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  1. N

    Line she used on Friday

    I was making reference to what she said not me. I'm not actually that sad, I attend one of the best Universities in the UK, I'm content and have no financial worries.
  2. N

    Line she used on Friday

    How does this line sound to you, She mentions that I dress well to which I say 'yeah people think I'm gay, can you believe that?!' She then says 'I wouldn't worry about it, all the girls fancy gay men as it is.' :p
  3. N

    another noob + cardio

    I'll try this technique.
  4. N

    Treadmill and Weight Loss

    I could do yes, what sort of weight etc would you consider?
  5. N

    Treadmill and Weight Loss

    smooth guy - Thank you for your reply it is most informative, especially for a 16 year old! Do you think that the basic idea is sound?
  6. N

    Treadmill and Weight Loss

    Hello all, Basically I'm just trying to lose some excess weight as a combination of factors has lead me to increasing my weight over the last few months. I currently weight 190 pounds (13.5 stone or 86 kilos) with the intention of getting down to around 80 kilos then down to 75 kilos (or...
  7. N

    Unusual Oneitis

    Been working over the Xmas holidays and have to admit I'm hardly thinking of the girl. Also, we're no longer in the same class for a subject meaning I'll see less and less of her which will help me get over it.
  8. N

    Social Circles - Wingmen

    Hi all, I feel that the importance of a solid group of friends cannot be overlooked. Now I hate to be judgemental but I feel that we all are in some way or another. People can identify a geeky group from the 'in' crowd relatively easily. Being with a group of friends who have had...
  9. N

    'Facebook Stalking'

    I think the curiosity is there (I'm guilty to it) but think it's not at all what an alpha male would do. The girls would add him to their friends list.
  10. N

    Only two more times to see oneitis, anyway to get?

    Alternatively you could be very AFC and find out where she hangs out or when she's in the library then stalk her. ;)
  11. N

    'Facebook Stalking'

    People at Uni seem to have engaged in 'Facebook stalking' where they will somehow find out the name of a HB and check out all her pictures. Or they might talk to her once then add her to FB, please don't do this in my opinion it is a totally AFC thing to do. On the other hand, don't read too...
  12. N

    Email to a girl

    Oh dear this is the worst thread in a while (worse than a couple of mine lol).
  13. N

    Unusual Oneitis

    How did you get over it? Did you go for it with her or ignore her?
  14. N

    I want to smell good what are some good colognes

    Dior Higher Energy, Clinique Happy, Chanel Allure Homme Sport.
  15. N

    virgin at 20

    You don't look ugly to me. I'm a virgin at 20 too and have hardly done anything with a girl, I'm sure you've got more experience than me.
  16. N

    Unable to eat first thing in the morning

    Interceptor, sounds like a plan!
  17. N

    Unusual Oneitis

    The drug remark is 100% accurate, it makes it seem almost worthwhile, it also makes me melt when it happens. This is amazing my friend, it's like you read my mind. It's nice to know I'm not that unusual and you've seen it before. I don't have big enough balls to carry out the solution that...
  18. N

    New to the forum

    Nice to meet you. Remember to just keep trying, in my opinion just getting out there is a brilliant start.
  19. N

    Unusual Oneitis

    The problem with me is that when I'm given a little bit of encouragement I seem to fall head over heels. This girl has been doing the same degree as me but she just started talking to me this year quite randomly, the first time I spoke to her she nearly slipped over so I thought it would be a...
  20. N

    Do or don't?

    Personally this doesn't sound like the right idea, it would be better to get her number first in my opinion.