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  1. S

    HELP w/ Dancing at club...

    Amoka: When i went to club, my intention was to do both, pick-up chicks and dance, but turns out that i didnt want to embrassed myself. And perhaps its safe for me to say this now, i did manage to hit on 5 chicks and got only 3 of their number but for some reason it didnt felt the same in the...
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    HELP w/ Dancing at club...

    I just had my first club experience and it wasn't as good as it should of be because i did nothing in there but sit and watch tons of people dance. The reason being is that i don't know how to dance. I don't wanna embrassed myself in front of a whole crowd. Can some one please give me advice...
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    Growing taller...

    first and foremost, i'm not short...surprise (^_^)....i'm assuming that you know nothing about me so i'll give you a bit info...i been called HOT by chick including chick that i first met...
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    Growing taller...

    Is there any way you can grow taller? I know genetic plays a big role in this but, is there any other way you can grow taller? I think drinking milk works too. Any one know anything else?
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    Q's on HS approach...

    wow my threads is still alive lol... i'll just get straight to the point...there's this HB that i most likely will see her walking by herself alot...i know that i'm suppose to go up and talk to her but do i just say "hi, i seen you around but dont even know you, what's your name?"(in my...
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    Q's on HS approach...

    as you all may know, in HS, its usually crowded...i have seem some HB around and wanted to make an approach but some how it bothers me that others would make fun of me for hitting a HB...i guess thats like the main reason why i dont do HS approach... -so should i even care about what other...
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    Motivational Quotes

    "i can accept failure. Every body fails sometime, but i can't accept not trying."- Micheal Jordan "Excellence is not an act but a habit, you are what you repeatedly do."- Shaquille O'Neal -"A journey of a thousand miles starts with just a single step" -"Yesterday is gone and tomorrow may...
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    Why asian guys can't get white girls

    stereotyping again huh[sign]....ohhh well, i try my best but here we go again.... WHY DONT YOU PROVE can tell me the sky is blue and i'll still have you prove to it
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    keeping a relationship fresh!

    ok i have a q's i needed to ask...when your dating do you still use these: -****y and funny -push/pull -neg-hit which one are you suppose to be using and which one are you NOT suppose to be using...i'm just a bit confuse because once your on a relationship, its a bit different from just...
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    Why asian guys can't get white girls

    personally for me, "all" of the stereotype are complete bu11sh1t... if you say that "all" asian have small....then are you also saying that "all" white people are races.....think about it, not all people are the same hope i didnt offended any asian or white around here....those are the...
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    It's Official...

    but i just cant do it right......i tried and i failed....simple.....i love this site and would like to thank those people that take their time to read this bu11sh1t... i think i should give it another try.... i'll be back and if i failed to get that number, its for sure that i'm a pu$$y
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    It's Official...

    you guys dont get it...i been here for a couples of months...i did just about everything...including FR.....i will claim myself as in the "good looking" cataglory....but my conversational skills sucks big time...i'm a quite person which i been trying my best to start talking more often...its...
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    It's Official...

    Its official that i'm a pu$$y... i been here for couple of months, read the DJ Bible, read LOTS of these forum, ask for help from other members in here, do the search, and pretty much everything...there's nothing i cant do about it today i just got a cell phone, trust me on this, i go...
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    The Pyramid

    seems to be working for me...i cant take all the credits though....
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    much different situation.......

    but for her, there is no other guys.....i'm pretty sure its just me and her ex bf that are the only guys that she know, that know her......i'm not going to see her everyday, i'm just gonna play it cool as of what i have read it in here....i'm not gonna make myself aviable too much but perhaps...
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    much different situation.......

    inrodution first: i'm a AFC and learning every day...i have been talkin to chicks ever since i came to this site...instead of writing, i was reading forums from this site... as you can see i dont post much basically because that i know i'm stil an AFC... heres what happens: after all these...
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    Are this IOI's

    what is IOI?...
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    Reason I'm Returning my xbox360

    i love the Final Fnatasy series espacially FFVIII...that one was the bomb even though i beat it i just kept playing it over and over again....and no i never got bored of it and yes i still love it.....
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    Pull up your seats,boys, the master is speaking....

    ahhhhhhhhh man this things rocks....bondjamesbond thanks for the motivations
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    should i called her?

    yea i know now...its pretty clear to me now.....the last time she called me after her break ups , the conversation lasted less than 10 minutes and all i do is act as if i dont even know her and kinda leave her speechless and hung up