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  1. S

    Dealing with haters

    Very serious question; Whats the best way to deal with them? For me, they are everywhere. Whether its the guy at the checkout counter who throws the change in my hand, or the guy at the club who stares at me just because im having a fun time. Or the girls who hate me because they can't get...
  2. S

    a series of steps

    allrighty boys; a series of steps. step 1. sort your image ----------------------- absolutely vital; you sort this and youll be well on your way. dont; and itll be an uphill battle. good image can help you a tonne and save you a lot of work. everyone will have a different style; yes; but...
  3. S

    IYO who is the most manly man??

    im curious.
  4. S

    mature man YES but where are the mature women?

    All I seem to come across are immature, selfish, ME-ME-ME girls who just want to play games, and only talking point is themselves: not very interesting. The only thing these girls do have is that they are hot. As a mature man, I find this very frustrating. Part of the problem could be that I'm...