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  1. X

    NEVER end it with a girl you think isn't into you

    he's not saying to keep asking her out and hope something changes for her so she'll say yes. he's saying, at least throw the girl a text or an email or a call once a week or every other week, just to let her know you're still alive. so if things do change, or she changes her mind, she won't...
  2. X

    relationships getting booooring....

    2 things. why are you calling her all the time to talk about nothing? and if you can't have a good relationship without having to spend money, maybe you need to find something that interests you that is free!
  3. X

    Would it be too presumptuous to say she is interested in me?

    her touching you = good thing. if you wait much longer, she's going to take it as you rejected her and she'll move on. make something happen
  4. X

    emergency contraception

    I'm not making laws here, we can allow both you know! :up:
  5. X

    emergency contraception

    punch her in the stomach REAL every time! and for future knowledge: THE ONLY 100% EFFECTIVE FORM OF BIRTH CONTROL IS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ANAL SEX
  6. X

    Don Juans Everywhere!

    I'm moving to prescott/chino valley arizona tommorow!!!
  7. X

    NEVER end it with a girl you think isn't into you

    good advice, even when I think a girl isnt going to go out with me right away or something, I make sure to call her once in a while on the weekends or somthing. you never know when you meet a girl if she is in the middle of breaking up with someone, or just met someone, and she might not seem...
  8. X

    How can I turn this into something?

    so wait, you didn't even get her #? bro, if she just wants to chat on the internet with you, and says she doensnt want to date, and won't give you her # why are you wasting your time? at the same time.............she might not want to give her number out to some strange guy who was...
  9. X

    Tips for getting ABS??

    and how do you know your bf%? calipers? tank? mirror? or electronic?
  10. X

    Tips for getting ABS??

    if you are eating more calories than you are expending, you will gain weight, depending on how clean the food you eat is, you may gain a little pudge. you can't reduce fat, and gain lean muscle at the same time, bulk now, then cut. don't worry so much about abs, if you lift huge, your...
  11. X

    pull up / chin ups, how effective

    wide grip = wide close grip = thick overhand = guy way underhand = girlie way wide grip overhand grip has almost doubled my width! i could barely do them at all when I started, now I rep with 70lbs hanging
  12. X

    Tips for getting ABS??

    abs have very little correlation with muscle. charm is right when he says it depends on BF% it's all about diet a famous quote in my other h&f forum is: "abs are made in the kitchen"
  13. X

    How can I turn this into something?

    talking for 2 or 3 hours at a time is going to put you in the friend zone with the quickness!!! phone conversations should be for making plans only, and shouldn't last more than 5 minutes or so you have to meet her in person to make anything happen!
  14. X

    I wonder if there is any truth behind these words, aside from the joke.

    sounds like she is seeing if you will take the bait and confess you like her friend and not her. sounds like the girl diggs you bro
  15. X

    pull up / chin ups, how effective

    you clench it with your teeth lol!! you need a dip/pullup belt, you get a real nice one for about $35:up:
  16. X

    psycho girl?

    she just likes the attention, let that headache pass
  17. X

    ebaying for clothes? lame?

    a good friend of mine sells brooks brothers overstock on ebay...... he's real legit, and apparently other people are buying it because he is bringing in over 150k a year
  18. X

    short temper agressive and angry

    self control maybe? take some time for yourself and relax!
  19. X

    Strip club tips?

    strippers will do whatever you want them too, just tell them what you want. if they like you, you can bend the rules a bit.
  20. X

    Bulking Up: How much did it improve your life?

    bulking helped and hurt me it helped me attain my personal goals. but physically and monetarily it hurt me, as my clothes no longer fit, my ROM went out the window and I had to buy new clothes lol however, I couldn't get into a fight if I TRIED nowadays(not that I'm picking them anyway)...