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  1. I

    Sex & Christianity

    Actually, This is a bit off. Atleast the chrisitian women I know are virgin, but have been in relationships with guys. They are human themselves and crave it as we all do. The girls I talk to has no problem dating someone who is not a christian or has been with many women. She willing to...
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    Strange frustrating trend

    shouldn't have answered directly. Why not repond with "How do you know? must be stalking me" or "Yeah, I have a g/f. you should watch out she packs a mean punch. She been known to knock girls out who try to steal her man". Point is you keep answering directly, you avoid the question by...
  3. I

    Sex & Christianity

    Well, you have to realize what you both want out of a relationship/goal and see if it the same. I have known guys who have been in a relationship with a girl thinking that her not putting out was a front. Only to realize 2 years later she wasn't bluffing. If you want sex then find yourself a...
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    Sex & Christianity

    I have met a hb8 who is a christian who saving herself for marriage and how she explains it to me is she want her viginity to be a gift towards her husband. She wants to be able to tell her husband he is the first she ever been with. She told be about a experience she had with a guy and how they...
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    How do you deal with a girl with high social status?

    Thanks for everyone advise and letting me know of my errors. Btw, you guys must admit this is a bit hilarious. Girl feeding me lines that a guy would say "I am busy, I am the prize, I have all this guys after me, etc.."
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    How do you deal with a girl with high social status?

    got links, tips, books, etc...??? reason why I posted wasn't to rant. I was hoping someone could help me out.
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    How do you deal with a girl with high social status?

    I will consider your idea, but honestly I am not good with having a girl as a friend. I can't related towards them. If I really wanted a friend I would have a guy as we have more in common. If I wanted sex or cuddling I would get a girl for that. I am also young and to consider serious...
  8. I

    most women never initiate. Is this a cultural thing?

    simple economics my man. When demand of a hot girl is higher then the supply they are is a shortage. Why would they need to approach a guy if there million of guys willing to approach a hot girl. Something note worthy is overwieght women. I have experience many times that they do the...
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    How do you deal with a girl with high social status?

    Re: Re: Re: Re: How do you deal with a girl with high social status? Well, this get complicated. How do you know she just not like that around all guys. I don't know her well enough to assume that she likes me. It could just be her way of being friendly. I try to take it with a grain of salt.
  10. I

    How do you deal with a girl with high social status?

    Your right, reason why I am thinking of moving on. The time and effort might not be worth the satisfactation that comes from forfilling my ego and I have tried 7 before, they bore me. I have a thing for witty and intellegent women who know there ****, it my kryptonite.
  11. I

    How do you deal with a girl with high social status?

    Re: Re: How do you deal with a girl with high social status? If it was only that easy my friend. This girl is so difficult. She was once hurt in a relationship so she found measure from prevent herself from falling for a guy. One of the things she does so well is keep herself busy 24/7. She...
  12. I

    How do you deal with a girl with high social status?

    I have been talking to this hb9 off and on for about a month now. I have been having a difficult time trying to make her attraction raise at a constant pace. My problem lays with my competition. she has a lot of social status through all the guys who keep chasing after her. At the moment she has...
  13. I

    Girl was trying to be ****y with me.

    good stuff man, just keep building on it. You have to appreciate the irony when someone gives you a taste of your own medicine.
  14. I

    Does being understanding lead to no sex?

    I don't think so, this just leads to serious/long relationships. Depends on what your looking for. Myself I am looking for one, so I have talked to girls in which she tells me after "you know what illmatic, after we talked yesterday when I was driving home I realize we have nothing in common."...
  15. I

    I think this is all BS !!

    Good for you, you have half the package already from the get go, doesn't mean your the total package. This is your way of thinking, but to say that girls are only suppose to like alpha males is a ignorant statement. People find different aspects attractive. Maybe the girl is also a burn out...
  16. I

    Guys overcompensating with their balls

    Well, for me it never been my appearance it was more of my mentallity. It easy to talk to people, it called jumping into a conversation. If i have something worthy of saying I will tell them and that how I become friends with them and about a friend (guy) introducing you to a hot women. I never...
  17. I

    Is this a AFC Move? If yes stop me now!

    Don't send it and it seems like she using you as a rebound friend. if you really want just ask do something like this. So next time you're on the phone with a woman that you've met recently, try this... 1) Call her and say, "Hey, WHAT'S UP?". Don't talk about work, family, or any...
  18. I

    Looks don't matter... yes they do! don't! do! DONT!! DO!!!

    Thanks, I was being sarcastic about the first. Just tired of people whinning about there looks. Ether do something about it or move on.
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    Guys overcompensating with their balls

    How do you build self-confidence if you are afriad to talk to a girl?...
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    Feeling Guilty For Pushing A Guy Away

    I think your not very attractive as you dwell over one guy like he the last single man on earth.