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  1. B

    Seduction is a mind game(Long Read).

    This is chill. But I have to say that the root of value is a little subjective. Are you basing this concept of "HIGH VALUE" on the fact that girls like you? Or are you basing it on your view of what is considered high value in your own life? I stay away from basing my "value" on anything...
  2. B

    How do you compete with a popular guy who's gaming the same girl?

    In high school, yes. **** it though man, college is like nothing like highschool high school isn't the real world you should like make a **** ton of money. I sure as hell wish I did back then instead of chasing around high school girls and going to parties. Partying never stops. High...
  3. B

    Your advice

    haha what the hell man? this chick sounds messed up bro, but I don't know I don't think it really matters at this point. This is just funny.
  4. B

    Is this girl trying to DJ ME?!?!? (Need advice badly)

    You are wasting your time. Big Time. It's a lose/lose. If she's not lying, shes fcked up in the head and sounds like a ghetto ho. If she is lying, she's a dirty skank liar. :nono:
  5. B

    The Ultimate Cheat Code

    Hey fingers, thanks for the replies man that is some deep advice... I work out every day In terms of pushing myself to physical exhaustion its been awhile, since high school football seasons like a couple years ago... I already know that the only answer to my life is inside of me, and...
  6. B

    The Ultimate Cheat Code

    This post provoked a wierd reaction in me. I can't help but think that I have been tainted by my past. I have been rejected so many times and they have all been because I have shown to much interest, that I am afraid to care about someone now. I have girls that are interested in me, and like I...
  7. B

    Do you want that feel?

    u could also just date girls you interested in and not make women anywhere near a top priority in your life
  8. B

    2 girls that are REALLY close

    threesome :nervous:
  9. B

    How well do you have to "perform" on a date to get another one?

    if a girl goes all the way on the first date, I don't think it was because of your "DJ" skills i think it was because the girl was a ho bag and loves fcuking everyone. I'll hook up with a girl on the first date and still call her, but dude think about it, she fcks you within one night...
  10. B

    Here's a Tip for you.

    Dating is driven solely by sex.
  11. B

    Intrested girl just won't budge after fight...need advice

    I guess you supplicated a little bit with that but I don't really think it matters that much. Meet some other girls, thats the answer to every question. For the future, if she says something like that over face book. well actually fck facebook u should delete oyur face book and aol that way...
  12. B

    And now for something completely different... (groupies)

    its sweet to see some other musicians on the board.... yea dude music goes hand in hand with chicks man, i go to music school right now to and study music, and soon enough my band is going to play gigs and im going to be knee deep in puzzy
  13. B

    How well do you have to "perform" on a date to get another one?

    Strive to be a ten in everything that you do. I don't get caught up on formulas, but if a girl is like a 7 or 8 on that scale, I might ask her out again, if I had a good time.. she doesn't have to **** me. In fact if a girl ****s me on the first date, there is no way im going to call her...
  14. B

    Pics included, what do I need to do?

    If I were you, Id be doing some serious cardio. Like 4 days a week circuit training cardio with situps 2 Days a Week heavy ass lifting, like burning out muscle groups, one day legs, one day upper body and diet is more important that anything else like you could work out every day but if your...
  15. B

    Is this A good idea?

    sounds like you are already putting her above you in your own mind. she isn't above you she isn't better than you
  16. B

    Purpose of the Game & the Lack of Quality

    The better looking a girl is, the less she has to be. She can suck a cachk and get whatever she wants for the rest of her natural born life. The most quality girls are the ones that have decent looks. but not enough to be slobbered over by tons of men. They usually have passions just as DJ's...
  17. B

    Pajama Party Report

    That is hilarious, puzzy everywhere!
  18. B

    how to handle a girl that is b1tchy

    I would tell her what's up and that her complaining is annoying and she comes off as a negative nancy. You won't have a meaningful relationship with her though thats for sure. She WILL NOT change, SHE WILL GET WORSE.
  19. B

    What if I want to be the loser who women can't resist?

    I consider someone who hits a girl a loser just because that is a loser thing to do, If they are getting *****, then more power to them. Cheating on a girl isn't a big deal, i've know plenty of guys that cheat their brains out and are cool as fck. And doing nothing with your life, makes you...
  20. B

    What if I want to be the loser who women can't resist?

    Losers who get girls don't give a **** about girls Losers who don't get girls, don't give a **** about themselves.