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  1. P

    One-itis..All I can say is daymn!

    Thanks for the words. All of a sudden shes acting like the biggest b!tch imaginable. It's kind of crazy, no wonder I nick-named her "Mood Swings". Today it seems like something bit her butt and has yet to let go. Shes making this a whole lot easier than a I thought. Shes crazy to think...
  2. P

    One-itis..All I can say is daymn!

    Lets dig this one up, one last note of advice/criticism wanted. I was feeling up to it on giving her some space. Feeling a whole lot better about myself these days and each day it gets better and better. No more worrying over stupid little things, that make no sense. Whatever happens is...
  3. P

    One-itis..All I can say is daymn!

    Thanks yea. I've come a long way but still have a longgggg way to go. Yea I'm not anyones puppy dog and the time we do spend together does have some flirting here and there, but I'll still say its insignificant IMO. Thanks flexion.
  4. P

    One-itis..All I can say is daymn!

    Guess the majority rules. Walking shouldn't be too hard, I'm better than this. It's true, if she really does feel the way she feels she wouldn't want me to walk. Wiseman, yea I told her about that BS with her talking about other dudes...she stopped. Thanks fellas
  5. P

    One-itis..All I can say is daymn!

    Well it's always been a challenge fighting it, but yet again I've fallen into what I now call the "trap". She says shes got feelings for me but she has a thing for this other dude as well. She's never met the guy neither and she said she wants to meet him before she makes decision. The way i...
  6. P

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #2

    Finished the Hi part but didn't get to come back to the boards for a while. Week #2 starts now...for me at least :woo: -Precision
  7. P

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    Completed all my EC since it was within my comfort zone. Final Result on EC 50/50 Went for what turned out to be a long walk, 80 some odd blocks. Didn't seem like it though, I was having a good time. At first I was saying Hi under my breath as a I passed girls, then it gradually got louder as...
  8. P

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    Guess I musta misread the instructions/rules. Guess with the EC the Hi's should come naturally.:up:
  9. P

    Bootcamp started May1st, Week #1 - Developing / Conveying Confidence

    Well I guess it's time for me to get out and start doing this too. Since eye contact is something I've worked on by myself and got it down, I'll count only eye contact with people not walking towards me. Sould be able to get it done soon enough, then it's on to the "Hi" part, thats gonna be...
  10. P

    Blackdragon's Summer Time Apporach Journal

    I admit to being a Keyboard Jockey but thats changing soon. Revolution, it just might be that. A little inspiration goes a long way, I'm anxiously awaiting the start of my own journal:woo:
  11. P

    Mic. Fiend's 50 Approaches Journal - Feeback Wanted

    I'm on the verge of starting a journal of my own as well. 100 approaches will be the goal. Wanted to start since yesterday but my allergies are HORRIBLE!!! Soon enough. Anyways just wanted to say congrats on the first approach and I'll be following your journal as well.
  12. P

    my story afc to player, long but read if u want

    First time I've come across this stated in this way, but I'm all for this philosophy. Since February I've been doing things for myself and no one else. To tell you the truth life is A LOT better. I too wasted a lot of years making women the center of my life. Never could get my life in...
  13. P


    Woooooppppsss:rolleyes: ...Honest mistake..congrats on the approach....
  14. P

    Meeting women on the train, is it doable??

    This really is a lot of encouragement to get out and do it, which I will. I'm hoping to make my first approach next week. I'm home today and my face feels like it's about to fall off with these damn allergies. Let's see how I feel tmrw then I can start a lil journal of my own. WORKEROUTER...
  15. P

    Blackdragon's Summer Time Apporach Journal

    Good Luck. I'll be following along while attempting to start my own journal of me on my little adventure.
  16. P

    Meeting women on the train, is it doable??

    I see where you're coming from. Actually race/ethnic background/nationality means nothing to me. A girls a girl regardless of where they come from. Leaving all the options open, they might not wanna be with someone outta there ethnic background, but hey everyones got their own taste. Around...
  17. P


    Onlines the easy part...real lifes the challenge...IMO
  18. P

    Meeting women on the train, is it doable??

    It's funny you mention the age, I'm actually 18 going on 19 this October. Since you were actually in NY what are some good spots to practice? I'm still gonna give it a go on the train, said it before never hurts to try. I do actually see a lot of girls that are alone on the train, in the...
  19. P

    Meeting women on the train, is it doable??

    Takes some work on the mind to pull this off, but I'm sure I'll get there with "field practice".
  20. P

    Meeting women on the train, is it doable??

    Thinking about it, I don't think I'd come off as creepy. I could say the same I dress well, im in shape, and im in no way bad looking. Whats kept me shy, was probably the thought that I couldn't live up to a woman's expectations but I've grown out of that mindset, to say the least. As for...