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  1. J

    7 ways to attract women -- no jokes this time!

    sure, if a (obviously) week inner-game-having chump like you were to do it. how would you know? experience a lot of rejection lately? (maybe MOSTLY) goood one! but the only squeezing being done that night will be of your self-esteem ... when she stomps on it ... but Im sure you know...
  2. J

    7 ways to attract women -- no jokes this time!

    if you do it right, and you see signals of interest after you do it(aka, her undivided attention), then she WILL be there. The only thing preventing her not showing up are pressing plans that she has to attend to. If she's free, bet your punch buggy she'll be there. p.s. bring a ham sandwich.
  3. J

    7 ways to attract women -- no jokes this time!

    no worries. I DEVOUR them for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a snack at night! the, as you put it, hataz, are good fun. so, if you;re reading this, hataz, get ready for a verbal pouncing to the slightest woof of premature, mild, or full-blown hate'ism i sense ... always in the...
  4. J

    Moral dillemma tonight

    listening to this guy will get you nine to five in the near future. outstanding choice!
  5. J

    Well, I fvcked up...

    listening to your guys ***** about your problems and beat yourself up for it makes me want to throw up. LISTEN man, be a ****ing man and EITHER ask the beauty out or accept being a friend becuase chances are, that's all you are to her(those who fail to capitalize on opportunities, must suffer...
  6. J

    7 ways to attract women -- no jokes this time!

    no, the list of things not to do is what YOU do EVERYDAY.
  7. J

    7 ways to attract women -- no jokes this time!

    And you're asian, and crazy at that
  8. J

    7 ways to attract women -- no jokes this time!

    thank you for the praise. it's always good to know there are haters aboard this ship. Next time, Ill try and read some of the played out **** in those seduction books you guys devour, and give you some of those routines you guys have probably NEVER tried in your miserably, lonely lives. Seems...
  9. J

    7 ways to attract women -- no jokes this time!

    WARNING: This post is not for the LOSERS of the DON JUAN FORUM. If you lack intelligence, wit, and/or humor, (which you most likely do) LEAVE NOW. OR, leave your retard comment and have me DEVOUR you for breakfast...your choice, CHUMP! It's 11 pm on the westcoast. The club gets good @ 12...
  10. J

    Apocalypse opener on a college campus?

    what the F**K are you guys talking about?
  11. J

    7 Ways to attract women

    ss xxx
  12. J

    Can You Think Of A Clever Response To This???

    settle down boys. settle down. love peace putang = happiness
  13. J

    7 Ways to attract women

    SIKE!!! but good luck! haha no, but seriously, here's what I REALLY do to get girls hot and horny: 1> I tell her what I want 2> I tell her what I don't want 3>I tell her to go get me a ham sandwich 4> @ seven eleven 5> the one across the street 6>by the parking lot 7> which is by the...
  14. J

    What makes you happy?

    Ah, a challenging one ... Here goes ... Women boy, that was exhausting!
  15. J

    Can You Think Of A Clever Response To This???

    Please Playboy to be, you're not fooling ANYONE. We've all been there; making excuses for ourselves for why we want "to stick around". Let's face this defeat head on, cut your losses, and move on. Spending time with this girl will NOT lead NOWHERE ... unless you want to be her friend and...
  16. J

    Can You Think Of A Clever Response To This???

    VERY Gooood! I like that way you spotted someone you like, contacted her immediately, then sought help when it doubt of how to respond! Good job Playboy to be, BUT ... you made a HUGE mistake in the beginning. Why on EARTH would you ask if she has a boyfriend??? You Seem EXTREMELY...
  17. J

    one thing i noticed about my buddies who get laid alot

    I disagree BIG time!!! Don't get me wrong, now. I like the idea of having women call me. I---in the beginning---even tried it a few times, and had girls call me...usually from girls who had NO SOCIAL LIFE. Now a days, girls call me and I am able to give my number out and expect a call, but this...
  18. J

    No more Mr. Nice Guy

    BEFORE YOU PROCEED, HEED MY WARNING: Never change WHO you are ... or else, you'll lose yourself. Lose yourself, and you lose BIG!!! Wishing you International Success with Women
  19. J

    How to you guys propose anal sex?

    DIRTY, DIRTY TOPIC!!! But a good one nontheless ... If you want the Anal sex, which most women HATE ... Don't ask, cuase she'll deny Just take And you'll have your "Dirty" little Anal Sex
  20. J

    heres a new opener I used today that worked

    I just now tested a new opener I thought of today on an attractive 40 worked! Not to brag or anything like that, not my style, but I thought of it today after a not so successful approach(I saw a Sexy, Beautiful under 20 something girl outside the gym I work out at, approached...