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    Do you judge your looks by pictures or the mirror?

    I'm sure you guys have noticed how different you look in pictures and how you view yourself in a mirror. What do you use to base your appearance on, and do you think you look better in the mirror or in pictures?
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    Awesome Pickup Video !! Sounds like some of the advice given by some people here..
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    Fort Minor and Style look very alike!

    I just noticed, it's kinda scary, but the rapper "Fort Minor" looks so much like "Neil Strauss" the author of the game. Yet they are such different people! Haha - Neil Strauss...
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    Girl asked me to her house and I met her mother

    I asked out the HB 8 Korean at my school to go see the movie Pirates of the Carribean with me yesterday. It was kinda my fault she couldn't go because I asked her to come like 30 minutes before the time we were supposed to meet at the mall, and she had already gone to the mall earlier so her mom...
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    Could My Friends Be Right About Her?

    Just so you guys know, I go to an International school here in the Philippines... Today at lunch I # closed this girl with an HB 9 face! (New student) She's hella short though.. Prolly 5' flat! But hella cute! Anyways, after that, my friend grabs me away from her and is like "What are you...
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    Circumcision : Advanced Science proves its BAD !!

    Here is something I read and thought it would be some information worth sharing with all my fellow DJ's out there who are not circumcised but have considered it. Sorry it's a long post! But as soon as I read it, I thought it was worth educating people about the myth of circumcision for keeping...
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    3 trillion barrels of oil found in Colorado !

    Copied post from a poster on ATS.
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    Asprin before a game bad for your health?

    I've recently been taking an asprin before big basketball games and I've found that it really helps a lot. I can perform throughout the whole game without pain. Although I was talking to my friend and he told me it'll **** up my body. I don't see why. Does anyone know if this is really as bad...
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    Post Your Picture In Your Profile

    With so many sites like myspace around with pictures of members. I think everyone should put their picture in their profile here on SoSuave so we can at least know what eachother looks like. EDIT: I just updated my pic in my profile.
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    Mosquito's Eating Me Alive

    I just moved back to the Philippines from California, and the day I got back the mosquito's love me! I mean, I can attract girls but it seems like I'm attracting mosquito's as well. I have tried using baking soda as a paste and it helped the swelling go down. How can I keep the mosuito's away...
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    Sharp Pain Under Left Rib Cage When Jogging

    I have been jogging home after school to my house (about 5 KM)... I have noticed when I am around 1/2-3/4 of the way home, I have to slow down because of sharp pain under my left rib cage! When I take a breath in, the pain gets really sharp! But if I hold my breath, I don't feel any pain...
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    Videos/Audio of Live Pickups

    I'm wondering if any of you have seen video clips or audio clips of pickups as they happen? I think it would be really cool to see something like that. I've tried searching on google, but I haven't hit any results... Does anyone know of any places online that carry this sort of thing? I think...
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    Finding a Job at 16

    Hey I'm 16 and I'll be flying to Seattle, Washington from Manila, Philippines... While I'm there I'm thinking about finding a job to make use of my time. I'm an american citizen so legally working is no problem... Anyone know anything about labour laws for a 16 year old working in Seattle? I...
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    Both "Liked" Eachother...NOTHING Happened

    Ever had a time where you liked some girl, and she liked you at the same time, but you BOTH didn't say anything about it? (yeah... nothing happened) This has happened to me so many times!! Thanks to being such a shy loser, I've missed out on opportunities of getting with some very good...
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    Funny Iraqi Olympics Video Haha, that video makes me laugh every time I see it! It's the Iraqi olympics! ;)
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    Russian Climbing Video

    Russians Doing Flips off of Buildings These kids are amazing! They do all kinds of stunts! So talented! But I bet you have to have a TON of practice and be really fit to do the things they do! Totally worth the 8 mins!!
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    Hot Employee at a Taekwondo Studio

    Just today I was walking around town and happened to walk into a Taekwondo studio kinda curious about the prices for lessons. The chick in the studio (who looked to be about an 8 or even 9)approached me and asked me when I was looking at the Taekwondo poster on the wall and asked if I was...