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  1. D


    I personally like the Gap, lots of clothing goodness to be had there. Generally: Nice, subtle-wash, fitted jeans. Casual shirts, polo shirts, and tee shirts, chino shorts that fall just above the knee (Navy blue, khaki colors are nice), flip flops, or sneakers. I like the Adidas Stan Smiths in...
  2. D

    The sh!t test everyone fails: 2

    I agree with this. "Options" are only the result of having high confidence. As long as you're not letting the relationship consume YOUR life, and start getting all of your happiness from the relationship itself. It's great to be in love, but if you get too "high" you're going to crash. A...
  3. D

    Before thinking she's your special little princess ..

    Lol! Funny story and good read, Gotta keep yourself honest.
  4. D

    The power of saying NO

    Good Post! :whistle:
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    Make Them Jealous

    This is so absurd... How many people do you have working for you?
  6. D

    ever been hit by a girl?

    Well said... Lol, Don't hit her back, that's a horrible idea.
  7. D

    I'm officially over "looks" after seeing this couple.

    She's a 7 at best, but the guy isn't too shabby either. I think they are a nice match.
  8. D

    inviting multiple "potentials" to my house party?

    Not a good idea IMO. One at a time buddy, one at a time.
  9. D

    Got a call from a restricted number today

    Hahaha! Nicely done, man! :rolleyes:
  10. D

    ****.....Got the shiit beat out of me

    Like most people here, I suggest going to the police, and stop talking to the girl... Twenty Minutes is all it takes?
  11. D

    I have the ability to be really attractive...but need help. (pic inside)

    Dude, Watch the Rush Hours, and see how Chris Tucker acts. Imitate that without the voice and immature comments. (So imitate confidence, whatever you say, make sure you mean it)
  12. D

    New DJ/Questions Regarding different systems

    That's a very good point, but how about the things that are discussed on the board? For example, you mentioned POA, and I picked up DJ, Kino, and IOI amongst other things. You mentioned that I shouldn't 'think' when talking to women, but I'm not asking for the methodology to attracting, but more...
  13. D

    New DJ/Questions Regarding different systems

    I know that there are a ton of books and stuff out there, and as a new DJ, I'm interested in squeezing the practical information from all of them. But a lot of the methods out there contradict each other, I started reading "The System" by Doc Love a few months ago, after getting LBJF'ed, and...
  14. D

    Call or be called?

    It's EASIER if she calls you, but since most women that have just met you don't have high IL; you're going to have to make the first call. Don't give her your number when you meet her, instead get her number, wait a few days, and ring it.