I'm too busy for a girlfriend.


Don Juan
Dec 15, 2009
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The response I give when woman ask me; "Why don't you have a girlfriend?"

My answer is true. I rarely have time for women. Why? Its because I have Priorities, Hobbies, Goals, Interests, Dreams, Friends and a Job. I have enough trouble finding time to hang out with the guys let alone have a girlfriend.

I'm working days and nights, going to the gym, reading books, working on my goals, seeing friends, learning new things, and pushing myself harder to better myself and much more!

So, what does my busy schedule have to do with women?

I become more Mysterious.
I'm not always Available.
I have more Confidence.
Women don't see me as desperate.
More Self - Esteem.
Self - Respect

and most important you become The Great Catch. Women are bored of all the guys asking them out, flirting with them and giving them attention. I set myself apart by being too busy and focused in my life. Which makes me "Mysterious" and all of the above.

Women like guys who are Confident, Motivated, Successful, and know where their going in life. YOU need to take take control of your life and build your OWN world. You can't just sit around waiting for things to happen, wasting your life away. Start making goals, find new hobbies & interests and find ways to improve yourself. You'll notice changes in your life and start seeing results. Which leads you to feeling more confident, and more self esteem. Then you can ask youself; "Whats the next challenge I can conquer or whats the next obstacle I can over - come.

Once you make the focus more about you. The more Sucess you bring into the rest of your life.

Women will also start to take notice and become more interested. Chasing after you to try and get a chance to enter your world. Forget about: Creating interest, Wondering what to say and little techniques. Focus on YOU and the High Interest women will come. Too many guys on here are putting too much emphasis on getting a girlfriend or trying to find a magic formula that makes a girl like them. When you focus the attention on you, you become the MAN you want to be and the MAN women want to be with.
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Don Juan
Sep 13, 2009
Reaction score
I live with this exact same mindset. It is absolutely crucial for becoming successful with women. Kudos on the post my friend.


Master Don Juan
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Thank you for this overlooked post. I've been living this lifestyle for the past 13 months.,


Don Juan
Nov 21, 2009
Reaction score
you still life for *****
and now you even got no time for it

sorry u


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2007
Reaction score
Yeah bro, if it is really the truth then you don't care about having a girlfriend, or meeting girls. Can you honestly say it like that? Ask yourself this, because your post sounds like you're kinda sad you don't have the time.

I'm writing this because I'm super busy and don't have time myself, but I actually don't like the situation.

Then again: you always have time if it's really important.


Master Don Juan
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
This is taking the SoSuave lifestyle to it's illogical ends. You develop this lifestyle, at least in part, because it is attractive to women. You admit as much as you justify the lifestyle. Then you become caught up in the lifestyle and forget one of the reasons you pursue it.

And the other posters are right. It doesn't sound too happy. Isn't this kind of what the 40 year old virgin was about? He filled his hours with a million hobbies but didn't have any intimate connections that make life so sweet.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
I'm sorry brother but this advice just does not work.

While it may be true that you are too busy for a girlfriend it will only make you look bad if you tell that to someone. It's like telling a woman that you don't believe in marriage (which is great) but you just can't tell anybody that specially women. It's a cardinal sin to tell a woman you don't believe in marriage.

Telling a woman you are too busy for a girlfriend will
1. Make you look like you are covering up for your shortcomings in the game by making yourself look un-available: She'll probably think you just have no game and have to cover up the fact by saying you don't have time for a girl. Might make you seem like a loner.

2. No woman is going to find you attractive because you tell them you are too busy to have a woman in your life: They are likely to think you are some self centered prick or workaholic that has no time for fun.

3. They might think you're fruity: Women like masculine men and masculine men have women in their lives. To say you just don't have time for a woman will inevitably make you look kinda fruity.

I'm not taking issue with your life at all in fact I'm the same way I do not have time for a girlfriend nor do i want one.

However, I would never tell a woman the truth that i don't have a girlfriend because i'm too busy improving myself & because i prefer hooking up rather than relationships. If the question comes up i would say "I just haven't found the right girl at this present time" ;)


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2011
Reaction score
Winston-Salem, NC
To me, life is about balance (one of the lessons I learned from the original Karate Kid). It's great to be into your career, have hobbies, and a social life, but I don't ever want to be so busy that I can't take a few hours on the weekend and do whatever I want. So, I don't know how busy you are, but if a girlfriend actually is something you want, you can always make time for what's important to you.

Also, I think people use the whole "I'm busy" line to make themselves appear more important than they are. Truth is, pretty much every adult is fairly "busy," if they work a full-time job and have average responsibilities. Of course most people don't have an abundance of time to just blow, most Americans have more time than they let on. Furthermore, people make time for the things that are truly important to them. For example, if someone offered you two free court side tickets to a Lakers game, I'm sure your response wouldn't be "Sorry dude, but I'm just super busy."


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
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monrovia, CA
it doesn't work because it's a lie.

when i was knee deep in trying t start my company and went 3 years without a woman, i did not go womanless beucase i was too busy, i went womanless beucaase 1. i couldn't afford to go on dates, litearrlly lol, 2. at that time, i knew i was not a very attractive optoin so i wasn't even going to bother getting shot down by hb 5's and 6's and 3. i knew i had to learn how to be alone.

it wasn't beucase i was too busy. even when it took off and i would go to work at 7am and leave at midnight some days, i would find time to spin plates. i would call a irl on the way home and she would meet me at my crib and spin the night. there is always time.

you are doing nothing but lying to yourself feeding yourself this.

i agree, women should not be the focal point of your life. I am the same way. I stay busy. but i'm not going to lie to myself and say I don't want women. I like ***** I'm sorry I do. but i like other things too.

on the other hand, the people who say he sounds "sorry" have no clue. you do not need a woman to be happy and as long as you he that mindset you will never shake the AFC off you. I get just as much if not more satisfaction out of achieving goals and doing new things then i do going on dates. in fact that's a pretty rudimentary way of thinking that if you don't have time to have sex can't be happy.

i know what the OP is trying to say I just think he worded it wrong and too strongly. and alot of what the OP says is dead on. the game is 10000x easier when you are a man women see as successful and not your avg everyday chump trying to get buy.

but... just don't LIE to yourself is all i am saying. i wasn't kidding myself telling myself i had no time for a woman. i very well wanted a woman i just knew it wasn't hte right time for one. that was a sacrifice i had to make. but i wanted one, or more than one.

just let the natural you take over the game. I really am THAT busy. i really DO only have like, 2 possible hours i can se you next week, pick one lol. if you don't like my style you really can go because assure you im not losing a wink of sleep over you.

on that note, don't talk about what you are or do. I don't have to tell women i work out they can see it. no one wants to hear a guy blab about all the time he spends in the gym espeically when he's trying to convey that he's an exercises guy when he's not in very good shape. i don't or didn't havvfe to tell a woman im' not broke i drive a jag XJL supercharged and i dress the part. I don't have to tell a woman i'm too busy for a GF, because i'm too busy to. she will figure out i am an important person that has an active life when she contacts me.

when women find out things on their own it sticks better than when you have to force them to see something or you tell them or brag about something. they think they found a "gem" or something.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
Gametime does make a lot of good points. Although I too would answer the question differently. Women are fishing for an answer that equates to you have just not found the right one yet. Jaded over a previous relationship is also interesting to women, as long as she can be the one in her romance novel fantasies to get you past your ex.

The real issue is having to make excuses for your relationship status. I have had every on/off fb/gf/ons that there is. None of them are a ticket to happiness. I'm probably always going to have a girlfriend. But then again, I like women who are easy. Maybe you don't and have higher standards. Your relationship status is not a judgment against your value, which is the unfortunate insinuation of the "Why don't you have a girlfriend" question.


Master Don Juan
Mar 21, 2008
Reaction score
f283000 said:
I'm sorry brother but this advice just does not work.

Telling a woman you are too busy for a girlfriend will
1. Make you look like you are covering up for your shortcomings in the game by making yourself look un-available: She'll probably think you just have no game and have to cover up the fact by saying you don't have time for a girl.
This is what I was thinking as well. :) That's so sad lol!

J Roc

Master Don Juan
Aug 7, 2007
Reaction score
There are CEOs of Fortune 500 companies that work harder and longer than you and they still have time for their wife and kids.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
GameTime76 said:
Women like guys who are Confident, Motivated, Successful, and know where their going in life. YOU need to take take control of your life and build your OWN world. You can't just sit around waiting for things to happen, wasting your life away. .
Not true

Women like guys who have MADE IT ALREADY..they may give lip service to 'ambition' and the like, but every girl after age 23-24 wants to be with the ACTOR not the STRUGGLING ACTOR...(she will fvck the struggling actor if he is hot of course).

Women want to see the BMW, the penthouse condo, the Piaget or patek phillipe...if you have those things by all means work as hard as you want with a little game you can step into an upscale lounge and pull...otherwise keep your head down and go where you want to go, just don't expect women to give a fvck until you get there.


Master Don Juan
Mar 12, 2012
Reaction score
If I came out with that line it would for all the world sound like an excuse for not having the skills


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2012
Reaction score
At least you have your priorities in order.