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  1. T

    Speaking to girls when you're in a LTR

    Guys the past few years I've been in this LTR has really changed the way I view myself and stuff. Without going too deep I realised that: 1) I valued my self-worth on how many girls were interested in me at a given time 2) I probably adopted this insecurity from my dad who was also a player and...
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    How do you make her multi-orgasm?

    I used to think I was good, now it seems I have some competition. My friend is making her friend triple orgasm and isht. I make my girl orgasm at least once usually, but when she does she just seems to roll over and say she's had enough. But I can tell soon enough she's gonna be expecting...
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    Have you ever felt your LTR is sapping your game?

    lol.... yo my game is supersonic. f*ck my last post. i'm still the mac daddy.
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    Have you ever felt your LTR is sapping your game?

    Feeling really awkward as this is my first LTR and it's been a year and a few months now. She's a really lovely girl, HB10 in my eyes honestly and I do feel I've held it down quite well. However, I do feel this LTR has changed me as a person- not in a good way. I talk to less girls and I...
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    Sticky Situation: GF's House Party and Her Male Friends

    Ok so my gf is having a house party at her university which is about 2 hours away from me. She wants me to come down this weekend however i'm kinda wary as I know her and her house mates combined have tonnes of male friends that most likely will be trying to crack onto my gf especially (hb9)...
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    How should I love my girlfriend without losing her

    I'm now 6 months into my first serious relationship. I do love this girl but after watching "My Bestfriends Girl" i just kind of realised of how much of a love puppy i've allowed myself to become. I have no problem with getting girls and i'm fully confident even if this relationship doesn't...
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    Taking a DJ's Girlfriend

    because she keeps bringing him up and moaning about how he treats her bad. and she gave me the LJBF. but i will tease her next time. :P i need something to respond with when he comes up. I'll change my tune and make him out to be cheating scum.
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    Taking a DJ's Girlfriend

    lol seems like next time i talk to her im gonna have a drastic change of tune, Its kool though it will keep her guessing at least.
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    This site is hilarious !

    I wouldn't call you a wimp my friend. I'd call you an idiot. I'll briefly explain why. You obviously haven't spent anytime actually reading the articles. There's nothing wrong with being a nice guy. It just important that your seen as someone who she could have sex with as well. I'm...
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    Taking a DJ's Girlfriend

    interesting. i hear where your coming from. well im sure i could say im getting tired of the chase and she'd buy it. I could start filling the void by actually doing unpredictable exciting things with her. However i don't wanna end up the guy she like spending time with but not the guy she has...
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    Taking a DJ's Girlfriend

    I've recently started getting involved with a girl at my workplace with a boyfiend. From what she's told me he seems to have the typical attributes of a high status male. He doesn't pay her much attention. Has loads of girls interested in him, goes to nightclubs, etc. She believes he's lost...
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    Addicted to the girls i can't seem to get.

    I've been reading this site for four years. And i love it. It's really good. However i openly hate when you guys say to move on to the next chick if it doesn't seem to be going right and the girl is showing signs of disinterest etc. I hate it. And i know its best to move on because theres...
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    How I got out the FRIEND ZONE....

    maaan i love this site. big help all the time. im gonna go piss off a couple chicks i know rite now!
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    shes 14.

    im 17. she doesn't look or act her age. i quite like her. i am considering to start seeing her. yes or no.
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    go to her workplace?

    hi im 17 and i was making really good rapport with this 21 year old girl on the tube whilst i was on my way to notting hill carnival. however i failed to get her number because her stop was there just as i asked. she did tell me where she works and everything and gave me that flirty "maybe...
  16. T

    relationships getting booooring....

    how can you keep a relationship alive? not even been going out that long and theres already that odd silence when we talk on the phone. should i just leave her a bit... because i hate when it gets like this and you feel like your being a ***** by calling her all the time with nothing to say...
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    whatchu guys think about eye contact?

    i find its best that as soon as you make eye contact, go in for the kill. LOL, you ever played Pokemon? well you have to go on like a poketrainer, if one makes contact with you for just a little bit, they'll approach to battle. in your case approach them to talk. its best if you don't...
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    Women with Wifey Skills

    you can't really say because of a girls race race or traditions; that they're not wifey material. In your case you feel wifey material is some who cooks and cleans. thats you. its easy to find girls who cook and clean. some girls take an interest in being more of a housewife than others...
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    i really need some advice on my dating life hehehe

    you never really have to let a girl go. i find it easier to just keep sexing and see what becomes of it. MY ADVICE keep sexing all of them.