Search results

  1. F

    My rep points have gone down. anybody want to own up to it??

    Listen, I've worked my ass off on my rep here! I see today my points have decreased to three. Three!!!! I've posted nothing BUT quality stuff here! So, it want to know who around here is hating on me. Come forward, you coward!
  2. F

    Cycle training questions

    I just ended 8 weeks of bulking and taking 2 weeks off before I start up again. Posted on here before my diet, but I was putting in 3,500-4,000 calories per day. In the end I put on 4 or 5 pounds of muscle and for a skinny guy I feel good about that. I'm 6'3" by the way. When I come off this...
  3. F

    Hack Squat at home.. worth my time?

    Little low on funds at the moment and can’t afford a gym membership. I have a 7ft Olympic bar, 255pounds in weights, pull up bar, and bench press. Most big movements I can do, but obviously I can’t squat. For the time being I’ve been doing Barbell Hack Squats. Is it even worth the energy...
  4. F

    Chicken Breast.. need more protein per ounce!!

    The skinless boneless chicken breast I’m buying only has 23g of protein per 4oz. After some looking online I’m seeing 7 or 8g per ounce. Am I buying ****ty chicken breast here or something? I’m purchasing Meijers store brand (for you Midwest people) to be specific. I looked at the Tyson...
  5. F

    Wind Turbine Technician.. anybody one, or work with them?

    I’m going to school to become a certified Wind Turbine Technician. It’s a 4 semester certificate program. Is anybody in school, already a Wind Turbine Tech, or work closely with Wind Turbines? If so, do you have an opinion on becoming a tech, or ANYBODY that knows about wind or alternative...
  6. F

    Vitamin C

    Did a search and gained some good knowledge, but has anybody tried vitamin C in high dose? Such as 3,000mg daily?
  7. F

    Making MRPs then taking them to work?

    I make my own MRP shakes and would like to start taking them to work. Is a normal liquid container OK? Or, should I get a shaker bottle? Also, drinks maybe sitting in a fridge for 4-7 hours, is that OK?
  8. F

    Ever order from Ever use it? Looking for a good site to order supplements from. If you know of any other legit sites, post em.