way, if you start supplicating with requests of companionship to her, then she will make the likelihood of having sex with her even lower than it seems now.

Instead, have the attitude that you are ok with losing her if she doesnt' give you what you want, but don't become confrontational. Here's how you do that: Just drop off the radar for the week. She'll contact you on the weekend, I'm sure. The week-long time apart will be sure to make her seize the moment, so to speak.

And if it doesn't work, go get someone else. Fickle, pretty women are as common as pennies, but far less valuable.


Master Don Juan
Jul 14, 2008
Reaction score
dont ask.ever.

if she asks.
tell her you havent had a chance to see her full potential yet to know if she's good nuf.
if she walks..sweeet!let her go
but chances are she'll hang around n bang you to prove.


Master Don Juan
Mar 17, 2005
Reaction score
you never ask a chick to be your gf. it puts her in a position to reject you and subconciously she will see it as a sign of weakness on your part. don't ever ask.

Kevin Feng

Senior Don Juan
Oct 6, 2008
Reaction score
I think you've got the wrong mindset at this point. You shouldn't have to ASK a girl to be a girlfriend. I guess this question is something more relationship oriented. In anycase, if you REALLY want this girl to be your girlfriend, it should naturally reach that phase.

Although it is cool to have a label for a girl, in reality, a relationship is more than that. You should really "feel" that you're in a relationship, just having the label alone is meaningless. I'd wait at least another 4 months, and if you're still seeing her, then I think it would be appropriate to do so.

Just from reading this post, it sound like you just really want sex from this girl. If that's the case, don't fret it, you don't need to date her to get that from her. Just play it cool. Remember, neediness and being reactive are your true enemies. If you show her that you don't care, she'll reward you for it. So when that next time comes up and you guys are buzzed and fooling around, you'll be able to get your cookies.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 2, 2009
Reaction score
FYI it's not called "hooking up" unless you're having sex.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score
Like everybody else said, you have that **** backwards.

YOU don't ask her to be your girlfriend.
SHE asks you if you will be her boyfriend/say she wants a relationship

YOU already went through all the trouble of showing interest and asking to go do something with this girl. You finger her to the point where you are almost tired of it. C'mon man, that would be like some chick just giving you handjobs all the time.

If not at this point, then pretty damn soon I would expecting sex out of this girl. One month, to me, is an acceptable wait for the tang depending on the calibre of the girl and her morals. But for a girl who is "no virgin" as you put it, any longer than a month and she is holding out on you for the sake of some strange female test.

DO NOT ASK HER OUT. Give it another two or three weeks, and if she hasn't surrendered the vag yet, tell her to kick rocks. One way to expedite the vag capturing process is to stop giving her physical pleasure -- quit fingering her. Don't eat her *****, don't do anything. That is, unless she does something for you first - handjob, *******, whatever. In a sense, you are training her that you give a **** less about her needs unless she is willing to fulfill yours.

Anyway, if and when you do get in the tang, you still don't ask her out. Just keep getting the tang from her. She will do one of three things:

1.) Stop seeing you (generally not a problem unless you are on some AFC business)

2.) Ask YOU to be her boyfriend

3.) Continue giving you the vag without expecting any sort of commitment or special treatment. This scenario is ideal. It means come birthday, Christmas, anniversary or lack thereof you don't owe her ****. On the other hand, she feels like she owes you ***** just to keep you around. If you play your cards right, you can have her doing things for YOU. Like buying you food, cigarettes, driving you around, giving you money, ect.

Get on your job, pimpin!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 30, 2008
Reaction score
Never ask a girl to be your girlfriend.

If you like her that much (and you can only find out if you've had sex with her), then keep seeing her and eventually, if she wants it, the question will arise.


Master Don Juan
Jun 23, 2008
Reaction score
Let her ask you. Funny enough the BEST way to get a girl to ask you to be in a relationship is by letting her know that you ARE NOT looking for a relationship.


Don Juan
Apr 3, 2008
Reaction score
Pretty much agree with everyone on this one, you should NEVER ask the girl to be your girlfriend and as shes witholding sex youre doing something wrong here!

You havent given enough info here but you need to hang back, be totally nonchalent, tease and act as if youre not fussed about sex. ASKING HER to be your gf will NOT get you more sex, trust me (and everyone else on here)