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  1. W

    How do you react to that?

    haha. I would disappear like a ninja.
  2. W

    Your dog will always love you more than your girlfriend.

    The More I Know Women…the More I Love Dogs.
  3. W

    If I initiated No Contact when should I break it?

    You go no contact for your own mental health, as a consequence of moving on. You don't break it
  4. W

    This girl squirts like CRAY!! And I love it.

    Interesting... i think its hot! As long as she cleans the mess... Imagine having a girlfriend like that squirting all over your house, sure it gets old in the long run :D
  5. W

    Challenge me!!

    Do a barrel roll!
  6. W

    Still trying to figure yout why this girl led me on so much.

    Uffff single moms.... what a headache, ive had my share...
  7. W

    lesbian here

    :crackup: :crackup: :crackup:
  8. W

    Tips for a virgin

  9. W

    She is always flirting.

    Hehehe i think you are being played! I hope the puzzy is worth it! :D
  10. W

    she breaks NC again...

    Thats women's game, when you reach that point you know you are being played, they are winning you over. they make you settle About the OP, i don't think he knows what he wants... talks about experiments and games.... i think he is the one being played and out of control, confused and...
  11. W

    Do kill our manhood with pickup?

    I love pu$$y but i don't need it.... I will make an effort to get it, but i won't tolerate bullshiat. :D
  12. W

    Im thinking about getting a tatoo

    I like tattoos, it's simple. I must admit i enjoy the attention (even the negative), but it's not a big deal really, i do it beaceuse it's something i like, i don't worry nor think much about it... maybe i don't take my life seriously :D
  13. W

    Question: How To Know If You're Good Looking Or Not

    Every now and then hot women stare at you and open playfull conversations, without you having to say anynthing nor show any interest.
  14. W

    She is playing hard to get

    This is a very weak message, sorry. If you were addicted to sex and fell in love with her after a long relationship and you really cared, i could understand that. Bur for a girl you barely met and is rejecting you... no... just no. stop. next.
  15. W

    Help Please ASAP

    I wouldn't say anything. Let her tell you how she feels, let her be the one who worries, sends messages... keep busy keep moving
  16. W

    Writing letters (not "love" letters)

    Been there, done that... It doesn't matter how alpha or beta you sound in your texts or how intelectualy stimulating it is... the longer you keep thinking about her and texting, the harder it will be to switch the frame to real sex mode, and bigger the frustration in the case you fail. Take care.
  17. W

    Ex just starting to see another guy, and likes him (time sensitive)

    When you overthink that much about a girl, you know something is wrong in your head (no offense). Empty your mind, let it go, chill... take care of your life and mental health... we men are suposed to be simple... just move on... being indifferent and not caring feels good (and new chicks dig it )
  18. W

    My girlfriend with BHD dumped me how can i get back with her?

    The more you worry the worse is going to get. Try to let it go and she will come back to you sooner or later, if you don't push.