How to raise an interest level? IGNORE HER!


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
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Of course, this only works if you already know the woman and see her pretty regularly.

I was spinning this one plate, and I started to notice that she would be late for our get togethers or would have plans come up on her. Not just like once, but a few times over three weeks. It started to seem like her interest level was dropping, since before she would always be very punctual and answer my calls by the second ring.

So, I decided to give her a taste of her own medicine. I just dropped off the face of the earth as far as she was concerned. I did not call her, txt her, or message her for five days. If we would both be on yahoo messenger or something at the same time, I just would not send her anything at all. Even when she sent me something, I would talk like I could give less of a **** about her. Simple "yea", "nah", "haha" answers.

The convo may have looked something like:

Her "Wats up?"
Me (5 mins later) "nothing"
Her "Its been a while! Wat have u been doin??"
Me "Work. Sleep. Laundry"
Her "So u been too busy to call me?"
Me "Yea"
Her "How did u get home after class last nite?" (I don't have a car, so this girl usually gives me a ride from class)
Me "Amy gave me a ride"
Her "Amy?"
Me "Some girl in my econ class"
Her "IC IC Well am I taking u to class tomorrow?"
Me "Nah. Amy is coming to get me"
Her "Do u want a ride home?"
Me "Nah"
Her "R u mad at me or something? You aren't talking much"
Me "Nah"
Her "Ok. JW"
- I sign off -

2 days later, this girl calls my house. I don't answer the phone at all. I wind up seeing her at IGA (a grocery store) later that day.

Her: What are you doing?
Me: I need milk. Whats your excuse?
Her: *laughs* "I need laundry detergent"
Me: "Then what are you doing in the dairy department?"
Her: ...
Me: So, you saw me, and thought it would be a great opportunity to interfere with my milk shopping?
Her: Yes. *smiling*
(I pick up a jug of milk, and start walking down the isle)
Her: Where are you going?
Me: To the check out lane. I would try to steal the milk, but no one is going to believe that I'm pregnant with a baby that looks suspiciously like a milk jug.
Her: *laughing* Stay here and shop with me.
Me: Your a big girl. You can get laundry detergent by yourself. I have to go meet Amy in like 20 minutes. So I've got to shower, and get dressed, and whatnot"
Her: Are you with her?
Me: I will be in 20 minutes.
Her: You know what I mean.
Me: No
Her: Then why are you getting all prettied up?
Me: Because I like to smell good and look pretty
Her: What are you doing later tonight?
Me: Sleeping
Her: You should come to my house
Me: Why?
Her: Just do it!
Me: Not if you are going to bully me into it. Say please.
Her: PLEASE come to my house tonight.
Me: Fine.

That night I went to her house. We started to watch a movie, but you all know what that means. 20 minutes in to the movie, she was grabbing my ****, and by 30 minutes in we were naked.

The moral of the story: Women can not stand being ignored, especially by guys that they know were interested in them. It makes them wonder why you lost interest all of the sudden, and they will use their vagina to capture your attention back if they can.

lil hooligan

Don Juan
Jul 15, 2008
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was there even an amy at all or was that just to piss her of and get her interested again


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
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There really was an Amy in my econ class, and she really did give me a ride home from class one night. But I wasn't interested in her at all.

The point was to piss her off, so I made the Amy thing sound a lot more scandalous than it was.

The Sperminator

Senior Don Juan
Jan 18, 2007
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That was brilliantly done Karl. I give out that ignore her advice all the time but nobody likes to listen to it bc they don't think it will work but it does. Also it was good that you brought in Amy because women are very very competitive. Once they sense they might lose you to another girl they will be all over you. Another good thing you did was by acting like you had another things going on in your life and you didn't need her. She probably thought she had you so wasn't that interested but once you showed her that she didn't have you she started worrying. I mean personally I would of probably told her no when she asked me to come over. Then you would of really really had her. But you still got some so it's all good but lets see how she acts now. Keep us updated.


Don Juan
Mar 28, 2008
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Does any one else get sick of girls that put hardly any effort into staying in touch and then when you do the same, they ask in a surprised tone ''why haven't you been talking to me lately?''


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Ignoring only works for average dudes if they are doing it to and ugly or fat girl who gets little attention...

HB 7 8s and 9s and 10s dont need to give a damn about wether you ignore them or not cause they have 50 other men chasing and offering them the moon and stars.. Cute girls will car if you are a supper model or a celebrity..


Jul 13, 2008
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The United State of Texas
DonGorgon said:
Ignoring only works for average dudes if they are doing it to and ugly or fat girl who gets little attention...

HB 7 8s and 9s and 10s dont need to give a damn about wether you ignore them or not cause they have 50 other men chasing and offering them the moon and stars.. Cute girls will car if you are a supper model or a celebrity..
I don't know DonGordon. I think that the ignoring thing does work on the 7s and higher. I agree with you that 7s,8s,and on up do have 50 or more guys giving the attention all the time,but the fact that they have 50 guys doing the same thing,then all of the sudden,a guy shows up who doesn't give then the time of day,that to me would seem to make the one guy who's ignoring them stand out instead of being lumped in the masses with the other 100 guys chasing her.

But hey,I could be wrong.


Master Don Juan
Apr 25, 2007
Reaction score
Ignoring only 'works' on women who are very interested in you, or only want to get your attention.
If she's not interested in you, she wont care if you're ignoring her.
And any woman that really likes you, but realized you're not giving her the time of day will eventually move on.

Don't be afraid to show you're interested in a woman.

If you get used to these games, you'll eventually only get women who are attention seeking, and not truly interested in YOU.
They only want you to give them attention.


Master Don Juan
Oct 29, 2008
Reaction score
Interceptor said:
Ignoring only 'works' on women who are very interested in you, or only want to get your attention.
If she's not interested in you, she wont care if you're ignoring her.
And any woman that really likes you, but realized you're not giving her the time of day will eventually move on.

Don't be afraid to show you're interested in a woman.

If you get used to these games, you'll eventually only get women who are attention seeking, and not truly interested in YOU.
They only want you to give them attention.


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2004
Reaction score

I have been around these forums for quite a while, and I've never responded to say excellent post, but that my friend was simple but great.

Played it perfect, and I don't agree that the HB9's and 10's wouldn't care, because if they have an ego (and most of them do), they will care. And another poster made a great point that if they have guys chasing all over them, they won't want them, they will want the CHALLENGE.

Well played...


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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magickarl said:
The moral of the story: Women can not stand being ignored, especially by guys that they know were interested in them. It makes them wonder why you lost interest all of the sudden, and they will use their vagina to capture your attention back if they can.
Well put. I always just figured that was common knowledge. It was best described on here as "two steps forward, one step back".

In other words; focus on the girl, show some interest, then take a step back and spin another plate. The more the better. Jealousy works like a charm and interest level increases exponentially. I'm surprised that was so hard to realize for some members here.

One more thing, be careful with the whole "Amy gave me a ride deal". It can work well, as it did in your example. But it can also backfire. Too often a girl can see right through it and it won't trigger any jealousy, it just seems like a desperate move on your part. You played your cards well though in this instance though.


Master Don Juan
Jan 17, 2008
Reaction score
magickarl needs a rep for this. I'm repping him. That was awesome. wud have been even better if there was no real Amy at all.. haha!

Ignoring WILL work if both the following conditions are satisfied:

1. She is a little curious about you, or interested in you, or attracted to you to some degree
2. You know her and have some level of rapport with her.

This is one of the better threads that have been posted lately. Good stuff.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
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daygameguy said:
Ignoring WILL work if both the following conditions are satisfied:

1. She is a little curious about you, or interested in you, or attracted to you to some degree
2. You know her and have some level of rapport with her.
dead on. you deserve rep points as well.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Wolf said:
You'd think that, but it's simply not true. The more guys they have after them the more they will care about YOU. Like when you have oneitis and tons of hot girls want you but you are uninterested because you have oneitis. If you see her regularly, as in very regularly (VERY important) it will work. I do it naturally because if a girl doesn't wanna do it, I stop giving a fvck about the fact she exists because I know she will never be more than a girl friend (note the 2 words there instead of 'girlfriend') A girl I knew was uninterested, never spoke to her after I realised that, and she is asking all my friends and bugging them about why I don't speak to her any more and do I like her blah blah blah.

I think it's important you don't break frame after 2 lines of her talking. You have to remain totally uninterested, keep everything short. (Yea. Nah. Mm. Right. Like that guy did...) Keep it up until interest is regained. And guess what? If it's not it doesn't matter anyway, at least, in my case, I am actually totally uninterested in them and it's something I do naturally as opposed to a last minute resort game.

If you don't see them extremely regularly it will NOT work. She will just get on with her life and the 50 blokes who wanna bone her.

Catch the attention-seekers? HELL YEAH! Does that matter to you if you get to screw the chick? My answer, is hell no.

I see your angle but women only care about guys that they find attractive or are their type... a woman with 50 guys chasing will be attracted to at least 15 of them an that is still alot.. if you are one of those 15 and you have easy access to her then ignoring might work..


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
DonGorgon said:
Ignoring only works for average dudes if they are doing it to and ugly or fat girl who gets little attention...

HB 7 8s and 9s and 10s dont need to give a damn about wether you ignore them or not cause they have 50 other men chasing and offering them the moon and stars.. Cute girls will car if you are a supper model or a celebrity..
I beg to differ

It doesn't matter if the chick is a 3.5 or a 10, if she has feelings invested or interest then she will get jealous/worried.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
Solomon said:
I beg to differ

It doesn't matter if the chick is a 3.5 or a 10, if she has feelings invested or interest then she will get jealous/worried.
right so this wont work at a bar with 50 men to each woman unless you are one of the most attractive there..


Senior Don Juan
Oct 19, 2008
Reaction score

I think a lot of the first line of my post was lost in translation:

"This only works if you already know the woman and see her pretty regularly"

I had been sleeping with this girl for two months, so there was already clear interest established between us both. The whole point of this was to show her that my time is a premium, and that I will not be expected to wait hand and foot on her. Also, I wanted to present the subtle message that my time is not a given, and she will have to compete and prove to me that my time is worth spending with her.

It places a higher value on me, and gives her a challenge at the same time.

BTW --- She was an HB8 - HB9. Not a perfect dime piece, but damned close.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Girls are like cats. My parents have 2 cats. One of them is irresistibly cute. EVERYONE instantly wants to pet her and shower her with affection. She knows that she can get attention from anyone anytime. I'm as guilty as anyone of always wanting to pet her.

Because she is so accustomed to it, she takes it for granted because she knows she can have attention whenever she wants it. As a result, she's often completely unresponsive to my petting her.

But some days, when I'm busy with other stuff, I won't give her any attention. She'll notice this and all of a sudden she'll be doing anything she can to get my attention. She purrs extremely loudly, she follows me around and she tries to play with me. All of a sudden, she's doing the chasing.

My cat, and most girls are sharing the same basic psychology. When we have something, it instantly becomes of lower value because we no longer have to chase or aspire to it; we simply expect it. But when we lose something we like or are in danger of losing it, it instantly becomes more valuable.

Make the girl realize what she'd be missing if she didn't have the pleasure of your company.