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  1. C

    Beating your bear belly - The hidden calories in ALCOHOL!

    Hey guys, I saw this while doing some research about alcohol. Its short and to the point, well worth a read if you are trying to lose weight/get abs and drink alcohol regularly. Cure.
  2. C

    A rule Im going to follow from now on to force myself to approach.

    A couple of days ago I came to the realisation that- A. I need to get my sh1t together and start getting out of my comfort zone with women. B I need to stop wasting my life of the internet. To this end, I placed, and, my three most used websites, in a...
  3. C

    Keyboard Jockey's Anonymous - Report here.

    I am one. I know the theory, I’ve read dozens of guides and articles on pick up, I know everything from starting a conversation to escalating to sex, I am very confident about my looks, in good shape, dress well, can make conversation etc. There's nothing missing except one tiny piece of...
  4. C

    approach anxiety summarised in cartoon form: cortesy xkcd

    I love xkcd, anyone who hasnt heard of it, and who likes webcomics, should definatly check it out. Anyways, THIS COMIC in particular caught my attention, its funny and makes a very good point about the reality of approaching strangers versus what beginners like me fear happening...
  5. C

    Cure's 6 month strength building plan. Advice and comments sought.

    Hello all. Ive been dabbling with the gym on and off for the past year or so and have made some improments, cut down a bit of fat and put on about 10lb of muscle. In the time Ive done a lot of research and experimentation to find out what works for me. This is my new routine which I plan to...