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    Wow! My name was changed without me knowing!

    haha me too my friend me too. any ideas anyone?
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    Wow! My name was changed without me knowing!

    A girl I was with moaned so other guy's name when we were hooking up. I dont know what to do. I asked and asked and she wouldnt tell me who it was, just said nobody. I just want to find out who he is and break his jaw, I know it is not the right thing to do and its not the guys fualt but it...
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    My life is in shambles!!!! Please help

    I dont have oneitis but given that I am always busy I am not out enough to meet alot of girls so I dont have alot to try to seal the deal with... elp me masters of the universe!!!
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    My life is in shambles!!!! Please help

    Okay, but every time we get down and dirty she talks about "how, friends shouldnt be doing this" yet she is the one that invites me over at 2am to dent headboards and make her wake up her parents.
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    My life is in shambles!!!! Please help

    Well I have been, I had sex with a hot blonde (that is engaged) over St. Patrick's Day Sh*t Show for lack of a better term, and he wont ask for her back because he is in school far far away. I will admit to a slight case of one-itis simply because she has everything I want in a girl and nothing...
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    My life is in shambles!!!! Please help

    I am at a cross roads of sorts. Please help me to get to the end of the maze that this girl is forcing me to run through. Background: - (2 Years ago) Went to Highschool, knew eachother but never really hung out - (6 months ago) Lost all contact until she started working next door to...
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    girls who dont mention that they have a bf

    I think alot of times when women claim taht they dont have a bf, they look for something that is new and exciting, they have a relationship it is bland by now, dinner sex movie , all gets old so they want to be excited by something new hense the lack of commitment
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    How often should you contact your GF and see her?

    i like that idea , so 5 points per girl, how do you determine how many points a girl get per week max? or is it always 5 ?
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    girls who dont mention that they have a bf

    First and foremost, I am not a huge fan of women not being straigh forward and dishonest...yeah shocker!, i know In response to what you said though...I doubt there will be regret simply because I try to stay as emotionally detached as possible, but i push forward, it oculd go several...
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    girls who dont mention that they have a bf

    I fialed to realize that last time...this time its on like donkey kong!
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    girls who dont mention that they have a bf

    someone explain this to me.
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    Making weight

    well you need to lose 1 lb. 1 lb is 3000 calories so , you have 6 days, do the math 500 calories a day , so take in 500 less or burn 500 more
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    Trimming your pubic hair!

    My stuff down there isnt exactly out of control, however, I would like it to look as clean and as trim as possible without looking like an enemployed pornstar. I have no problem trimming the top, however, I don't know what a good length is and what is the best way to trim the hair on the ball sack
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    What should one do?

    Ok let me clear things up a) Not a girl, I just love cookies (its an inside joke sorry) b) like i stated above, she plays games, and I am at that point in my life where I dont have time or the desire to play any games. I guess I just need to not get attached, I think the easiet way to do...
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    What should one do?

    So I hooked up with this girl a while back, everything was going "well" and all of a sudden she stopped calling me. I wasn't too upset but still a little given that I actually did like her. We talked once in a while, nothing too crazy, On Monday, I get an e-mail from her saying that she wants...
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    Does the brand of whey protein matter much?

    I really like Optimum Nutrition Whey Chocolate. It tastes like chocolate milk, hands down, there are alot of good flavours that are cheap such as the protein made by CytoSport (Not MuscleMilk, but The Whey Protein). There are several different types of protein whether its egg protein or whey...
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    Muay thai question

    I have never heard of icing your hands before training. Perhaps after if you find yourself with some sort of severe bruising. It would almost be useless seeing how once you wrap your hands and put them in gloves they would be warm before you even start training. Running is very important...
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    A Squat-less routine??

    And now you are broken so what does that tell you about what you are doing. Fix the problem from the start and dont just put a bandaid on it
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    A Squat-less routine??

    I am going to give you my $.02 here and will actually not be rude and useless like alot of people here. You have knee problems and shoulder problems yet you want to work out. Well given that almost all the things you will be doing are related to either joints I would stay away from anything...
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    Boxing Jab

    your instructor is right, the thumb shouldnt be going ALL the way to the ground but you do turn your shoulder. there is really no way to explain it I would suggest you watch Clinton Woods box on just search there. he has a couple lessons I had the same problem a couple years ago