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  1. D


    hey, whatsup peeps. i havent been here in ages. thought id meet some new and exciting people, if there are any out here. drop me a line at my email. u know the address. im from the LA area as well. d
  2. D

    Creating a Mouthpiece (a girl who will talk nothing but good things about you)

    (NOTE: If you want to learn about a "mouth piece" take the time to read this post thoroughly. Otherwise youre wasting your own time. Sorry that its so long.) Hey guys, i just finished reading Iceberg's post and felt inspired to share with you my experiences. here is his post...
  3. D

    Drink Green Tea if you want to get ripped

    hey yall, i finally decided to try some green tea after hearing so much about it... prevents cancer, has mad antioxidants, helps with fat loss etc. almost everything implicated about this tea was positive. so i gave it a go... i had one of my asian homegirls get me a stash of this stuff and i...