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  1. P

    Another date with her

    cmon guys. how abt some suggestions or opinions. ?
  2. P

    Another date with her

    Hi guys, I had a second date wid this girl after a gap of 3 months coz i ws in australia for some project. am frm india. I engaged her in conversation but at times we were having breaks of silence which lasted not more 5 seconds. I maintained good eye contact and spoke to her most of the times...
  3. P

    Help me here

    i kept on changing the arrival date due to work pressure. thts why i hv now stopped sending her ne mails. if she had somebody in her sights then why is she still awaiting my return. she could hv ignored everything. she stills returns my sms. it could be tht she wants a face 2 face contact. its...
  4. P

    Help me here

    any suggestions here now becoz of the first mail she is saying tht we are friends newy and lets not things too seriously. she aint even writing any mushy stuff which she used to all tht much. i am gng to meet her still when i get back 2 india. any ideas as to how i should approach her now...
  5. P

    Help me here

    i havent slept with this yet and not even kissed her. i think i ws too judgemental and detached frm tht mail. so i wrote another mail today. I guess i like this girl. doesnt really matter if i hv oneitis or not. ***************************************************** Sorry for tht mail...
  6. P

    Help me here

    Hi guys, I was seeing this girl in india but had 2 come to aus for 3 months. since then we have been chatting and calling each other. lately i had to change my date of arrival back 3-4 times. she got a bit angry coz of tht and for some other reason too. yesterday i sent this mail to her. i...
  7. P

    Conversation with my date.

    yeah i do ask her the questions. just was an extract of our convo.
  8. P

    Conversation with my date.

    This was not the first date and this is a chat convo. we met each other twice but i had to come to aus for my work and we are only chatting or calling each other. I dont know if i am doing too much of the pull stuff here. what does this conversation tell you guys. am i doing it right or i need...
  9. P

    What race are you?

    Human first, then indian with dark brown eyes and hair.
  10. P

    How do i beat this?

    grooming urself, doing exercises, meeting new people are some of the signs that u like urself. guys say they like themselves and they had greasy hair, long nails, bad teeth. Is tht how u want 2 present urself to a girl ? u hv to groom urself and look ur best when u r out there. i ws a bit like...
  11. P

    How do i beat this?

    yes Chosen 1. just work on ur career first. and at the some time practice ur moves. wish u success m8. ur a man and u certainly can make it where u want 2.
  12. P

    How do i beat this?

    True guys! spam! i worked a lot on my fitness as i was pretty fat in school (ages back) and now am quite fit. Though i think i am average looking i get a few compliments coz i am tall and look fit. i have worked a lot on this grooming thing (nails, skin and hair). nobody can stop you from...
  13. P

    My first kiss.

    thanks mate for tht advice. and doesnt matter how old u r. 20 or 30 or nething. u started it atleast. This can happen in south asian countries a lot. I am 27 and just started dating again. best of luck luke. u r getting there. i got laid once but tht happened ages ago in college.
  14. P

    Wht rating would you give her. she is an indian

    i am an indian but am in australia for some time. she is in her mid 20's. well we are not living in medieval times. but i do agree dating in INdia as compared to western countries does not mean the same thing.
  15. P

    Wht rating would you give her. she is an indian

  16. P

    Jariel’s Don Juan Tip Sheet

    Without an iota of doubt, a gr8 post. i hv started taking lot of these suggestions seriously. I went to sydney for xmas where i met few girls whom i danced with and did a bit of kino. didnt lead to nething but just a slight injection of confidence. thanks for and members like JARIEL...
  17. P

    rate this chix

    i will rate each of them above 8 and i am still looking at their body. :p
  18. P

    Should i be concerned

    At times i am though i am impulsive too. And why should i show my aggression to her right on the first date and in our chat or phone convo ? Tht might scare her off. Another thing she is a psychologist. Do u think i should finish up my work here and get back to the girl ? coz we hv been...