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  1. L

    Woman suddenly avoids me?

    Ok. The rest is obviously good then.
  2. L

    Woman suddenly avoids me?

    You are right I guess what many of you say here is right. I have been too easy, paying her too much attention, which also has lead to people (including the female boss) has noticed. The female boss seems to be jealous as well, so I guess she is fearing for her job. This and/or feeling of guilt...
  3. L

    Woman suddenly avoids me?

    Do you mean the weekend after I leave the job?
  4. L

    Woman suddenly avoids me?

    Yeah I could tell a lie, but she is checking my stories so it could easily backfire.
  5. L

    Woman suddenly avoids me?

    Maybe, but I would expect her to act cold the day after I asked her instead of keep flirting. The day after she actually asked me for some help with a lame excusion, and then we were isolated. And she was asking me if I had asked someone else for cinema in the weekend. I told her I was going out...
  6. L

    Woman suddenly avoids me?

    Actually, she came up to me once at the end of a work party, and asked me what my plans are now. I should have asked her to come home with me then, but I could not at that time.
  7. L

    Woman suddenly avoids me?

    Isn't it up to her to decide what she wants to do with her life? If she is flirting with me, then I take her as fair game until she say stop.
  8. L

    Woman suddenly avoids me?

    I am about to change employer in a few weeks, so please don’t give me the “don’t sit where you eat speech” :-) . So there is this girl at the office I want to date. We have been flirting for a long time. I’ve got some good signs of interest, and we have shared a lot of “moments”, staring each...
  9. L

    As soon as she talks about her boyfriend, am I friend zone'd?

    Hey Ollie (or someone else), what reactions would she be looking after and what would it tell her? I know this is an old thread, but it would be very interesting to know.
  10. L

    She suddenly shows signs of a crush

    I have to ask you guys that have been dealing with a lot of girls: Does it ever happen that a girl is indecisive wether she finds a guy she has known for two years attractive or not? Or could it change? I guess I have to be more specific: I always hear that a girl decides wether a guy is...
  11. L

    How to deal with these kind of guys

    When you are in the same group of people on a regular basis, and there's a girl you like in this group, but there's also a guy that HAS to dominate the conversation at all times in the group. How do you deal with this? If you say something he will break you off. If you don't say something he...
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    I don't agree. If you play WOW for instance, and unashamed and with enthusiasm tell the girl how you played for 4 hours yesterday, and finally got the epic sword you wanted, she will most likely run for the hills.
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    Ok, but what do I say when she starts making excuses to why she doesn't work out?
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    There's nothing that make you look as boring as having no hobbies or never talk about them if you have one. But wouldn't some hobbies make you look even more boring, like if you collect stamps or play with steam machines? Which hobbies is good to have to make you more interesting to women? Is...
  15. L

    How do I Avoid Being The Rebound-guy?

    WE WORK TOGETHER, thats why I haven't made a move. I've never had a problem asking women out.
  16. L

    How do I Avoid Being The Rebound-guy?

    As I said I will move to another departement soon. We wont work together then, and only see each other if we want to see each other. Also I have applied for a better job in another company, and there's a chance I could get this one.
  17. L

    How do I Avoid Being The Rebound-guy?

    With alone, I mean when noone at work can see or hear us. We have only been seeing each other at work, so thats why I haven't done anything, and want to ask her out "officially". You are right.. at least I want to see where this can lead. If there's mutual attraction and chemistry, there's...
  18. L

    How do I Avoid Being The Rebound-guy?

    This lovely young chick (22) has been flirting with me over several months now. She has a boyfriend, and when we started the flirting I got the impression they were doing OK. But over the last few weeks things have changed. If she talks about him in the conversations, she is usually talking...
  19. L

    Will talking about it kill the flirt?

    I have a flirt going on at work. It has been going on for two months now. Since we work together and all, I guess its best to keep it lightly. But the good thing is that in a few weeks we will not work together anymore. I want to ask her out, but I want to wait until I change job. But I also...
  20. L

    Importance of body language

    Why should a guy not lean against a wall or bar? And how should a guy's posture be if you sit in a chair while talking to a girl you like; do you lean back or towards her, and do you widen your legs? Where do you put your arms?