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  1. M

    Tactical Issue: If Target is not interested I move on and I don't befriend her!

    Aight so this kinda happens with me often, If am chatting with a girl and I get the feeling that she is not interested, I do not try to make her a friend I just move on, which I feel is not the best move to make! I mean, I could befriend her and have her become part of my social circle, but I...
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    Cutie who wanted me, kissed her, texts next day sayin it was a mistake! lol‏

    Ohh btw I called her up the next day after she didn respond, she doesn pickup, i get a text from her a few mins later sayin "You called?...". I did not respond because I was with another girl on a date. I called her the next day and she also doesn answer, I sent her a text sayin "Let me knw...
  3. M

    Cutie who wanted me, kissed her, texts next day sayin it was a mistake! lol‏

    You know what man I think ur right! I mean when we kissed it kinda didn feel rite, like I felt no attraction to her what so ever! I mean it's like I was kissing her because she was just THERE you know! for the sake of kissing ! lol And also i even thought she was a bad kisser! And for as long...
  4. M

    Cutie who wanted me, kissed her, texts next day sayin it was a mistake! lol‏

    It was kinda funny to me acutally! Here's what happened: I went out with this girl i met a week ago at the mall one afternoon while shopping. I met up with her at a place she suggested which was a hotel bar with beach access, it was me, her and her girlfriend who supposedly had a boyfriend...
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    Modros Self Improvement

    Fantastic! Keep up the good work! It will pay off in many ways!
  6. M

    So I just shaved my head almost bald!

    Aight, so just for the record I shaved it Justin-Timberlake-Style! ;) So anyway after a few days with this hair I started to like it! ;D but I am still gonna grow it back long enough to Wax cause thats just "Who I Am" ...I like it better when I styled my hair with wax . Though I am enjoying...
  7. M

    Conversational Skills?

    If you barely know what to talk about in general? Its just been happening with me I started to think how would i lead an interesting and entertaining conversation with ppl? Any tips,advice,comments, even links to posts that might help would be highly appreciated!
  8. M

    So I just shaved my head almost bald!

    LOOOL this is hilarious i swear i totally forgot i did this thread! Thank you all for each and every comment, i appreciate them! ...will be replying to each of them soon. Cheers
  9. M

    So I just shaved my head almost bald!

    I've just shaved my head almost bald, am a white guy and it doesn look bad, am not buff, but still it looks alright. I just feel like I look a little weird and I am worried that am not gonna be able to hold my confidence once my family and friends see it and start poking at it :P Am worried my...
  10. M

    I Think I'm too ****y or too mean sometimes!

    Hey well I have been realizing a pattern in here that I am too ****y or too mean when talking to WOMEN, I use too much C&F! ....ALOT!....and I have come to realize its working against me. See I was the dork in highschool, I have to EVOLVE a lil and start dressing better and listening to alot of...
  11. M

    Need some tips on on non-alchoholic drinks in a bar/club!

    No folks trust me i don give a flying Fu*k what people would think of me if am carrying a mocktail or whatever. I just would like to know if there was any good drink that non-alchoholics recommend. Apparently am just gonna be sticking to Redbull Peace n Thnx
  12. M

    Need some tips on on non-alchoholic drinks in a bar/club!

    Aight am a guy that does not drink at all. Whenever i go to a club or a bar i usually order a Redbull, and am telling u i have had enough already! lol I need to find a cool non-alchoholic drink to order in a bar or club! ohhh and if i do order it, i want it to be a MANLY drink :P Thanks folks.
  13. M

    Help me out. I'm a 24 year old loser and I don't want to be this way anymore

    WOW!!.....For the first time EVER i feel proud to be a member of this forum, seeing that we have so MANY ppl who are willing help even a person who is completely lost ! and btw Clash113 I hope you took @ least one bit of these gentlemen's advice cause honestly man this is your chance to make...
  14. M

    Inviting a girl to a friend's party as first date, bad idea ?

    Oii its a great idea! ....since she doesn know anyone there u get to introduce her to ppl!......she will be hangin on u as social comfort, make frnds with all the guys, joke around with girls and just have fun! and i dunno why this picture just popped in my head, but remember the movie "The...
  15. M

    What is the BEST material/Book/DVD/Article...w.e to deal with INNER GAME?

    Ok i want to know the BEST and GUARANTEED S*** to deal with INNER GAME once and FOR ALL!!!!!! I am tired of self doubt, i am tired of overthinking stuff i am tired of thinking am not worth *though in reality i truly am!!!!!* I am just sick and tired of feeling like crap on stupid stuff that...
  16. M

    OK WTF??...Girl am not interested in now in a relationship and i feel hurt!?!

    First of all "Its The Attitude" nice screen name, cause yes on some level i do believe that its the "ATTITUDE" that you project is what you will receive. Secondly, dude we've been chatting on MSN ever since we met and before we even made out for the first time and after that also. The thing...
  17. M

    OK WTF??...Girl am not interested in now in a relationship and i feel hurt!?!

    Man Thnx for the comments and advice, honestly i respect everthing anyone says, i don't care if you guys are harsh to me, I WANT TO LEARN! Dude i am just tired of reading and listening to too much material that i feel like its commin through one ear and going out the other! I am tired of my...
  18. M

    OK WTF??...Girl am not interested in now in a relationship and i feel hurt!?!

    Thank you all for the comments i appreciate em all! Latest Update: 1- I was up late the other night (lately i can't sleep thinkin bout this S***, i mean i dunno why this thing is bothering me some much, but i usually don't sleep till 5 AM anyway and that girl stays up late too) . - I see she...