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  1. A

    I'm writing/directing a short fillm about two don juans, help me out

    The story is based on two friends. both ladies men, but completely different in personality. One is a charming, witty, somewhat arrogant man (think james bond), and the other is a foul, abnoxious loud mouth (chris tucker maybe?) but anyway while in the process of writing, I've realized that I...
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    I need help coming up with something to say

    Backstory: I found her page on the internet and got her to meet me. We met, she gave interest signals, and I number closed. I called within the first week but it went to her answering machine but I never ended up calling again. Now this is three weeks later, and I'm sending her a message...
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    what about lesbians?

    I've been reading alot of the the "reading material" for the boot camp. And a lot of the articles include a certain fact: That attracting females requires masculinity. I fully agree with that, and I base all of my actions on that fact. But I was wondering, what is going on in the case of...
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    Ok, I got a girl to meet me. Now I need to know what to say.

    This is a myspace(email) conversation. I had about 20 mins ago. I wanted to be sexier, but she has a boyfriend. Oh well, I'm doing this for experience/confidence...
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    Post here if you're from Los Angeles

    I'd like to meet up with someone. I only go there every other weekend, but I have some good connections to parties and stuff.