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  1. J

    LJBF zone--is it different in high school?

    thinking about it now, that was an exaggeration; but still, they seem to still show interest afterwards, initiating conversations
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    LJBF zone--is it different in high school?

    I'm struggling with this concept, after going out with several girls and not escalating. I get all upset about it afterwards, thinking I've lost my chance, but everything going forward from that point indicates otherwise. Does anyone have experience with this concept and high school girls...
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    confused after going out with girl

    sage advice man, thanks She did IM me last night, which was the first time she ever initiated anything (so I take it as a good sign). I'll see where this goes, but at the same time I'm not going to put all my marbles on her.
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    confused after going out with girl

    I met this girl through my social circle a few weeks ago and we hit it off and I got her #. Yesterday we went to the Santa Monica Pier and went on the roller coasters. We both had a good time; she was laughing a lot and I was using a lot of kino. The problem was I put too much pressure on...
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    For those guys who are WBAFC (way beyond AFC)

    I second that. Your advice is so true. I started being more social and friendly to everyone this year (I'm a senior in high school) and it's paid huge dividends. Although the people I hang out with on the weekends is basically the same, I have a much larger social circle.
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    Going to First Teen Club Tonight!

    anybody know of any teen clubs in LA?
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    A Thanks To Those Who Tried..

    check out The Power of NOw by Eckhart Tolle. It's given me a whole new perspective on thoughts and emotions.
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    Can't Even Say "Hi", "Hey", or "Hello."

    I agree with victory. I have only recently come to the realization that WOMEN ARE HUMAN. The worst response you might get from saying "hi" is a confused look or being ignored. Just realize that they could have had a bad day or be in some strange emotional state at the moment. It's more a comment...
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    Approaching Girls at Gym

    thx for the tip Lust. I'll try that next time.
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    Approaching Girls at Gym

    So where I work out, I often see girls come in and step onto one of the treadmills or eliptical striders (many with headphones). How do I open and attract these girls, who are usually occupied by both their cardio and music?
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    LA / Orange County, CA CHAPTER

    Jared, 18 year old white male, West LA
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    Anybody in Santa Monica (Los Angeles)?

    I'm 18, just getting started. Anybody my age in Santa Monica (or near SM)?
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    Need a new hairstyle

    I found this page helpful when I wanted to change hairstyles:
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    Rushing Dude's 100 Approach diary

    It seemed like your interaction went well with the first gym girl. Why didn't you ask for her number?
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    Humour Bootcamp

    Great idea. I would definately support/join it, considering that I am not naturally funny.
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    What city do you live in Carmen? It seems like there are a lot of opportunities wherever you are.
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    The Cube; Best Friends' Test; etc.

    I read about this stuff in The Game...where can I learn more about it? Is it in Mystery's book? I always seem to end up reverting to interview type questions when talking to girls, which gets me nowhere.
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    My Senior Year Journal

    I thought I was reading my own profile there for a second. This is crazy. I'm going into senior year of hs, am 5'6" (not 140 though), never had a gf, never kissed a girl. Good luck man. Where have you been going over the summer for approaches? I've tried the mall, and the Santa Monica...
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    Question about dating sites

    Look up Dave M on google--I have heard great things about his internet dating system