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  1. J

    Unbelievable girl....approached her casually, she thinks i was stalking her........

    This is all within my school btw and it's been between me (18 and in final year before university in a few months) and this other girl that's 17 and in the year below me, it's just 2 years in this mid point between high school and university, it's a UK thing. Today, i found out from a friend...
  2. J

    It's Crunch time, i HAVE to do something tomorrow

    Ok long story short there's this girl at my school (year below so she's probably 16) that i think is interested, seen her looking directly at me on several occasions and like at none of my friends so how obvious is that? she must be :crazy: for me or something lol.... it's ridiculous for me...
  3. J

    What do girls think of braces?

    lmao it hasn't affected me at all really. i'm 17 as well and got braces just over 3 years ago now getting them out for Good next week actually! don't be worried though, in the past year i've gotten a lot better with girls actually even with the braces, yes :rolleyes: and recently girls...
  4. J

    Is this too manipulative

    lmao it's a bit TOO manipulative wouldn't you feel lame if you had to do some dumb routine everytime to get a girl to like you? just be yourself, you don't need to manipulate a girl to get her to like you do you?
  5. J

    Girl copying me? Story from the common room!

    I'd thought i'd share this and get your opinions cos i was a little baffled it was... thursday i think and at lunchtime, was sitting with a good friend of mine and he'd just settled to eat some big meal (looked disgusting actually, like sick but aaaaanyway) there's this girl in the year...
  6. J

    When you next a girl in the same school...

    errr no next means next so probably not. if she did something bad / stupid enough for you to just want to be over her then why would you want to keep contact anyway? :whistle:
  7. J

    Pulling girls from facebook etc.

    if you're talking about your junk then :nono: just keep her attraction and interest high man. trust me it can drive a person crazy to know they're almost there and about to get it but just don't know exactly what they'll get or what it'll be like you don't need to show her everything...
  8. J

    who likes souljaboy?

    lol @ Soulja Boy
  9. J

    Girl 'defriends' me. deletes me from facebook THEN wants to start over! fo real

    I've been lurking this site for months but thought i'd might as well register now just because i have my own story and experiences to tell as well as want some advice on things. Anyway this girl wanted to 'Start over' as friends again. It's a looong story but basically i lied to her about...