You know what.. I'm done...


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
dealing with the militant anti feminist attitude that some have and that is being portrayed by women.

do I know there are neo naziesque feminist out there? of course. but you know what,l there is not a god damn thing i can do about it. nothing you can do about it either.

i came here to hone my skills with the opposite sex, not learn how to hate them or to learn how fvcked up the world is. I know how fvcked up the world is. it's very fvcked up.

and this is coming from someone who has falsely been accused of sexual assalt (for a girl a jnever even kissed let alone made a move on) because i hurt her feelings by shooting her down.

life is just too short for all that.

there is phase every women in life goes through, and most grow out of it to some extent as they realize that there is no law that says a man has to put a ring on her finger.

our power is the power of choice. we don't have to date/ marry/ father anything we don't want to.

time that you can be worrying about the new laws or how F'ed up this or that is, is time that you can be learning a new language to go to a new country to meet a smoking hot HB9 that will put ice on your balls while she's sucking you off (you gotta try this ****)

I would rather focus on the positive aspects of gaming then this. I can cut on the news and within seconds find something to be depressed about. I' not going to start getting depressed over women at least in this aspect. The only reason women have this type of power is because you give it to them.

learn to walk away. you learn to walk away yor life is 10x more peaceful/ drama / feminist free.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
It's true. Most of the negative posts about interactions with women can be solved by simply walking away.
By making a choice not to abide by the flawed and laughable feminazi agenda and proving it by walking away, you make a bigger statement than trying to change the situation.
Very interesting food for thought, backbreaker.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
I wrote a whole response but I'll just shave it down to the first and last sentences.

Dude. You know I like you, but honestly, if you don't like it don't read it.
I think you're being a little pouty. And I say that as a BB fan.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
Warrior74 said:
I wrote a whole response but I'll just shave it down to the first and last sentences.

Dude. You know I like you, but honestly, if you don't like it don't read it.
I think you're being a little pouty. And I say that as a BB fan.
it's not so much this forum, the members are only reporting back the articles, the findings they are doing / having experience with in regards to women. I'm talking about just the world in general. i'm done. I'm not going to waste my time worrying about ultra feminist women or ultra white knights who are their enablers. F'em .

all i am saying is that with the red pill comes some side effects... warning pill use may result in extra skepticism, a loss of respect for the opposite sex, and overall depression in dealing with the "way things work" in society. And they are side effects because the **** is true. But what is also true is I don't have to deal with it. It's only an issue if you decide you want to play ball. I can walk away. even that fake rape situation i got into a few years ago I could have easily avoided had i just shot her down. I knew what she wanted the first day I saw her. I played along and got burned even though I didn't like her like that. that's my answer. I mean I'm married I don't have to deal with it like you guys do in the war zones, but still, it may not be me talking to a broad it may be i go out and something "happens".. i'm just done. i can walk away

I am of the school where I have always put more pressure on myself, I hold myself to a higher level of accountability than I will someone else beucse I know that I know better. In other words, when I am dealing with a client and I know it's a ****ty client, i can't get pissy when he acts like a ****ty client. If I am dealing with a thumb stuck up her ass broad, i can't get pissy when she acts like a broad with her thumb stuck up her ass. The guys here, us guys, we are or should be held to a higher standared because we fvcking know better. we know the signs. we know (if we wish to look) if a woman has an entitlement attitude. we just put it aside because she has something we want and we hope that everything will work out and when it doesn't we cry feminism.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
it's not so much this forum, the members are only reporting back the articles, the findings they are doing / having experience with in regards to women. I'm talking about just the world in general. i'm done. I'm not going to waste my time worrying about ultra feminist women or ultra white knights who are their enablers. F'em .

all i am saying is that with the red pill comes some side effects... warning pill use may result in extra skepticism, a loss of respect for the opposite sex, and overall depression in dealing with the "way things work" in society. And they are side effects because the **** is true. But what is also true is I don't have to deal with it. It's only an issue if you decide you want to play ball. I can walk away. even that fake rape situation i got into a few years ago I could have easily avoided had i just shot her down. I knew what she wanted the first day I saw her. I played along and got burned even though I didn't like her like that. that's my answer. I mean I'm married I don't have to deal with it like you guys do in the war zones, but still, it may not be me talking to a broad it may be i go out and something "happens".. i'm just done. i can walk away

I am of the school where I have always put more pressure on myself, I hold myself to a higher level of accountability than I will someone else beucse I know that I know better. In other words, when I am dealing with a client and I know it's a ****ty client, i can't get pissy when he acts like a ****ty client. If I am dealing with a thumb stuck up her ass broad, i can't get pissy when she acts like a broad with her thumb stuck up her ass. The guys here, us guys, we are or should be held to a higher standared because we fvcking know better. we know the signs. we know (if we wish to look) if a woman has an entitlement attitude. we just put it aside because she has something we want and we hope that everything will work out and when it doesn't we cry feminism.

Emphasis in bold. I'm not disagreeing with any of that, and besides a few outliers, I don't think MOST people here are. But there is a difference between what you posted and being aware. My latest post was posted for a a reason. It's very, very relevant. Maybe not to you as you got yours, but to the rest of us, it is. You have to trust me on this.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 2, 2011
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
all i am saying is that with the red pill comes some side effects... warning pill use may result in extra skepticism, a loss of respect for the opposite sex, and overall depression in dealing with the "way things work" in society.
Man, being a natural cynic and forcing myself into optimism my entire life since age 18 onward, I've been struggling with the above as of late. Have to remember to laugh at it instead of letting it get under your skin. Women can pick up bitterness real quick, and more importantly it's adverse to our personal longevity.

But it's a hard pill to swallow at times...

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
I think Espi summed it up well.
Modern media is portraying men as imbecilic, brain-dead cavemen who are really only good for making babies and lifting heavy things.
Women are being conditioned to see men as inferior. And not just the extreme feminists....all women.
By walking away, you set boundaries and rise above the bullsht.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
I think Espi summed it up well.
Modern media is portraying men as imbecilic, brain-dead cavemen who are really only good for making babies and lifting heavy things.
Women are being conditioned to see men as inferior. And not just the extreme feminists....all women.
By walking away, you set boundaries and rise above the bullsht.

Greasy Pig

Master Don Juan
Dec 22, 2009
Reaction score
Damn, any way to delete multiple posts?


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
All these guys come on here and bash woman when in all reality the girls will do whatever guys let them do to them. If more man weren't simps then more girls wouldn't be "b!tch!s".

This site is really ridiculous. So many people asking basically the same question and ranting. How about you pick up a book and gain some knowledge about life? about being a man? People want a quick fix and nothing in life is that easy.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
PrettyBoyAJ said:
All these guys come on here and bash woman when in all reality the girls will do whatever guys let them do to them. If more man weren't simps then more girls wouldn't be "b!tch!s".

This site is really ridiculous. So many people asking basically the same question and ranting. How about you pick up a book and gain some knowledge about life? about being a man? People want a quick fix and nothing in life is that easy.
men who have money don't complain about capitalism.

and men who are getting laid on a continuous basis don't complain about feminism

The Duke

Master Don Juan
Feb 4, 2008
Reaction score
Everything in life comes at a price. If you make it out unscathed, then you simply haven't lived. When I first embarked on this journey, I had no clue what the side effects of swallowing the red pill may be, nor would I have cared. I didn't even know there was a red pill. I was pushing my self to be better at every stage I entered. When I finally reached the summit I had already swallowed the red pill with out even realizing it.

The more I learned the truth about women, the more I became frustrated and disappointed. I finally had to put my expectations aside and accept them for what they are.

I'm a little bit hardened and some would say a little jaded, but I've earned those scars. Thats what comes with street smarts. I know that the majority of men aren't even close to being in my league. The knowledge I've gained will protect me and help me make the right decisions going forward to I can live a happier life. It will allow me to get what I want out of a relationship. I've also learned first hand that women aren't all that special, and I'm totally capable of getting any type of girl I want. Been there done that.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
The way I see it - I don't like the news, and generally avoid it. But I also don't like being ignorant, so I try to at least stay informed on important issues.

Same with the subject matter here. Some of the news stories related to seduction are sensational. Others are important. Either way I worry about my life and what's best for me without getting too negative about it.

Seduction and understanding women should be fun. There's a perception that the more you learn, the more cynical you get. I still think women are great fun, and I've seen all sides of them.

BB you are right about choice, man. The best we can do is steer clear of the drama queens and feminazis, and do our best to include those people who add to our lives rather than subtracting from them.

Some people never learn this. They wouldn't think twice about shutting out an acquaintance who openly hates blacks or hispanics and has poisonous and negative thoughts to share. But a lot of guys will allow themselves to hang out with women who clearly hate men. I think we know the reason. Just remember it's your life and you choose who gets to be part of it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
samspade said:
The way I see it - I don't like the news, and generally avoid it. But I also don't like being ignorant, so I try to at least stay informed on important issues.

Same with the subject matter here. Some of the news stories related to seduction are sensational. Others are important. Either way I worry about my life and what's best for me without getting too negative about it.

Seduction and understanding women should be fun. There's a perception that the more you learn, the more cynical you get. I still think women are great fun, and I've seen all sides of them.

BB you are right about choice, man. The best we can do is steer clear of the drama queens and feminazis, and do our best to include those people who add to our lives rather than subtracting from them.

Some people never learn this. They wouldn't think twice about shutting out an acquaintance who openly hates blacks or hispanics and has poisonous and negative thoughts to share. But a lot of guys will allow themselves to hang out with women who clearly hate men. I think we know the reason. Just remember it's your life and you choose who gets to be part of it.
what i find interesting is that same dynamic when it comes to drugs. honestly that's why i became a drug addict in the first place. if I knew then what i know now.

you go on a date with a random guy (if you are a girl) and he breaks out a white bag of coke.. girl thinks (ew.. this guy is a total loser, i don't date guys that do drugs)

you go on a date with a random girl and she breaks out a white bag of coke guy thinks (I'm going to get lucky tonight, yeep ie!). I know this because that's exactly what i did.

you notice, today i don't post a lot about my daily ventures or what drama that goes in in my life.. lol that's because i don't have any. i can count the argeuemnts my wife and i have gotten into, the real ones, on one hand in 4 years. i don't put up with losers or attention seekers or druggies or depressed friends or what not. they all get cut off.

even when i was single i was the same way. i have / had a very quick trigger finger when it came to plates and drama. i don't do drama. at all. i don't do feminism. you can just go with that whole bit somewhere else. i'm not the one. and funny enough my life has very little drama in it.

your life is what YOU make of it not what someone writing an article makes of it, not what some feminzai makes of it, not what some white knight makes of it, not what some 35 year old virgin whose only "game" is Skyrim makes of it. If you don't want drama in your life don't have any drama in your life. take responsibility for your own life and what you allow yourself to be apart of.


Don Juan
Feb 26, 2008
Reaction score
A dramatic headline for a post preaching "no drama"?

It's like saying "don't be negative" instead of "be positive".