Working on a new opening gambit~ input welcome


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
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Toowoomba AU
So after reading up on the Mystery Method (and watching all episodes in both seasons of 'The Pick Up Artist' lol) last week, I'm trying to cobble together a canned opener that I can use to initiate sets and hook with in a relatively smooth manner.

So far I've written a bit of material and I'd like your feedback plz.

(Talking over shoulder to hypothetical 3-set)
“Hey guys, I need your opinion real quick…. I gotta get back to my friends in a minute, but my quick question is… who do you think looks more hard-core in military uniform: Katy Perry or Rihanna?" (they always say Rihanna)

"Yeah Rihanna right? Katy Perry just looks like a scared little emo kid in combat clothes I reckon, whereas Rihanna is like this uber strong muscly amazon warrior babe, she’s such a bad ass.”

“Anyway, I gotta get back to my friends,” (body rock out, then turn back)
“Get this, my friends are rippin’ on me for playing netball coz they think its a girls’ sport… but what do you guys think, is netball fun or what?

(they always say 'Yeah netball is awesome')

"Oh, you guys like to play netball too? Yeah its great, hey! I usually play centre, or goal attack, because I’m tall and fit, and I score all the time. Let me try and guess what position you guys play…. Hrmm: I bet you are a goal shooter(pointing to tall girl/tomboy girl), you are probably a wing defence (pointing to shy girl), and you (point to target) must be the bench warmer (cheeky smile), am I right?”

(Stack on with)

“You know, sometimes I think Prime Minister is like a character out of Harry Potter, don’t you reckon? Just imagine if Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall had a three-way sex romp with Lord Voldemort’s pet snake... Julia Gillard could totally have been conceived that way, hey?”

Well that's all I got so far, I need a lot more material, but plz give me your input. I know the last routine doesn't really flow well from the last... :/

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Personally, I prefer to use the following:


(du/dx) denotes the partial derivative of u with respect to x, (du^2/dt^2) denotes the second partial derivative of u with respect to t, etc.

I'll tell you how I close later.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
Ho ho Ho! Aren't we the mocker, Atom Smasher?

But its funny because I was actually sitting in a lecture this very afternoon learning mathematic algorithms at university, and my mind kept going back to what I was researching last week (i.e. mystery method, revelations, etc.) and I kept noticing how similar the concepts were.

I really think Erik von Markovic is a genius, the way he pioneered the exact steps and instructions for interactions with sets of women, because its uncanny how accurately all his theoretical insights ring true in the moment when you're executing them.

Unless you're a very high level seducer, or else not interested in gaming sets of smoking hot young women (18 -22) with extremely high opinions of themselves, and thus aren't under much pressure in the moment, I think you really ought to have a game plan, and you really ought to have practiced it.

Like Mystery says, learning seduction has many parallels with martial arts. I train in Kung Fu 3 times per week, and what do we do? We go over and over and over and over the exact same routines, get them memorised. We do the same stances, the same 5 primary exercises, then we go through the form that we're learning. I've just pretty much finished learning the pole form, yet I will repeat that memorised form hundreds more times before my next grading at the end of the year.

Why do we do this when we're learning martial arts? Why don't we just "do whatever man, react spontaneously to the situation, just wing it"?

Well, undoubtedly, in a real fight, that's exactly what happens. You rely on your instincts. But your can only rely on your instincts if they have been honed through training, and have been sharpened by repetition, repetition, repetition.

In a real fight, do you mechanically execute your form exactly like you learnt it in the dojo? NO! Of course not, but that doesn't mean learning forms are a waste of time... You need to be trained with drills so as to be able to respond most effectively in the most appropriate way when the situation arises.

And its the same in this situation, man. You learn the routines so you can transcend them. But if you don't go through that process in the proper way, well, good luck to you in scoring with the most smoking hot 18~22 year old 9's and 10's that I wanna score with.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Methinks you need to lighten up just a bit.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
Atom Smasher said:
Personally, I prefer to use the following:


(du/dx) denotes the partial derivative of u with respect to x, (du^2/dt^2) denotes the second partial derivative of u with respect to t, etc.

I'll tell you how I close later.
Don't forget to deliver the line over your shoulder, or it will never work.


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
You're talking abut Rihana / her fashion sense (DGV (demonstration of gay value)), then some game that you play that may be girly (DLV), then Harry Potter (demonstration of NO value). So that would work well if you found exactly the group you wanted, with one butch chick that liked gay ish guys that like Harry Potter. I do like how Mystery puts things into perspective, but everything you are saying in your little mock set is just phoney, gay, dorky and sounds scripted and doesn't at all show that you have social value or show who you are. If your going to come up with stories, come up with your own stories and make them real / make them subtly show you are awesome without bragging and have emotion in them that's real. Use your facial expressions and energy.

Don't have such a big stack, just have a few things you like to talk about that tell who you are and learn to vibe with the girl. I do think it's kind of funny that you seem to think that if you spit the right lines etc. that you will be nailing 9's and 10's easily....just doesn't work like that my friend. You'll learn soon enough...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
Wow, so many haters.... why you guys drinkin' so much Hatorade?

@Atom Smasher, man, I came here and contributed thoughts and asked for tips, and instead of contributing anything positive or valuable back yourself, you just mocked me. And then you tell me to lighten up when I call you on your bull$hit mockery. Well I don't think so. If you don't have anything constructive to contribute here, fine, but no need to mock some one who IS trying to make a constructive contribution.

I mean, in a way, I can't blame you, you're from a different reality. In your age group, (and this goes for you too zekko), there is a genuine demographic shortage of men. There are actually more women than men in the > 35 age group, even though more babies are born male than female). But because of the higher male mortality rate, there's actually a lot more women than men when you get to a mature age.

And a lot of the men that died off were risk-taking alpha's, who died in accidents from taking insane risks or from partying too hard with all the b!tches and drugs that they have access to etc. So When you're at your age, even the betas don't have as much social pressure on them, because they are rarer than women and therefore more valuable. And that goes even way more so for the remaining alpha males in that age group.

But for women 18-22, there are way less women than men in that age group, due to the quirk in the male:female birth ratio. What's more, many more women than men in that age group are fat/obese, which leaves the remaining slender hotties even rarer and thus even more valuable. This is objective man, its a function of pure demographics.

Which is why it IS IMPERATIVE to open a set of young hotties over your shoulder, zekko. Because even just your presence, even your very being in her world view is objectively of lower social value. So without even listening to what you say straight off the bat, she would likely rule you out. BUT if you can convey non-verbally a sense of higher-social value in the very first opening moment, by using body language to communicate that you're not really interested in her, by not even pointing your body towards her, that's very powerful, man. Honestly this is just elementary body language.

@yuppaz, that's absolute bull$hit, mate. You're making some massive and erroneous assumptions about my whole look and vibe, man. Yes, I can appreciate if some short, pale, high pitched, giggling young dandy in a pink shirt delivered these lines, bouncing all around the place, it would come across as gay.

But I do it, a massive, 6'4, 220 pound muscly guy with sharp masculine clothes on, and a intensely steady, composed demeanor, deep voice, and slow, punctuated delivery style. Maaan, it has the complete different effect. Its powerful.

I know now because I used it today. I opened it on a 20 year old blonde hair drama student at uni. This chick is HAWT, dancer's body, bright blue eyes, tanned skin, cheeky as fvck.

I captivated her with conversation that was INTERESTING TO HER (girls are interested in that whack shiat like celebrities and fashion for some reason), and within 1 HOUR I was making out with her, rubbing her nipples under her shirt, rubbing her pu$$y, it was fvcking bananas man. Got her number and her email and I'm seeing her next week on tuesday again for more of the same.

I'm so pumped right now, and I'm so glad I didn't listen to all y'all negative bull$hit contributions, mockery and put downs. I used the material the way it is supposed to be used and proved how powerful it is.
Last edited:


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2011
Reaction score
I think you need to lighten up a little bit.

You've come to a forum where routines aren't often used, and are sometimes looked down upon. We prefer spontaneous conversation.

But if it's getting you results, who cares what we think? Go enjoy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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LearningSlowly said:
I think you need to lighten up a little bit.

You've come to a forum where routines aren't often used, and are sometimes looked down upon. We prefer spontaneous conversation.

But if it's getting you results, who cares what we think? Go enjoy.
True. But I almost never see any success stories on this site. Just AFC rambling. It really pisses me off.


Senior Don Juan
May 8, 2007
Reaction score
I heard if you press control, alt and delete on her keyboard, she will open up like a cash register...


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
LearningSlowly said:
I think you need to lighten up a little bit.

You've come to a forum where routines aren't often used, and are sometimes looked down upon. We prefer spontaneous conversation.

But if it's getting you results, who cares what we think? Go enjoy.
Well, I always used to feel that way about routines and canned material as well: "Don't be fake, don't be try-hard... Just be spontaneous", and I have no doubt that the great masters of Pick up ARE spontaneous, just like a great martial artist would act spontaneously in a self-defense situation in the most appropriately violent way.

But lets think about this a second. If you were a general and you had to fight a hard battle against a superior enemy, would you send in completely untrained troops and just tell them to "be spontaneous... just do what comes naturally" ?

Would you decide not to bother drawing up a battle-plan, with tactics and strategies to deceive and out-fox the enemy, and cause them to react to your movements in the way you desire them to?

Would you decide you didn't need to look at a map of the terrain and plan how to utilize that terrain to your greatest advantage?

No, you wouldn't. You wouldn't advocate advancing into a battle situation without having a plan, and without having drilled your troops, So why advocate advancing into a seduction situation without have drilled down routines, and without having a plan of attack?

In my opinion, the primary purpose of the opener and the conversation is just to keep the target entertained long enough for you to DHV, neg, lock-in, kino-escalate and bounce her. THAT'S IT!

It doesn't even matter at all what the fcuk subject you wanna talk about with her is, all you need to do is keep her conscious mind entertained while your body language and your vibe and your energy communicate with her on a sub-conscious level.

Do you think if I'd went up and opened this chick today by saying something like: "Oh hi, errrr.... ummmm. Hmmm. Nice weather today, isn't it?", that she would have been more entertained? No, I doubt it. I think she was more entertained by listening to me talk about subjects she is interested in, and by letting me make her laugh with funny routines.

But that said, it was a bit awkward for me when I ran out of material, lol. Just like uncomfortable silence for a good number of seconds after she had finished laughing out loud, but I didn't have anything to stack on with after that.

Luckily I was able to save it by engaging in playful teasing banter with her about her drama course at uni, but it would have been smoother if I had more material to stack on with. Any material will do, as long as its entertaining. Trust me, she's not going to think I'm gay while I'm rewarding her IOI's (intermittently) and kino-escalating like a dawg.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Dude, whatever works for you is fine. You're way to intense and serious for your own good. You asked for feedback about your methodology. Don't ask for feedback if you're going to go and cry when you get answers you don't like.

My feedback was that it is formulaic which I presented in a humorous way. It's only an opinion... a solicited opinion, by the way.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
Ok. Sorry Atom Smasher. I accept your feedback, I would have preferred if you'd offered some opinion on how to improve/add to my opening gambit... I know its formulaic, but I mean, so is a stand-up comedian's routine. So is the TV show House. Something can be formulaic and still be useful/valuable.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
No problem. I was just having a little fun in a moment of creativity. I honestly think that if that works for you, then great. Sorry I ruffled your feathers. I can see why it seemed I was mocking.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
Yeah, sorry I over-reacted. lol. I will lighten up from now on, being cranky online is just not cool.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
So When you're at your age, even the betas don't have as much social pressure on them, because they are rarer than women and therefore more valuable. And that goes even way more so for the remaining alpha males in that age group.
Well, that's better than calling us old and creepy. :)

I know Smasher's not the type to mock, we were just joking around. We can't help it, we're old and jaded. In real life, you're probably lucky to get a semi-serious response from me about anything. So no, there was no intent to mock you.

It's just for me, personally, that whole first bit, with the opinion opener and the false time restraint, it just screams Mystery Method, you know? I know much of that was proven to be effective, and maybe the girls don't see what you're doing, but I just can't hear that stuff with a straight face, even if it works. To me, it just sounds like "Hey, I just read a book on pickup, want to hear what I learned?". But like Atom says, if it works for you, more power to you, brother.

d!ckmojo said:
Which is why it IS IMPERATIVE to open a set of young hotties over your shoulder, zekko. Because even just your presence, even your very being in her world view is objectively of lower social value. So without even listening to what you say straight off the bat, she would likely rule you out. BUT if you can convey non-verbally a sense of higher-social value in the very first opening moment, by using body language to communicate that you're not really interested in her, by not even pointing your body towards her, that's very powerful, man. Honestly this is just elementary body language.
You know, I can see the appeal of opening over your shoulder, it makes it seem more casual and unplanned. But to say that it is IMPERATIVE to open over your shoulder? No, I can't agree with that. To me, that's saying "I'm lower value than you, therefore I cannot face you directly, lest my lowly self be rejected for approaching your obviously higher value selves, therefore I must resort to trickery and try to sneak in by the servant's entrance in hopes that I might gain an audience with you".

I would rather believe I am genuinely higher value and face them directly and fail, than approach from an assumption that I am lower value, and succeed. It's all in your mindset, know what I mean? That's the basis of the more natural movement.

Now I know girls who are 18-22 (I'd say 18-24) are at the height of their value and beauty. But if I am a successful man, why should I be cowed by some girl just because she has some soft skin and some boobs to shake around? She should be worried about impressing me. That may sound arrogant, but that's the "I am the prize" mindset.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 28, 2009
Reaction score
Toowoomba AU
Yeah I do like the "Zero Eye Contact" opener a lot. Eye contact is a very powerful form of communication, but sometimes its too powerful to pull out of the bag straight away first thing, because it might scare the target off. You're "Zero Eye Contact" opener is a fantastic way to avoid doing anything to scare her off until after she starts giving off IOI's (and is thus not going to be scared off by the powerful effect of direct eye contact).


Don Juan
Oct 20, 2011
Reaction score
You talk about mystery like he's your idol. He created himself, and so are you supposed do. Don't take all that sh1t just as it is, adopt good stuff that suits you.

If you wanna become 'pua', go ahead, research the subject. But to be very good with women you don't have to be the supreme pua of the universe.