What have you learned in seducing women?


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
Post what you have learned in seducing women i.e what you personlly have found work and what doesn't.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Looks get you in the door and personality/game keeps her.

That's all there is and all you need to know. If you have the right looks for her, it is almost effortless. My last ex thought I was really attractive. I could have acted like a complete AFC and she STILL would have been clinging onto me. If I really tried to game her, she would have been obsessed, so I didn't bother. I really didn't want to hurt her because I saw that it was not going anywhere.

Lesson learned? Work on your looks first and your game second. When you look good, you can attract girls and then learn the ropes of the game through some trial and error. Of course I'm not saying to ignore forums like this one. This forum is an incredible resource and you should pick up as much as you can from here. But Sosuave or ANY online men's forum is not going to make you any better looking. You have to go out and do that yourself before having any game to speak of is even relevant.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 29, 2011
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TilTheEnd nailed it once again.

We can all do something to improve our appearance. New hair style, new dress style, get in better shape.

Game is there to keep you in power once you've already attracted her. But attraction begins with looks first.

You can game all you want, if she doesn't find you physically attractive you won't bang.

As far as what I think works--the less attention you pay to them the more power you'll have. Whoever invests the least in a relationship has the most power. Also, get sexual asap so you avoid the friend zone. If she rejects your advances you know where you stand and you move on.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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Game isn't really necessary, and in fact it can screw you up with girls if you think you need to game them for them to like you. What is necessary is being cool with being relaxed and (non-verbally) sexual with women and not being afraid to be yourself and lead things.

However if you find that you grow too attached too soon and come up with little fantasies in your head about the girl and the relationship, that means you don't have an abundance mindset and you need to spend time figuring out what makes you happy and where you want to spend your time, outside of with women. Find your happiness, then make your penis happy


Don Juan
Nov 18, 2011
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That's alot to ask for some one I don't even know, but I'll give you something: it's better to try to sleep with the girl on the first date than to try to get to know her first, unless you're only looking for friendship. Hope that helps you.

Good luck and all the best to you with women.

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Game isn't really necessary, and in fact it can screw you up with girls if you think you need to game them for them to like you. What is necessary is being cool with being relaxed and (non-verbally) sexual with women and not being afraid to be yourself and lead things.
Those are components of game and having game is necessary. The game is inescapable and the game never stops; everyone is a player, even those supposed non-players who claim they don’t play game. Your charm, your wit, your coolness, your personality is game; your style of fashion is game; your social life is game. Of course, I’m speaking in a broader definitional scope than your idea of “game,” but it’s important to note that everyone has a collection of tactics, strategies, and essence of being which they deploy and embody to attract women, never mind if they are even aware of what they’re doing. The game of power is present in every interaction you ever have. Like how Robert Greene once said, “If the game of power is inescapable, better to be an artist than a denier or a bungler.”
Post what you have learned in seducing women i.e what you personlly have found work and what doesn’t.
For one thing, chick crack peacocking.

I still remember the last time I went into a strip club, several years ago, wearing a black shirt with a big pentagram, along with a black wristband. Two strippers asked curiously about the shirt and when one asked if I was pagan, and I said no, she said “Ah, too bad, because we’d have so much in common.”


Don Juan
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
It doesn't matter if your face is'nt perfect, but chicks will first rate your skin, hair teeth, body, clothes, and the confident way you walk. These things fitting together are more important than having money or a ride. Heads up. If she's a good girl/virgin - light kino/ kisses for the first few dates, then escalate. If she likes a little something inexpensive you own like a ring, or T shirt, give it to her, but don't take her out on a date yet until your sure she'll give you more. All the while you should be maintaining your alpha frame by looking at her body with smooth, sly, smiles, and kino. NEVER oogle at her when she talks about her s***. Don't act like you even care that much about what she's saying, unless it something important to you, and she's wrong, then say it like no one can change your mind. Always think about what you want and live for it first, but don't tell her much about your business. Never act down or desperate. Disappear often. Always escalate. Always walk away when she acts up.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Beowolf said:
It doesn't matter if your face is'nt perfect, but chicks will first rate your skin, hair teeth, body, clothes, and the confident way you walk. These things fitting together are more important than having money or a ride.
When it comes to looks, arms are to women as what boobs are to men.
Seriously. You can't really do much about your face. But work out those biceps. A guy with skinny arms is the equivalent of a totally flat-chested woman to men. It is not a hot look.

Whether she's a "bad" girl or a goodie goodie virgin, ALL girls like a strong set of arms. Start with the arms, then the chest.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
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Deep - IMHO - Nah not really. Girls want to meet men as much as men want to meet girls. If you are using tactics and strategies to attract girls and keep them hooked, you are using them because you don't think you are awesome enough (which we all should think we are awesome) . The guys I know who are the best with the best girls are all guys who really think they are amazing deep down and it just resonates and is very attractive (to girls that wanna bone and guys that wanna hang out because of the killer vibes).


Don Juan
Mar 20, 2011
Reaction score
1. Keep her off balance. It's ok to have a hot steamy night where you profess love to her if you go cold on her the next day. Change things up all the time, your look, your hair...the places you take her...always make her suspect and wonder about you.

2. Have a good job and make tons of money...not easy but you need to show that you're driven and successful in your career.

3. Make sure you're not a mamas boy. Show you have a good family, but always make it clear you're your own man

4. Be in as good shape as possible.

5. When she gets into her little *****y tantrums...don't fight her...be amused by it. It drives them crazy, they want to beat your brains in and **** your brains out at the same time.

If they can't figure you out...they'll never get bored with you

Deep Dish

Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2002
Reaction score
Deep - IMHO - Nah not really. Girls want to meet men as much as men want to meet girls. If you are using tactics and strategies to attract girls and keep them hooked, you are using them because you don't think you are awesome enough (which we all should think we are awesome). The guys I know who are the best with the best girls are all guys who really think they are amazing deep down and it just resonates and is very attractive (to girls that wanna bone and guys that wanna hang out because of the killer vibes).
Yes, really, but I don’t think you understood my point.

Even when you’re thinking you’re awesome, that makes you behave in certain observable ways which are ‘naturally’ attractive. Your behavior can be described into tactics, with predictable reproducible results, and how you deploy those tactics is strategic, regardless of your (un)awareness of what you’re doing. You learn through experience what works and what doesn’t, the collective set of which is called having game, and the lessons become ingrained into your psyche, as experiences literally rewire your brain. Everyone has a game plan, there are just good players and horrible players. I’ve pretty much recovered from having Asperger Syndrome, a form of autism, and I can assure you from experience that simply believing you’re ‘awesome’—or as one guy once said, like you’re a god—doesn’t cut it if you’re socially blind of deep psychological-social dynamics (a.k.a. game).

On another note, you said game “can screw you up with girls if you think you need to game them for them to like you.” Women are like Hollywood casting agents, typecasting a very specific look for the next role of their leading man. And of course, it varies between chicks what is that ‘look’ they’re looking for. That’s why you can’t ‘game’ specific chicks into liking you, because you’re not her ‘look’. But it’s also why guys need to cultivate an unique ‘look’ for themselves to stand out from the crowd, which is a component of game.


May 13, 2009
Reaction score
how to piuck up women !!!!!!!!!!!!!

things i have learned
ring them at the same time at 13 H WHEN THEY LEAVE THE OFFICE FOR THEIR lunch break ( also ringing them at the same time creates a habit !!!!!! )

messaging women hardly ever works

when sarging coerce yourselff to approach 3 women otherwise there won t be any action ( re psychological law ) THAT S HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when sarging use two openers at the same time or nearly ( stimulates the convo )

always use the same openers

always use the same Qs ( the same questions after the 2 openers )

somedaysu ll three digits some weeks nothing at all

you ll be rejected LOADS!!!!!!!!!!

don t talke i personally tomorrow is another day

the openers have to be neutral ( way to get over your anxiety and way not be insulted )


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
Reaction score
South Africa
things i have learned
ring them at the same time at 13 H WHEN THEY LEAVE THE OFFICE FOR THEIR lunch break ( also ringing them at the same time creates a habit !!!!!! )

messaging women hardly ever works

when sarging coerce yourselff to approach 3 women otherwise there won t be any action ( re psychological law ) THAT S HUGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

when sarging use two openers at the same time or nearly ( stimulates the convo )

always use the same openers

always use the same Qs ( the same questions after the 2 openers )

somedaysu ll three digits some weeks nothing at all

you ll be rejected LOADS!!!!!!!!!!

don t talke i personally tomorrow is another day

the openers have to be neutral ( way to get over your anxiety and way not be insulted )
Thanks for your infinit wosdom alpha!


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
I guess the most important lesson for me is that you just have to try. Theres nothing better than just getting out there going to the gym, staying healthy and active. And you will meet girls like that. Then I apply the teachings here to make sure I don't make any stupid obvious mistakes. Sometimes getting through to one is a little harder than others so I use the push pull and other techniques here to seal the deal.