Need TONS of advice on asking girls on dates...


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
I have created a giant web of connection with cute girls at my school. I typically walk around the school lonely and i talk to any of them when i see one. Its not a serious relationship though, my connection with most of them is just to flirt with. I dont know why I did this, and now I feel like I friendzoned alot of them.

I have this problem that when im talking to an 8 at school, asking them on a date or being direct is far from escaping my mouth. The conversation usually ends and I leave after.

I have really weak connections with them. I dont know how to get as far as flirting with them. Im no longer direct as i used to. Note that Im broke and Im currently working harder at school, but I know those arent excuses. I also have no time to pick up outside of school anymore, so im doing it in school(bad idea huh). I need help bad guys.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
Know one thing: a date is nothing more than you and her hanging out one on one. And it doesn't even have to be one on one really; hence "double date". Actually know two things: don't ask. Nice guys and women ask. Alpha men tell, demand, and assert.

Just suggest that the two of you hang out sometime. If you have weak connections start out with a group "date" being inviting her to do something you were already planning to do with your friends to build comfort. Once she's comfortable with you, just hang out alone and escalate.

Or go straight for it and say,"Come bowling with me this Saturday". Or you could go with "You should come bowling with me this Saturday". Of course bowling is an example. Just don't do dinner and a movie. They're boring. You're right though, being low on cash is no excuse.

My ex-oneitis posted about her day on facebook a while ago and you know what she said: "Had so much fun today. Walked around in target, and then went to..." some ice cream place. Pull these girls into your world. If you play guitar, invite her to watch you play, or teach her (lots of chances for kino).


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
These are the kind of things im scared of "telling" them.... Idk why, i have picked up strangers before and somehow this is more difficult. Ill just ask them to play basketball ,lol cuz i rarely get money.

And i also have no texting game. Im new to this, and often the girls reply back with barely phrases so i just stop overall. well thanks Eph, ill try to ask a girl tomorrow and ill post how it happened.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
Why worry about it, man? Pvssy is going to be around forever, and the odds of you picking a good one, at school age, are about 10 to one AGAINST. Hell, girls don't have a clue what they want, either, until they are 25, so just write it all off, and make something of yourself instead. Believe me, US women are UNBELIEBABLY expensive. I personally know a guy who has spent the equivalent, in today's $, of well over 3 million $ on a woman who is nothing special at all. this was done over the past 45 years, letting her "shop" with major credit cards! I had an affair with her for 20+ years, and if I bothered to drive the 700 miles back where I used to live, I could fvck her again, altho I haven't talked to her since he retired, about a year, now, and haven't seen her for 7 years. If you'd rather have your woman pay YOU 20k a year, (averaged over 5 years) you need a 3rd worlder, and you can get a smart, sexy, young, beautiful one, really easily.

It's also very easy to get her a job clearing 35k a year for the first 3 years, then clearing 60k for year 4, and 70k for year 5. that's 235k. She will do it for 50k of her own, plus 65k that she costs you during those 5 years, I promise you! Just avoid Russians, Mexicans and E Europeans. Repeat every 5-6 years, as needed to retire on your investments.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
Reaction score
Wilmington, DE
goundra said:
Why worry about it, man? Pvssy is going to be around forever, and the odds of you picking a good one, at school age, are about 10 to one AGAINST. Hell, girls don't have a clue what they want, either, until they are 25, so just write it all off, and make something of yourself instead. Believe me, US women are UNBELIEBABLY expensive. I personally know a guy who has spent the equivalent, in today's $, of well over 3 million $ on a woman who is nothing special at all. this was done over the past 45 years, letting her "shop" with major credit cards! I had an affair with her for 20+ years, and if I bothered to drive the 700 miles back where I used to live, I could fvck her again, altho I haven't talked to her since he retired, about a year, now, and haven't seen her for 7 years. If you'd rather have your woman pay YOU 20k a year, (averaged over 5 years) you need a 3rd worlder, and you can get a smart, sexy, young, beautiful one, really easily.

It's also very easy to get her a job clearing 35k a year for the first 3 years, then clearing 60k for year 4, and 70k for year 5. that's 235k. She will do it for 50k of her own, plus 65k that she costs you during those 5 years, I promise you! Just avoid Russians, Mexicans and E Europeans. Repeat every 5-6 years, as needed to retire on your investments.

I wish I knew you in person so I could break your hands so badly that you can never type this kinda crap again.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Dammit, I couldnt do it. I was the same indirect jericg as im always was. Its also valentines day tomorrow. Ill do it then, and ill ask any cute girl i talk to that i see to be my valentine.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
That's good. Just expect to get rejected. It'll sting a little but it'll also expand your comfort zone. And don't look or sound too serious when you tell them to be your Valentine. Make it sound like a joke. If you see a group of girls (even if it's just one that you happen to like), just go into their group, smile & laugh a little, and say "So which one of you is going to be my Valentine?". Notice it doesn't say which one of you wants to be my valentine. "Wants" implies they have a choice in the matter. As long as you don't sound too serious (in which case you'll give off a "desperate" vibe), they'll either smile and look at you a little weird, or they'll joke around with you.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Apparently, I only got to ask 1 girl as my valentine, but she told me that i shouldve told her yesterday so we can give each other stuff. I told her that i was broke anyways. Then out of nowhere i ejected when one of her friends came. Told her that im gonna go do nothing at the library. I saw the other girls but i was FREAKEN FROZEN.

do have a # from one girl though. Ive had it for a week and,i havent texted her yet. I keep seeing her at the library and i talk indirectly to her(i know I'm setting my self up for a friend zone x(). What should I do? I flirted with her when i met her and now i dont.


Master Don Juan
Jul 20, 2012
Reaction score
You probably shouldn't have you said you were going to do nothing at the library. Makes you seem boring. Better yet, for future reference don't give her any specifics. Just say you're going to go meet up with some friends. Or just walk off without saying a word. Stay a mystery. Telling her you were broke wasn't the best thing to do either. Not exactly bad, just not good either. You had a good opportunity for a witty joke. Maybe something like, "Is that how you plan to get me? By buying me pretty things? Well, you'll have to try harder than that."

And you also had a chance with her friend. You could of stayed relevant by ignoring her and talking to her friend. Jealously works like a charm most of the time.

As for the number, you're first purpose should be to build a little comfort and familiarity with her. Get to know her a little. 20 questions works for me, so you could give that a try. But don't keep at it too long. If she texts back fast consistently, and just seems to be trying to keep the conversation going, randomly stop texting for a while.

You can pick the conversation back up after a while if you want. While your doing this be sexual. If she says something that could be interpreted, misinterpret it but let her know your joking.


Don Juan
Jul 26, 2012
Reaction score
Oxnard, CA, USA
Ill fix myself with the first girl tomorrow. As for now, I will finish all my hw and read my 2 weeks-behind DJ bible while listening to smooth jazz. Oops, sorry. Feel like my school procrastination is bringing me down so ill get it over with.