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  1. V

    Don't rip into newbies asking for advice

    Typical SoSuave OP: "Hello, I'm new to this site but have been lurking for a while, now I want some advice. There's this girl I like and yesterday we were on a date. Then I [insert AFC move]. That was bad, I know. What should I do now?" Typical responses: "WTF, you gave her a compliment...
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    The nudist lifestyle: all about freedom, not sex? Right.

    I recently read a story about the decline of nudism. The nudist associations like AANR and Naturalist Society are trying to get more young people to join, because they mostly have aging members (read: ugly hippies). Predictably, they all declare that it is about feeling free and natural, not...
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    Losing 9 pounds in 9 days

    Last week I decided that I wanted to get down to my ideal fatitude before seeing my family over Easter. Using the demo scales at IKEA I noted that I was about nine pounds above that level. So what to do? I haven't been jogging for a long time, so if I'd start I would get sore muscles and would...
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    Facebook linked to divorce rates, study shows

    People are simple creatures, easily tempted: the more exposure to flirting, the more cheating and changing of partners will there be. Even when you would have been content with how things were in your life otherwise, and could have patched up anything lacking in your marriage. And when you...
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    Do yourself a solid: read the DJ Bible

    Here it is. Go to Step 1: Newbies start here. Read Craig Reeves' "Most commonly asked newbie questions," the first part of the DJ Bible. Then tell me this collection doesn't have what you are looking for. It is not a bunch of far-fetched ideas put together by some...
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    Field Report: the patient job

    Okay guys, I have decided to post a bit about my dating last year. After reading the DJ Bible and the best of SoSuave, I decided to put what I had learned into practice. So I went out there and did a LOT of approaches. And it worked. It worked beautifully. I kept a journal of it all (online...
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    Women's #1 Advice: "Just Be Yourself"

    If you ask a woman for advice on picking up women and dating, she will always say "Just be yourself." The second most common advice is, "You will find a girl when you stop looking." Just be yourself ... when has that ever applied to any human interaction where something is at stake? Does it...
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    You know you haven't had sex for a while when....

    ...You wake up the day after and your chest muscles ache from holding yourself up in the missionary position. :) Also shows that you need to start doing pushups again.
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    Field Report: approach in the street, got me a date

    This Wednesday, I was walking around in the middle of the day taking pictures of the first snow. Toward the end I was taking a picture of the icicles on an old building to the right of a walking path, when a girl passed by and took a picture of the field to the left of the path, stopping a few...