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  1. D

    Driving "friends" around

    You where just being a gentleman. Not everything you do have to be seduction relax man.
  2. D

    Signs of Interest

    Just read the DJ bible and read some articles at You'll learn more that way.
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    parents or her

    Well my advice is to stay away from your ex, if it didn´t worked out the first time, why would it the second time?
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    how can i be not shy around girls

    Wow I didn´t know that, is this true Dreamx? Could it be that Dreamx was also known as Tom Juan?
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    how can i be not shy around girls

    Don't say such cr@p MikeViper. And by the way, you are either here to give advice or to ask advice, so why are you saying such ****.
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    What does this mean?

    After the camp, talk to her again and ask her to hang out. You could also have asked for her number before she went to the camp, she probably would have give her number to you. Saying "maybe after that" means to me she wants to hang out with you after the camp. So after the camp just ask her...
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    Getting Farther

    Ok, just don't stay too long in this state, or you'll go blind. If nothing happens it's time to move on. Yeah sometimes I see these programs about fat kids in America, really bad. Greetz from Holland:up:
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    Need help learning to dance

    What kind of dancing are we talking about here? It is probably just club dancing, so all you have to do is to move up close to her, and move along with the music, make a lot of body contact. Dancing is a good idea to get some KINO working. But don't forget to stay cool. Don't go crazy. Hope...
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    Getting Farther

    Damn, that is really bad ****. Well I start to run out of ideas. Rent a motel room?:confused: How old are the both of you anyway? Really, at his point I'm out of good advice. A master Don Juan would probably say that you should move on to the next one because this one ain't worth the trouble...
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    Getting Farther

    Hmmm, try to connect going farther with a romantic date at your place when your parents aren't home. You could let her take a cab if she lives far from you, if not use a the bicycle, or don't you Americans use those much? In Holland we use them very much to travel far because we are not...
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    Getting Farther

    Don't think bad of her father, he just want to protect his little princess.:box: You could also take her to your house if your parents are more chilled about it. Just make sure her dad don't start to chase you with his hunting rifle:trouble: . Greetz from Holland
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    Playing guitar, what is your favorite song to serenade for her?

    Hi guys, I learned to play guitar and the girls really like it. I play the chords of the song and sing the song. Some songs I find good to play are: Your song - Elton John Let me love you - Mario Eagles - Hotel California But of course there are many more songs you can play. To...
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    My Continuing Journey

    looks like you are really improving yourself, keep it up buddy! Great to start playing guitar, i did it too and chicks really like it! Don´t forget to learn to sing along with the songs! Greetz from Holland
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    How many of us are good DJs or good BSers

    I agree with Contender. Only a few are full of crap and the rest is a Don Juan, or is busy to improve himself to become one.
  15. D

    Small school environment, very small...

    I know what you mean, I used to be in a school with only 100 students, my advice. There is a whole world outside your school! Start exploring it! Who says that you have to hook up with a chick from your school. There are more HB´s then just those at your school! Go out there and start...
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    Getting Farther

    I agree with Oakraiderz, occasionally the parent will leave the house, then my friend it is time to move farther. Or if you have very much balls, just go upstairs with her even when her parents are at home and close the door, not many parents dare to open that door:crackup: .(make sure...
  17. D

    Right or Wrong? - A moral question.

    Wait a minute, this guy is more of an aquaintance? I thought he was one of your best friends! My English is ok but sometimes I make a mistake. Srry bout that. If he is more a guy you just know instead of your best friend go for it. Bros before hoes only counts on really good friends, not guys...
  18. D

    "the note" technique

    Still better than lying about that you´re moving to get her in bed. .;)
  19. D

    Right or Wrong? - A moral question.

    I think you should help your friend with hitting of with this girl. Teach him. Bring them together, he needs her more than you do. Oh and I think that it would feel like you where stabbing him in the back when you would snatch this girl. The choise is up to you though Greetz from Holland