When You Spank A Girl?


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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When you spank a girl what are the subtle messages that are being sent? Like you know when u tell a girl u like her its saying" i really like u and im not sure if u like me so im gonna buy you flowers and keep on courting you so maybe u can like me." I'm asking becuz yesturday we finished a golf tournament and we went on the bus to this great hamburger place. Well while we were in line, the girl i talked about last time touched my ass and im pretty sure she did it on purpose and the fastest thing i could think of saying was" that's gonna be your last touch" she just giggled. But i think it was strange because on the bus she didnt sit next to me nor did she talk to me but she constantly kept on looking at me, so i decided to mess around with this other girl that i know to try to get her jealous:D Back to the point, what i want to do tomorow at school is to start of a simple conversation with her and then say" Oh remember when you touched my ass at Walbangers, well i have this little rule that when a girl touches my ass i have to spank her the number of years old she is, so how old are you 15,16?
Her: 16
Me: So that means i have to spank you 16 times but im not gonna do it all at the same time because i know ur just gonna get horny and jump all over me.
Her: Ha, you just want to spank me, dont u?
Me: Oh please i've had girls touch my ass on purpose because they know of my little rule (not entirely true but just so i can back up what im gonna say). But before i do that, i just want to know the subtle messages being sent when i do that

Michele l'Arcangelo

Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2005
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sounds creepy. don't do it.

i say just touch her buns (funny word) subtly like how she touched yours... and obviously pretend that it was an accident... nothing really to think about or make TWO threads for.


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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yea i posted it twice cuz i didnt realize there wasent that many people on high school forum, i don't think its creepy because we're always flirting with each other and i always tease her and she enjoys it, but i just never took it anywhere. And she's about a 9.5 to me, also i have touched her \buns/ before and u could tell she was getting horny when i did that, but it was during school and i knew i would get in trouble if a teacher saw me trying to seduce her or something.
Unfortunately she has a boyfriend but it dosent seem as if she is so interested in him.



Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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I use to spank girls all the time, it's not what gets em attracted to you if that's what you think. Do it enough and yes she'll begin to think it's creepy. Your not really offering her anything to be attracted to you about, your just spanking her. I'm speaking from experience here, it doesn't work.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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Eh, sounds fine to me. Just don't do them all at once. That would be weird. Sneak up on her when she's not expecting it. They seem to love that. It sends the message that your not afraid to be sexual with her. Most guys would probably not spank her. Given the chance they would probably just do a light tap. Get her good. If she begins to react negatively just stop. That's all.


Master Don Juan
Aug 9, 2004
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LOL, "you just want to spank me, don't you?"

You: "noooooooo" ;)



Senior Don Juan
Mar 28, 2006
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Melbourne, Australia
Well if you're going to play-up the spanking thing, you might as well have some technical ammo. Use or lose whatever you like...up to you.

- Women love the anticipation of a spanking, especially when they did something to earn it. So milk it.

- Before giving the spanking, get her to explain out loud why she is getting one.

- Emphasize the fact that she's a naughty misbehaving girl and probably needs a regular spanking to keep her in line. If she protests, just give her your best, "Oh, come on, you expect me to believe that??" Heh heh.

- Wonder out loud how you'll deliver the spanking...put her over your knee, her bending over a chair, on the bare bottom (so she feels it and learns her lesson, etc). Just toy with some ideas to make her squirm and milk the situation.

- Say how red her bottom will get and that she'll be hopping around afterwards. Then says that maybe you'll go easy on her...

Now it's best to keep the talk totally non-sexual. She'll make the sexual connection all on her own and get turned on like you won't believe. Maintain your prize frame as you're doing. Just remember that to keep the sleaze to a minimum and subtle playful role play to a maximum, then gauge her response. No need to use all of the above....they are just ideas and directions you can go if you want to escalate.


Senior Don Juan
Jan 22, 2007
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Coming home from the pub and beating your girlfriend up also has the same effect.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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im a bit older, but IMHO that seems too premeditated to come back the next day like "yeh do you remember when you touched my butt" you'll come off as if you were thinking about how to react to it all day...if i were you id just come up behind her and smack her ass kinda hard, walk by, turn my head around, give her a slight smirk, then keep walking...


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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i didnt get a chance to even talk to her at all today because we didnt have golf practice today so she had gone to go talk to her friends, and i could probably tell her tomorow but then yea i do think it might be kind of creepy that i waited 2 days later, also today she didnt show any interest to me whatsoever, her body language mayd it seem as if she was interested but she seemed very different than she usually is. i have a real bad feeling i might be suffering from oneitis, i do flirt with other girls but im very much focused on the girl im talking about


Don Juan
Aug 8, 2007
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yea that just lets her know you've been thinking about her butt all the time. get into physical play with her and if she hits you or something then spank her.


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
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well the problem is im always thinking about her butt well anyways i also have this other idea that i never used but i think it would work real great....
While you're sitting next to a girl that you at least know a little bit you say
" let me see your hand real quick"
her: ok
Me: Don't get any ideas though, cuz this is kinda sexual(i aint scared of saying that cuz i personally know girl are highly sexual people)
Her: giggle
Me: (i start rubbing her palm and rub two finger on the top line of her palm)" This means how good you are going to be at sex, so far i can tell you're not going to be good at sex but you arent going to be oh so bad"
her: ( she'll probably have that, u did not just say that look on her face)
Me: (i start rubbing the second line with two fingers) " this is how good you will be at giving blowjbs... wow(pause) you are going to be real real bad at giving blowjbs"
Her: she'll have that u did not just say that look again and she'll probably hit me playfully
Me: (i rub the bottom line of her palm) "this is how good you will be at kissing, wow you look like a girl that would be pretty good at kissing, but apparently u r pretty horrible at kissing"
Her: omg shutup i bet im a super good kisser(she might say something else but i know she's gonna be horny by the time i get to this point)
Me: Oh really prove it
Her: Fine!( hopefully she'll be making out with me by then)
when we're done, i'll say, wow u really arent that good at kissing, even though she's probably a great kisser

Ace of Flames

Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2006
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Everywhere you want to be.... I'm like a Visa card
Jerry said:
well the problem is im always thinking about her butt well anyways i also have this other idea that i never used but i think it would work real great....
While you're sitting next to a girl that you at least know a little bit you say
" let me see your hand real quick"
her: ok
Me: Don't get any ideas though, cuz this is kinda sexual(i aint scared of saying that cuz i personally know girl are highly sexual people)
Her: giggle
Me: (i start rubbing her palm and rub two finger on the top line of her palm)" This means how good you are going to be at sex, so far i can tell you're not going to be good at sex but you arent going to be oh so bad"
her: ( she'll probably have that, u did not just say that look on her face)
Me: (i start rubbing the second line with two fingers) " this is how good you will be at giving blowjbs... wow(pause) you are going to be real real bad at giving blowjbs"
Her: she'll have that u did not just say that look again and she'll probably hit me playfully
Me: (i rub the bottom line of her palm) "this is how good you will be at kissing, wow you look like a girl that would be pretty good at kissing, but apparently u r pretty horrible at kissing"
Her: omg shutup i bet im a super good kisser(she might say something else but i know she's gonna be horny by the time i get to this point)
Me: Oh really prove it
Her: Fine!( hopefully she'll be making out with me by then)
when we're done, i'll say, wow u really arent that good at kissing, even though she's probably a great kisser
Now this I like. Except after she kisses you, when she asks, "So how good was I?", that's when you should lay off on busting her balls. If you do it too much she'll get offended. Just say something mysterious like, "I'll let my actions speak for me..." and go back to making out. She should get that.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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dont try anything too pre-planned...cuz i guarantee when the moment comes it wont go down as how you played it out to be in your own mind...i agree with beastmaster, h-school is all about flirting and physical play, if she hits you or whatever, then def make sure you smack that ass haha


Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
man that's true, ive been hit so many times by girls ive actually got bruises, but i know it's a reaal good thing, but i've never actually tooken any action except for just pushing them away, then they'll say "ur not suppose to push a girl!", but i might start smacking their ass sometimes


Master Don Juan
May 24, 2005
Reaction score
no dont do anything of what you just said. You're gonna say it wrong, or she may not understand how to react to it, either way your gonna back off from her completely because you spent so much time thinking about this whole scenario that you'll start over-analyzing every thing you do thats related to her, in the end making you boring/creepy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Just a warning buddy. Every girl I've done this stuff with I lost in no time at all. It's creepy and retarded, there is the off chance she'll humor you but in no way does it make you look attractive. I can guarentee, you do this. She's gone buddy.