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  1. P

    Got her facebook, now what?

    very good point.. well.. too late for that, given my situation right now anything i can do?
  2. P

    Got her facebook, now what?

    I sent her a message the otherday -- here's the transcript: -------- hey <name>, so im just hanging out out at this coffee shop waiting on some friends and thought i'd send you a message and say hi. i'm glad we had class together this past semester, you seem like a cool girl. anyways i hope...
  3. P

    Got her facebook, now what?

  4. P

    Got her facebook, now what?

    I don't think I displayed much low social value. Basically what happened was when it was convenient to do so I talked to her. Never really went out of my way to talk to her is what i'm saying. This whole "being the prize" mentality I think could screw me up more than it could help. You're...
  5. P

    Got her facebook, now what?

    Alright guys, I already have an idea on what I should do but am just looking for some others opinions. Basically the story is... met this girl in one of my community college classes. We talked a few times; became friends. On the last day of class we were in the computer lab and I asked her if...
  6. P

    Which college courses to take that have a lot of girls?

    Ha. Well that is a class... who knows who would be taking that though. I go to a f'n community college right now so there aren't that many hot chicks. A lot of them are either old, ugly or pregnant.
  7. P

    Which college courses to take that have a lot of girls?

    I was thinking about taking a philosophy course.. I already took psychology. What about basic photography...?
  8. P

    Which college courses to take that have a lot of girls?

    Any class I take will go towards my degree.. I just need credits.
  9. P

    Which college courses to take that have a lot of girls?

    I've heard of people taking dance lessons because there are a lot of females there or something like that... what classes would you recommend that would include a lot of chicks? I'm probably only going to take one for my spring semester and it doesn't matter which one (elective or otherwise)...
  10. P

    Best way to initiate meeting someone/conversation?

    It's not a mall.. just a building. Any tips on how I should open on myspace (if you guys agree that its the best way to go about this)?
  11. P

    Best way to initiate meeting someone/conversation?

    I never see her at school... we both go to community college. Probably have classes in completely different time-slots. That's my prob... how am I supposed to approach her if I never see her?
  12. P

    Best way to initiate meeting someone/conversation?

    I didn't mean it like that. Maybe I worded it wrong. I meant something like I could find out when she's working, go into the store to buy something and just "happen" to see her. If I see her then I'll approach her. I just don't want to initiate anything so it makes me look like I went out of...
  13. P

    Best way to initiate meeting someone/conversation?

    There's this girl who broke up with her boyfriend a couple weeks ago and I'm pretty sure she's open to a new boyfriend if the right guy comes along. I went to HS with her, we weren't really "friends" (meaning we never hung out after school or anything like that), but we were cool with each...
  14. P

    My first really direct approach - completely crashed & burned....

    This opener is ESPECIALLY bad opening a 2-set. You need to gain comfort and value for BOTH friends, not just compliment the one and completely forget about the other. This is why she ****blocked you and said no.
  15. P

    My first really direct approach - completely crashed & burned....

    Why do so many people open with "i think your cute and wanted to meet you". That's a terrible opener. You have to demonstrate higher value to your target and this line just makes you look like an AFC. You don't want to compliment her right off the bat. You should gain attraction first.
  16. P

    Which Woman?

    Umm.. I think this is your decision, not ours. Who do you want to be with?
  17. P

    Quest to get a gf or get laid by Feb 32nd, 2039.

    You're freakin hilarious. I don't know if you're serious or not, but I don't know how anyone can take your posts seriously.:)
  18. P

    Creative way of getting phone number of someone you already know?

    So I usually have a group of friends I'm hanging out with and ever-so-often they invite someone new to hang out with us/party. There is this girl that I just met a couple weeks ago and I've only seen her maybe 2 or 3 times but she seems cool and I'm interested in getting to know her more. I've...
  19. P

    Girl gave me her phone number.. now what?

    ahh this is so complicated. Can someone just give me a good example w/out asking her out already. The reason being is it would be too awkward and i'd like to actually get to know her better anyways.