This odd feeling...I want girls I don't want...


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
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Do you sometimes want to hang out with a hot hot girl to prove yourself than you can get her even though you feel no chemistry to her?

Like...its about your own personal ego and its like you're trying to get her but you don't really WANT her?

And in the end you fail, and it brings you down because you couldn't get her...and it hurts your ego.

And sometimes you want to be her friend, but you're afraid to because you think it somehow LOWERS you and makes you feel that a girl THAT hot doesn't want you and you can't her?

On the other hand you may find a NOT that attractive girl (but not ugly) and you feel really sexual with her!

I get this sometimes...and I keep trying to be on more than friends terms with girls I don't really WANT even though I think they're REAL HOT and gorgeous!


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Hmm I agree with parts of this. I do find myself wanting to get with certain girls even though I'm not really attracted to them for the sole purpose of stroking my ego and making kind of a status symbol of myself. I find it's easier to get with girls like this because I'm indifferent whether I fail or not because I never really was that interested anyway, but more often then not I have the tools for sucess at my disposal so that case is rare. I never have hot girls just hanging around me anymore. I use to be all for the hot wingwoman who I can take to the bar or the club as "social proof" but I'm completely over this now and don't need that weapon on my side as I create my own social proof and having hot girls riding my coat tails deters the others via indimidation these days.

I also find strong conntections with girls that others may not deem to be the hottest girl in the world but they look good to me for one reason or another and I'll commit some time towards getting with these girls and sometimes trip up because my emotions are involved. I'm nervous so I'm more prone to error and not having my game running at one hundred percent. That killer instinct is kinda in the back seat becuase I'm scared of over pursuing.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
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This is so weird... I only had that feeling like 2 or 3 times in my life though.
That feeling where you want to hold a girl and you want to make out with her...I haven't had that feeling for over 2 years.

Other girls I kiss - I don't feel anything...I don't enjoy brings nothing in me at all. WHY? I'm not gay, I know that...I had right feelings to those few girls before, but not anymore...its all about social proofing...

Or maybe its because I am really stressed out? Or maybe due to watching porn? Maybe stupid computer that I often use gives me stress (like constant work, music, watching movies, organizing it...)

I don't know, I feel really cold and frigid towards everyone and they feel it and show the same.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
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I don't know if I've had the exact feeling you guys are talking about but right now I am seriously attracted to a girl whose attractive qualities I can't quantify in a flattering way. In short, She's about average weight, quite short, average face, slightly pugdy yet I have a strange desire to drill her hard...anyone else have this?

Buck Rogers

Don Juan
Jun 8, 2006
Reaction score
Absolutley, initially i thought thats what this site was about, is that wrong?

I used to do this all the time, just for kicks, or maybe even to piss other guys off. There doesnt have to be an attraction there to bang a chick, but sometimes there is an attraction to random girls who are not even that hot. and the fact that you dont really care; may be the reason why it works.

But i went through a phase where i may be making out with a series of hott chicks, but there was nothing there, because YOU KNOW YOU CAN.

Whats happend now though, is there is no attraction for anyone, latley no chicks 'got it' im a hell of a lot more choosy, and its starting to suck.


Master Don Juan
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
Buck Rogers said:
Absolutley, initially i thought thats what this site was about, is that wrong?

I used to do this all the time, just for kicks, or maybe even to piss other guys off. There doesnt have to be an attraction there to bang a chick, but sometimes there is an attraction to random girls who are not even that hot. and the fact that you dont really care; may be the reason why it works.

But i went through a phase where i may be making out with a series of hott chicks, but there was nothing there, because YOU KNOW YOU CAN.

Whats happend now though, is there is no attraction for anyone, latley no chicks 'got it' im a hell of a lot more choosy, and its starting to suck.

Uh huh...and once you get that really hot girl you always wanted to f*ck and realize that you can get ANY hot girl - this whole thing becomes so boring and pointless.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
Wow I agree

There's this girl in my Visual Communications class.

she's this kinda short asian girl and I really can't explain why I find her attractive. But I do.

But there's nothing particularly attractive about her. It's weird. But I see where you guys are coming from


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
Reaction score
^ ^ It's the Azn sensation ;)

Nah, but I know what ur talking about, last night I was around my girls friend and she's not ugly, but she's no supermodel either. I'd say above average, but no tits, no ass, just a hella crazy face, style and that seexxx appeal... I have a feeling if I could have fvcked her, i'd have busted her coochie loose for sure

I dunno wat it is about these girls but damn



Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Everyone has their own taste in women.

Plus sometimes certain girls are so hyped up that getting with them can only be a realize women can't complete you. It's kinda like beating a video's a tremendous accomplishment for like 10 seconds after you finish, then you realize it's just a game.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 19, 2005
Reaction score
Yea I have a weird thing for asian girls, I can't explain why.

I asked her to hang out and she's been showing some MAJOR ioi's so i'm probably gonna go for it. But it's tough to set up a date and we live kinda far away from eachother. So we'll see.

It's definitely weird though. I wouldn't consider her hot or anything, but I still just want to go for it for reasons that I cannot explain. I am strangely attracted to her.

Apparently, judging by the way everyone is responding, this is pretty normal though.

Sean O

Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
It's just a phase, Babnik. As you become more confident in your ability to get girls, you'll stop spending time on ones that you don't really want.