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    Jayer's 100 Approach Journal (Will Finish 100 approaches no matter what)

    I don't normally post on the forums, or read them, but from time to time I come through and read a post like this for a bit of inspiration. I do what I can to offer some help too so here goes... When I worked at the bank I used to take really late lunches - like 3-4 in the afternoon. During...
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    Wanted: Your Most AFC Move

    You guys don't have **** on my AFC-self. I had one-itis for three years. Freshman, sophmore, and junior year of highschool. That girl made out with my best friend - we had an argument, but one week later we were going to prom "as friends"
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    Warrior Code: Path to Freedom

    There should be a Don Juan video game....*sarcastic*
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    Leaving For Trip to Italy,Germany, Neatherlands, Britain next month:Club Scene

    ahahaha! Dude, Europe is the greatest for anyone NOT from Europe, why? You are SERIOUSLY NEVER GOING TO SEE ANYONE AGAIN. EVER. Try your craziest ****, have NO regrets. Enjoy your trip and make the most of it. Rapport? Show the people there that you are a fun person, that alone will get them...
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    Post your picture ONLY

    collar up - just got off of work with a tie that I have gotten more compliments on than any other article of clothing I've ever worn - a friend's sister picked it out - I really need to take her shopping for me again...
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    How I overcame age difference

    You gave her your work schedule. She now knows when and where you are for any duration of time. Anything that is known, she stops thinking about, and if shes not thinking of you, that doesn't do you much good. I'm sounding like a total keyboard jockey in this post, but I'm also being pretty...
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    "I have a boyfriend"

    What are some things YOU say to break past this BS?
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    LJBF Always Talking About Sex: Experienced DJ's Only Reply

    Talk back, bring up **** you know would turn her on and see how she reacts, otherwise don't get overly excited - she may be **** testing you.
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    instant classic loss of V

    Hahaah dude thats awesome! You saved her hair and got some ass; is there a "Hi Five" smiley?
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    Why do you dudes think that BetaMales are AlphaMales

    The men listed in the original posts are not Alpha Males; they're celebrities. Also; just a side note - does not "comput" correction: "compute" Maybe it was a typo or maybe it was just a word you didn't know how to spell; either way - the proper spelling has been provided.
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    Tanning 101

    Ok. I'm in relatively good shape. I've spent the past 4 years of my life as a wrestler doing Jiu Jitsu and Muay Thai - before that I was very much into Bodybuilding (was even offered sponsorship). Now I'm a full time student and I work 2 jobs - very little time for much of anything aside from my...
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    Attracting Babes And Lifting

    my co-workers felt me up 3rd day on the job.
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    Home Gym vs. Paying Gym

    I went to Powerhouse recently and I was suprised that the biggest guys there were using the machine and then I heard them laughing as I set my weights for a freeweight squat set. My 350 freeweight squad > your 600 machine crap. Especially considering my weight its approx 150-160. I come from a...
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    Cat Food Poisoning > Solomon Tsunami

    So why is it that my local news channel reports this cat food crap instead of the Tsunami which killed 12 people of the Solomon islands? Fox news fails at life. :down:
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    3 SECOND KISS OPENER - Use this to kiss her in the first 3 seconds

    are you serious? I was standing at a bar and I noticed this one female rolled in - rated bout an 8. Just as I made eye contact my cousin aka wingman offers to buy me a beer. She walks right up to me and immediately I put my hand on her waist - by the time my cousin had ordered the beer, paid...
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    how to steal a girl who's already unhappy

    "she deserves to be happy" sounds so freaking AFC to me, why? Because I used that same line over and over for 3 years, on ONE GIRL. I know AFC inside and out and to be honest, thats the closest thing to having one-itis I have heard of all day. How do you steal her? You do it. Tell her you...
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    Wussy husband ?

    yeah no bull****. Help your brother. There are plenty women out there; you only have so many brothers.
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    Does Charlie Sheen has looks?

    the guy has an awesome tone. I'm sure he doesn't fail in using it.