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  1. F

    How to wake up with passion?

    set some goals eg: since you workout try to set a new personal record on the squat or something edit: sorry for the redundancy i just noticed above someone already mentioned setting goals
  2. F

    "i didnt think it would be you"

    that works but my question was more like what they mean when they say that
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    "i didnt think it would be you"

    this might seem like a silly paranoia analysis but heres the deal: some of the girls ive been with would say something along the lines of "i didnt think it would be you" or "whod have thought youd be my boyfriend" its just kind of strange when you hear it more than once. so how am i...
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    Greek God

    just wondering, whats your bf %? 6'3 and 165? that sounds really skinny to me. because im 5'11 and 165 and im skinny enough as it is if you are looking to cut, all your gonna end up looking is like an ethopian god, not greek god.
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    Calorie Counting problem

    I'm pretty sure you can request it or make up a rough estimation of your own. For example: 6 oz chicken ~= 32 g protein, 4 oz fat 1 g protein = 4 cal 1 g fat = 9 cal (32 x 4) + (4 x9) = ___ one can also use
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    shoulder stiffness, precautions to take for the future?

    I had tenonitis on my shoulders when i was younger. But as luck would have it when i started lifting heavy weights my shoulder fixed itself. I have heard that sometimes a back in an specific area may be caused by a weaker supporting muslce. eg back pain caused by weak abs could help to...
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    Avoiding religious girls on cold approaches...

    ^^ very very interesting.
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    Vertical Jump

    Don't bother with machine and gimmicks (shoes, ankle weights, whatever bs). The key is to increase your power like the previous gentlemen said: weights and plyo will help a good squat routine to try is the box squat something liek 50% of your 1RM and just do 2 reps in 2 seconds for...
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    Female Psychology 101

    This is pretty nice post because it summarizes a lot of the points mentioned in other articles. While giving some good examples.
  10. F

    Help!! 6'2 and 119 lbs
  11. F

    Avoiding religious girls on cold approaches...

    Thats really interesting, thanks for sharing. Im personally a christian but id never spray bible verses at a stranger. I guess like how some men approach people with the prospect of romance, some religious ladies interact with the prospect of evangelising. peace
  12. F

    how to get a prude to open up

    dang my ex would always "forget" her earrings and hair clips in my room as well. i hope some DJ's can shed light on this
  13. F

    Ideas for good foods to take to work

    if your place dont got fridge then you should prolly take some whey. i usually put some whey in a ziplock bag an d another serving in the shaker, and just add water. for carbs i just eat whole wheat bread. yea its not fine dining but it satisfy all the nutritional needs... heh
  14. F

    how to get a prude to open up

    my ex was a huge prude too. what you can try is not touch her for a day or two, she will be like "whats wrong you are so distant? you dont like me anymore?" chances are she will initiate the touching and maybe you are a level up in the touchabillity so to speak. worth a try i suppose
  15. F

    ex keeps contacting

    nm i faked myself out girls are still mind boggling to me
  16. F

    ex keeps contacting

    forgot to mention that i dont see a point in talking to her unless we are getting back together. so how can i gauge that?
  17. F

    ex keeps contacting

    well i broke up with my gf last week and she still calls and emails me. saying i think about you and miss you blah. well i do too but i dont know if i should say it to her. does she want me back or is she just venting? i know this sounds awful but i want to keep her as a back up, so whats the...
  18. F

    pissed off gf, what to do?

    long story, it was after we went to watch Sin City, then a grocery store was along the way and she said "could we stop by the grocery store?" but yeah i been too nice :( what to do?
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    Dating Korean Woman

    there arent any biblical rules against drinking and going to night clubs so i dont think shes being a hypocrit in that sense
  20. F

    pissed off gf, what to do?

    hey bros thanks for the reply she needed a ride to grocery store so i took her, it was at like 2 am so i doubt she was embarrased, just not a fan of practical joke so should i call her and apologize or just call her and act like nothing happend(even though she left without saying bye just...