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  1. F

    I got a story to tell.

    you never give me a straight answer. i thought i knew it all, i thought i had what it takes, but i guess not. i still got alot to learn. i'm becoming frustrated with myself.
  2. F

    I got a story to tell.

    Exactly, how do i suceed in a LTR? It seems as if the whole game changes. Because i'm no longer doing what i got to do to get the girl, now i'm trying to keep her. Or am i messing myself up by trying to hold on? Should i keep acting as if im trying to get to her? That's what i need, how to be...
  3. F

    I got a story to tell.

    We immediately started kicking it. What started out as practice, ended up becoming much more. In my head i started to develop crazy feelings for this girl. I'm talking LTR. And when i allowed myself to process these thoughts, i completely broke down. I had no idea how to go about being in a...
  4. F

    I got a story to tell.

    Towards the start of my freshmen year, I could've sworn i had it all figured out. Girls that normally wouldn't talk to me. I was clicking with plenty upperclassmens. Plenty of my friends was becoming jealous, no one thought a person could change so much over a summer.(THIS IS MY 9th GRADE YEAR)...
  5. F

    I got a story to tell.

    I'm 16 yrs old, and a 10th graded. My uncle introduced me to the site last year. I did alot of reading and alot of practicing, very few posting. My goal was to master the techniques that it took to become the ultimate DJ. So after I thought I'd learned all it took to succeding with females, I...
  6. F

    It WAS all good

    Well i meet a girl on facebook, and we started talking. it was a light convo, you know; hey wats up, type stuff, a lil compliment from both sides. you know everything was going good, then i found out she got a boyfriend. i could care less, i just need help with making her think less of her...
  7. F

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    getting rejected was easy.. 2 of 2. for the convos, 3 of 8
  8. F

    Lost My Best-friend

    yea i agree, but what a gay thread, you really need some p****
  9. F

    Don Juan Bootcamp

    Hey, I see yall are progressing so far, and if it isnt to late could i join?
  10. F

    Wierd situation

    Aw, all I can say is keep progressing. You seemed to have determined your problems, and know how to fix 'em. Good job, and good luck in the future.
  11. F


    Yea, I agree with SPEAK, if she wanna grind, then for heaven's sake, grind yo @** off.
  12. F

    College, Wow

    Good Job!!!
  13. F


    1. No, don't match,(colors) you wanna try to look just as good or better, but don't overdo it. 2. Aw, unless she tell you after the party you're not gettin, dont give up hope. And, for dances, just follow her lead. 3. When she wanna dance with her friends, dance with them to. But overall...
  14. F

    Either one of two things

    Dont fall for it. Its probably because you're the only person online.
  15. F

    could use a simple second opinion

    Spark up a more sexual vibe next time. And just for the record you should try calling her anyway. And if she answers, use that to spark up a convo. Something like, 'there must be something you liked about me, You took time out of your busy schedule to talk to me' then carry on. GOOD LUCK
  16. F

    What would you do?

    Whoa thats good advice
  17. F

    What would you do?

    So I'm talkin to this one girl, and she says likes me, but then she tell me she bisexual. What would you do if you were in my situation.
  18. F

    Maybe zone

    Yeah man there right, give it one more shot. But don't come off desperate
  19. F

    What does it mean

    She seem uninterested, if she need a month to think about it, thats a siqn. next her, unless you see positive change comin from her. But don't sit around and wait for to long.
  20. F

    Where did I really Go wrong?

    Yeah, I figured nexting her would be the easiest thing to do. But it feel like she's already next me.