~Grabbing Life By The Horns~

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Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
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Here we go, It's my turn to give 110% for the next 8 weeks!

Start Date: Sunday, August 27, 2006
End Date: Tuesday, October 31, 2006

(this brick hit my head at a party on Sunday night, when I was talking to a hb9.5 at a party and was doing well(somehow? improved game perhaps), and her c0ckblock wing[i can only assume] comes up, takes her afew feet back from me and whispers LOUDLY to her in a semi-urgent voice: "DON'T hook up with him, he's NOT that hot!".
While I know she's just a superficial waste-of-time, it was a solid shot to my ego.

Sunday night I finally decided that although I've been working on myself, I still have flaws-as far as my appearance goes, and the way I carry myself and 'sell' myself- and have wasted much time NOT improving. It's time to face the facts!

My flaws:

1. I procrastinate WAY too much! (very self destructive for me)
2. I am not as confident as I want to be around girls
3. I still eat some junk food
4. I'm not as in shape as I'd like to be
5. My appearance needs an overhaul(clothes, style)
6. My body language is NOT that of a confident winner...yet...
There are more but I'm convinced that they will mend themselves once I tackle these ones.

My solutions to the flaws:

1. I will keep a weekly(daily is too hectic and inefficient) planner of everything I need to accomplish and GET THEM DONE ON TIME! That weekly planner will be kept on this thread and updated EVERY sunday night for 2 months. I'm convinced that a weekly planner in a public place will do the trick!Will post a full update of my situation/FRs EVERY sunday night, for 8 weeks ATLEAST.

2. I will socialize with 7 unfamiliar girls each week and attempt to have a relationship with ALL of them. Also, I will re-establish contact with some past friends and get to know them again. I'm already a social person, I just realize there is always room for improvement, and that I WANT to be better around girls. I don't believe in bootcamps, and WILL NOT go out of my way to look for HBs to talk to, but I will socialize with any I meet along my journey to success. Will post FRs for all approaches.

3. My eating habits have improved, but NOT enough. I will post a diet routine on here starting Sunday the 27th of August. This should be my easiest obstacle, because I don't really feel a desire for junk food anyways, I just eat it in social settings(too often). Friday and Saturday nights will be optional exceptions to the healthy eating regiment!

4. Although I am considered 'in shape' by my peers, I still have that layer of fat covering my muscle. This is among the top of my priorities and WILL be resolved within 8 weeks. I have a workout routine, but have been slacking lately, time to buckle down! Time to look good with my shirt off!!Will post body stats on Sunday and update them every week thereafter.

5. My wardrobe is tacky, ill-conceived and does NOT represent me as a person. It does NOT feel good wearing alot of the clothes I have. I will put in some thought for what I FEEL GOOD wearing and go on a shopping spree to get these clothes and feel awesome! I also want some style, which is lacking right now. This will be worked on before my start date, and I will observe the changes as the weeks fly by! Will post all of my clothing/style changes.

6. This will be a tough one. Working on body language by myself will take constant attention and focus, in EVERYTHING I do. I know my body language now, and I can FEEL it not helping me dominate social settings. This week I'm taking some very good steps to acquire solid body language; I'm in the process of getting a job in public sales(essentially a salesman) where my job is to meet new people each week and sell our product to them(knives). This will be very good practice at conveying a positive body language and will help me also in being confident around people. It gives me a chance to build my acquaintances as well. The best part is, I get paid just for getting appointments. This is amazing incentive to meet new people.Will post anything interesting every Sunday.

This starts on Sunday the 27th of August and will go for 8 weeks AT LEAST, or until I feel I should focus on other things. The start date is a week away so I have time to implement all the routine changes that it will take to SUCCEED. On sunday I'll post my goals for the week, and every following sunday will post my FRs for you guys to comment and help me out with :)

I will keep a journal of ALL my approaches, and post detailed(if possible) field reports on here, to track my progress.

I can't ****ing wait for this to start!!:woo:

P.S. ALL comments are welcome, criticize to your hearts content and post input, input, input!! Thats why it's on a public board and NOT on a scrap of paper somewhere.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 3, 2005
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Grovetown, GA, USA
sounds like fun, i think i'll join you, i need to lose some weight (freshman 15), change my clothing style, cause right now most of my stuff makes me look like a bum, and body laguage always has room for improvment


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2005
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congrats on accepting your flaws and doing something about them. Take baby steps and dont expect an overnight change. Establish healthy habits that will last you a lifetime. This takes patience, dont lose it along the way if things dont go exactly as planned.


Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Very Good! :cheer:

If you plan on working on your body language make sure you work on your posture!
Posture is very important for your perception of self and others’ perception of you.


Master Don Juan
Jul 30, 2006
Reaction score
Took awhile to dig this thread up. been almost a week.

Okay guys, I have alot of routines and stuff in place that i tested last week. This week should be a fairly good indicator of how everything will go.

Last week I posted a list of 6 things that I want to DRASTICALLY improve over an 8 week period. These are things that have been sitting in the back of my head as a perpetual To-Do list that I could never figure out how to accomplish, or was afriad to start for fear of failure. But i'm 'biting the bullet' and am not thinking about failing or giving up. this in itself is a pretty big thing for me as I lack motivation to do many things.

Last week went well, and I got alot stuff accomplished in prepping for this!
Here's a copy of the list of things I'm improving upon. Ill respond to each and every one of them in my threads every week to make sure I'm actually DOING what I set out to do.

K here goes!
Originally posted by Quiksilver
1. I procrastinate WAY too much! (very self destructive for me)
2. I am not as confident as I want to be around girls
3. I still eat some junk food
4. I'm not as in shape as I'd like to be
5. My appearance needs an overhaul(clothes, style)
6. My body language is NOT that of a confident winner...yet...
This week:

1. Last week I set out to begin changing myself, and decided that it wasn't going to happen if I didnt take action IMMEDIATELY!! Always, when I set up a routine or plan to do something on a continual basis, it would get brushed aside and not given enough respect. Well, I'm trying to give this 8 week program some respect. To overcome procrastination last week, I spent several hours(yes thats right it took a bloody LONG ass time setting this stuff up. But I had the drive to do it because its WHAT I WANT, and I did it:D Hopefully the next several weeks ill be able to keep on track and stay ontop of everything I said I'd do.

2. The last several days has been an EXCELLENT learning experience for building confidence around the ladies. THere were 4 house parties in 6 days, with a 60:40 ratio of girls to guys! Awhile ago, I used to be intimidated by all the girls at parties(probably because of how they dressed and their cool/calm composure), but since I started taking SoSuave advice and applying it to my life, I've started to have an attitude change and core beliefs were drastically altered. Since then I've been acting/gettingbetter at acting ****y and humourous around girls and treating them as equals and as humans. At the first party on tuesday I played my usual game of showing up late, breaking the ice with every group in the party(usually upwards of 50 people) by cracking a joke or neg hitting(i think this builds up a sense of mystery and "who is this guy" among people when you act ****y) before getting the beer out and finding a place to settle down. I got approached like 5 times while in a convo with some friends, i guess they sensed my good attitude and liked my ****y/relaxed behavior :). The first one was prolly a HB7, she came up and said some b.s. like "you look familiar, where'v i seen u before??" i thought she was pretty cute so i took control of the convo and brushed her intro off by saying something like "Hi, im ----, whats yours??" as soon as she finished saying her name i stood up, put my arm around her and sat down again with her beside me and said "now where do i remember you from??" lol this was bs because i knew we'd never met before. the convo went on for abit, but i became disinterested. she seemed pretty vacant as far as personality went so i told her i was gettin another beer and went somewhere else.(she was giving me mad IOIs for the rest of the party.
The next few parties went pretty similar, except 2 of them i ended up making out with some random chick on the sofa, and the other was another make-out with my hands up her shirt on a lawn chair out back :) Before the lawn-chair thing i also set up a date with a girl i used to like, for sunday(yesterday). Luckily she left earlier, eh!!
There was also another house party saturday night. This one was at my place though!! my sister had a party with all her friends from university. This one went well, and me and one of her friends hit it off pretty well. Thing is, she had a boyfriend there too. He was kind of a weiner and it wasn't hard to charm her out of her "im taken" mode. Fyi, before i explain, she is 21 and im 18. Anyways..When i meet her, she isn't with her bf. There's like 6 of us in a circle talking, and for some reason they're talking about sleeping. She brings up that she snores, and i take the opportunity to give an SOI "Haha really? a girl who snores eh? thats sexy..."I said that in a pretty relaxed and 'vibing voice'" and she made made alot of eye contact after that. I extracted from the convo and went to talk to some other girl friends i had there.
I didn't think anything was gonna come of it, i was just leaving the door open for her to give some IOIs so I could move in. Anyways, I'm sitting in a patio chair with acouple buddies of mine and lone behold, someone comes up behind me and starts giving me a massage. I don't turn around and play it cool, I say something like "mm you're good", and she said some b.s. about thinking I was somebody else. She keeps going tho, after abit i say " ok your turn" she sits down and i start giving her a massage, she also lets me take her hair pins out for her and i mess with her hair for abit :) i sit down in another chair, and she goes to talk to her boyfriend who was in the pool before. he goes to our sauna, and i thought she was just going to sit down in the chair and talk to me again. But instead, she freakin sits on my lap! she put her arm around me and we start talking. We got a minute or 2 of making-out in and then i ask for her number. She gave it to me EASY, damn that was an easy job, even with the boyfriend there. I had an advantage though, since it was basically my party.

The date on sunday went well with us taking my boat out and waterskiing for abit before coming back and getting some food. I got alot of kino in, and she digs me, so it didnt really matter what i said, I made sure to act C&F and stay inside her 'bubble', closed with a hug and a looong kiss. Ill try to seal the deal with her by next week, but im playin it cool and not forcing things along. I think I met/socialized with 10+ strange girls that week, which was a running start!
Sh1t that was alot for #2!!!!! :D

3. This one was the hardest, believe it or not for last week. With all the house parties and social activity, It was hard not to drink a coke every now and then and eat pizza/hotdogs. I'll have to use alot of self-discipline for this one. I took some AMAZING advice from another thread on here, and have given myself 3 coupons a week, of which i can use one for each time i have **** food. This one isn't too difficult, it just requires buckling down and taking myself seriously!

4. Aight folks! I got my body measurements and stuff on saturday. I'll get measurements every 1 or 2 weeks, to keep them posted here so i can stay on track!
Weight: 160lbs
BF%: 16%
My workout routine:
Monday - Chest, Biceps, Back
Wednesday - Squats, Triceps, Abs
Friday - Deadlift, Shoulders, Forearms
At the same time, I have a cardio routine(HIIT):
Monday - 3x4 sprints for 1 minute.
Tuesday - same
Wednesday - same
Thurs - Same
Fri - Same
Sat - 3x6 sprints for 1 min
Sun - 3x6 sprints for 1 min

This shouldnt be too hard to keep ontop of because I've been doing it for about a month now :) It takes alot of dicipline to go out and do sprints though, because as your going out you know that in 15 minutes you'll feel like killing yourself. It's intense!

5. My wardrobe is STILL tacky, but I DID figure out exactly what I need to buy and where to buy it from. I'll post what it all is when I get it. I'm getting out to the shops on thursday to buy this stuff at the latest, so I'll have it all for next week's report!

6. I GOT THE FKING JOB! I applied for the salesman job and got it!! He called on Friday and told me. It's pretty sweet job where I can meet tonnes of new peeps and make some serious cash. It'll be the best learning experience as far as dealing with people, that ill ever have had. I'm pretty excited to get to the training seminar, its tomorrow :) hopefully for the first couple sales ill be paired with a good lookin babe. I didn't really work on body language yet but I've been reading about how to project myself more and make people "see" me. I've been applying it to all my social interactions and with luck ill see some results in time!

Plans for the week:

1. Go clothes shopping

2. Have to call afew people regarding personal business.

3. Party on Tuesday, chance to practice flirting. nothing more because i want to see where this relationship goes with the girl i asked out.
4. Keep track of all approaches in a journal to post FRs here next sunday!

6. Get some things ready for school.

7. Clean my room :p

What I learned/improved on last week:
1. If you want something, ask for it! I got the amazing job cause I asked for it. Also, I asked that girl on a date because I was willing to risk the friendship.

2. Reading IOIs from chicks. I found I was alot better at picking up IOIs from girls. Though I do realize that IOIs mean nothing unless you act on them. I tried my best to do that and achieved some results.

3. Dedication...To achieve something you have to stay dedicated, because it won't happen overnight( i guess i was delusional..) i have along way to go before ill consider myself successful(if ever) and still feel the nervousness around girls, i guess it comes from a long history of being an afc. I still am in alot of ways...Whatever, the ball's rolling now!!!!

Thats it guys, my fingers hurt!

Cheers :)


Senior Don Juan
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
Man sounds good what you doing...good look with this.

Though, I would think about changing your training routine slightly, you don't really wanna be doing to 2 of your major muscles on the same day..i.e back and chest..try changing it to something like

My workout routine:
Monday - Chest, Biceps, Triceps
Wednesday - Legs (including Squats), Abs, Forearms
Friday - Back (including Deadlift), Shoulders

This made me think though I may try something similar
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