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  1. V

    How to disassociate thoughts/feelings

    try the power of now or the sedona method. the first one helped me a lot
  2. V

    What do you do when you can't get hard?!

    try to relax happend to me also when I was nervous
  3. V

    Get the Power. (on masturbation)

    thnx :rockon:
  4. V

    Get the Power. (on masturbation)

    dude I were thinking you're going to tell it here :(
  5. V

    the Fear of Failure

    I think this could be one of my best posts made on the internet concerning seduction. A quick intro: I'm almost 21 years, I'm like 2.5 year in the community. Read a lot of stuff, met a lot of pua's, sarged with them etc. Made huge progress the last years. But I wasn't happy with the results...
  6. V

    Verbally attacked for not being an AFC

    I feeled like a real alpha man when 3 chicks who I just met and didn't speak with asked me if I was a alpah male :P They just felt it
  7. V

    this is the way to become a SEXUAL GOD IN BED.

    interesting first i will find a nice chick then i will focus on techniques
  8. V

    Amsterdam/Rotterdam/Utrecht or anywhere in Holland

    Holland represent :rockon:
  9. V

    Christmas Bootcamp

    Finished week 1 Was a lot harder than I expected. 50 times saying hallo to strange people is hard. Most people look away so you don't have much people to approach good. Others look very quick and shy. I'm now doing week 2. I'll keep you guys informed. Greetings V-men
  10. V

    Do you have a foreign name?

    Guys just learn to live with it. I'm from Bosnia and I live in the Netherlands. My first name is ok to speak out. But my last name is so difficult people can't even speak it out. I learned to deal with it. It's a part of my identity and no way I'm going to change it.
  11. V

    Christmas Bootcamp

    Hi guys, I wil first introduce myself because I'm new here and then I will write what my goals are with the DJ bootcamp. I'm V-men, a 20 year old student in the Netherlands. I discovered pick up when I was like 17/18. It tottaly changed my world. Before then I was a so called nerd. I loved...