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  1. J

    Mental Masturbation: EMBARRASSING?

    After reading numerous posts on here I thought of a few very thought provoking questions... Would you be embarrassed if the girl(s) of your DJ dreams found out about this site, read what you wrote, knew it was you, and saw the way most of you carry on like little effeminate talk show...
  2. J

    Don Juan EMO Car wrecks.....

    Oh Boo Hoo Hoo...Woe is me...My wittle Girly fwend doesn't likedid me no more! Waaa! Waaa! Comeon boys! Console me and preen my feathers! Stroke my ego! What do you think? C'mon guys...Try to think like a pre-teen girl! C'mon....Does she still throw my bouquets in the trash before her FB cums...
  3. J

    GF and I broke up for a week, and GF kissed a another guy..

    The MEN think you should go out and kiss a WOMAN not a girl and drop her silly ass completely. Spinning plates? Make her head spin instead and move on. And don't worry that she'll be begging for you back. Worry is emotion. Women are emotional wrecks. Be a MAN not a Shim.
  4. J

    How does one "fake" a social life when he doesn't have one?

    You ARE faking a social life right now. Turn off your computer, go outside and enjoy real life social interaction. Sweet baby Jesus the answers aren't as complicated as some of you Donna Juanita's make them to be. Are you a so-called 'man' who can't make a decision? Sounds like a woman to me....
  5. J

    Let's Face It: Women Are Illogical And Have No Idea What They Want.

    Tell that to Hugh Hefner, Donald Trump and every other successful man who put's himself FIRST and the woman SECOND. YOU LEAD THEY FOLLOW. You get lead like one of lovesick Hollywood storytime puppets and you'll get DROPPED for a MAN who comes off as their DADDY...THE MAN WHO TOLD THEM WHAT TO DO...
  6. J

    Let's Face It: Women Are Illogical And Have No Idea What They Want.

    Yet most of you continue to read it and do nothing 'post after Hallmark post' about it.
  7. J

    Let's Face It: Women Are Illogical And Have No Idea What They Want.

    I've read a few of these "Dear Abby" posts and for the love of baby Jesus some of you sound like it's that time of the month... You are the man. You make the decisions. Don't be a human being sitting at your computer all day, be a human doing. And MAN UP. Let's face it. Women are...
  8. J

    What to do when she refuses to pay for dates?

    Suggestions? Simple. I suggest you get rid of that $$$tapeworm$$$ and find someone with a little more self respect for themselves than your own. That's my suggestion.
  9. J

    "I wanna take this slow...."

    Tell her you want to "take it slow" as well. To like walking away speed. She'll come running. Then tell her to "take it slow".
  10. J

    What to do when she refuses to pay for dates?

    Suggestions? Simple. I suggest you get rid of that $$$tapeworm$$$ and find someone with a little more self respect for themselves than your own. That's my suggestion.
  11. J

    Advice please. How to deal with religious virgin who "I think" is attracted to me.

    Mr. Poon, To put it bluntly. You don't have a "prayer" with this one. Praise be!
  12. J

    With my GF in the club. WTF!

    Not for nothing, but you're going to wake up from your coma one day and realize how much time you've wasted with "your girl". You're blind to numerous other opportunites passing you by right now because you're a sick lil pup in "wuv". Straight up. Man up and drop her... no calls, text, email...
  13. J

    >>>Calling all Donna Juanita Alpha-Masterdebeta's!<<<

    At what point are you good enough to be top doggy and not a flea bitten mangy mongrel? When are you self-improved enough to accept yourselves and content with having the rest of the sosuave pack sniffing at your virtual buttocks? After how many posts/ threads/ years?? Discuss.