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  1. J

    Bank robbing is "not as bad" for women? This article really chaps my ass. In the article, CNN uses several "experts" who seem to have the idea that women rob banks for better reasons than men. For example.. "Women are more pragmatic," forensic sociologist Rosemary...
  2. J

    Self Actualization theory - Key to Don Juan?

    What is self-actualization? Let's see some definitions. -Goldstein defined self-actualization as a driving life force that will ultimately lead to maximizing one's abilities and determine the path of one's life." -A basic definition from a typical college text book defines...
  3. J

    Build attraction with her friends

    So you finally got off your ass and talked to an attractive woman? Great!! Not only did you do THAT, but you also created attraction and got her genuinely interested in you! You are improving by strides and bounds, my friend! You went out a few times and you escalated kino and got her to get...
  4. J

    Slept with my buddies old girl..

    Okay here's the situation. My good friend was fvcking around with this one chick but he didn't want a relationship with her. They were always with each other but he refused to call her his "girlfriend". He said she was "too annoying" to date. I used to see her all the time and she would flirt...
  5. J

    Stop being a b!tch

    Whats going on with this forum?? Every other topic: -someone has severe oneitis - doesn't know where their life is headed. Some of these posts are so depressing, its like a farewell letter. - stupid topics like WHEN TO TXT/CALL?? Are you serious? There are so many posts about this.. SEARCH...
  6. J

    Self-discipline.. do you have it?

    Self-discipline is defined as.. "discipline and training of oneself, usually for improvement: ". It's basically the ability to control yourself, and your impulses to that of a favorable outcome. Do you wake up as soon as the alarm goes off? Or do you wait in bed all day and make excuses...
  7. J

    Embrace your male dominance. Become an alpha.

    I have become "that guy" at parties. The guy that is the center of attention. The guy that makes everyone feel comfortable and is very fun to be around. The guy that can attract women with LITTLE effort. I was at this party Saturday, and I was with my good friend. We knew NOBODY. Yet I went up...
  8. J

    MY relapse to AFCism

    I confess. I went back to my AFC ways. How could this of happened? I'll try to walk you through it the best I can. Here's my story. I started reading this material for about a year but haven't really had the balls to start practicing it until about a month ago. I started caring more about...
  9. J

    Field Journal- jdon23

    Hello all! Im starting this journal because I want to contribute to this site and improve my game. I will update it as I feel necessary. ====== Last night I went to a party in my town. My buddy invited me, so I went over to his crib and waited for him to get ready before we left. Anyway, his...
  10. J

    Find your confidence

    Confidence. You hear this word everywhere. Its needed to "attract" women, and helps in everyday life. But how do you acquire this important trait? Confidence is defined as: "belief in oneself and one's powers or abilities; self-confidence; self-reliance; assurance:" You can only BECOME...
  11. J

    Victoria's secret.. job?

    My buddy told me he used to work at this Victoria's secret a few years ago. He said it was a godsend because he got to meet so many women every day. Anyway.. I decided to stop in there today. I was the only male in probably the whole store and there were gorgeous women looking at underwear and...