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    "" -- does it work?

    Gilharris = Advertises for website.
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    End Game Help

    If you want to go straight to bed with a girl, you must meet 2 out of 3 of these criteria: 1. Good looking 2. Rich or good income 3. Tall or athletic
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    I cheated on her

    The dark side is strong in your ex-girlfriend and to the rest of ya'll : never ****ing ever get involved with a current or ex girlfriends female friends. You may want to bang them and such but it can only be her friend to initiate a romance never you.
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    How to be a DJ when living at home at the age of 33?

    Well some girls out there might have a problem with this especially at men who are 30+ and living with their parents. Your future girl does not care about your mom, she even doesn't want your mom in the same place where she is going to have sex with you. My only suggestion is to find a...
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    Help with sex Techniques?

    If a woman really cared about orgasming, she'd do it herself or show me how she orgasms. If she doesn't, I'll try to for about half an hour but not willing to put up with the 1-2 hour bull**** that Darksaint and others are suggesting.
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    How often should you ask a girl out?

    Why you waiting 2 weeks later to see this girl. Go hang out with her whenever you and her have the time.
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    Going back to an ex !

    When an ex breaks up with me, I look into the future not the past.
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    will i ever stand a chance with this bird....

    You're just her little cutie-boy toy.
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    Please gimmie a help here

    BACK OFF Jam, that's all you can do. 1. She has her own life. 2. You have your own life. If she wants you, she'll let you know. If you find someone else, fine. Go do that.
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    When Do You Start Taking Her Input When Planning The Date

    I'd say for every 2-3 times you plan a date, the next time you have to ask her what she wants to do or tell her to make up a plan. Don't worry about asking to be seen as weak, it gives you a chance to see what she can think of, and gives her a chance to realize that you're not a boss.
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    Women Are Good People

    nice post, clap clap
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    I've been hanging out with my ex since her bf is gone temporarily

    It could be that or it could be she may want to get back with you. Go for the bang and be cool about the whole situation while not dedicating 100% to her.
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    kissing a friend of a girl ur newly involved with

    Tell her you'll lick her ******* while you **** the other girl in the *****. Does your IQ hover around 100?
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    kissing a friend of a girl ur newly involved with

    I concur with the above punk. If you're going to date two women, make sure you got your corners covered...don't date them if they have friends that might know each other. HOWEVER, if a female friend of hers and you have a sexual tension connection - just be cool about it and continue dating...
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    Women doesnt show up, ignore her?

    I bang the girls at work too man. I'm so DJish.
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    Stop CHASING women. Instead EXPOSE (yourself) to them. Explained.

    It's funny how you sometimes use the word "casual" but there's like 15-30 steps/rules you have to follow through. People take MY ADVICE: Don't listen do this dude, do what you want when you feel like it or when it should be done.
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    Feminist obsession with AssH*les

    Your mom got humped by me. Sincerely, The ******* I feel very complimented.
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    Advice on how to break it off with style?

    Break up with style? Light her car on fire!