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  1. T

    Just... shouldn't... read... emails...

    hehe cheers guys!
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    Just... shouldn't... read... emails...

    lol - I couldn't find a mutual friend of my ex-partner and myself's email address, so I thought "It'll be in her email account on hotmail". In I go, retrieve email address and... there's an email from her tosser of a friend who neither of us got along with - after hearing some of the racist...
  3. T

    oh deary me. off-limits woman...

    Bang? lol - 's not all being a DJ is all about y'know. I'd love a threesome with two women but it wouldn't be a girl I wanted to have a LTR with.
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    just thought I'd share this one with you all

    She found it a tad awkward and didn't really say much :- ) I suspect she'll be whispering into his ear tonight. Might be difficult to get him to go out clubbing again...
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    just thought I'd share this one with you all

    Went out to a club this evening. Spoke to 16 girls last one ME: "Hi, christ, you're in a great club and you look so miserable, cheer up!" Her: "WHY DON'T YOU JUST F*** OFF!" ME: <s******s> lol - for every 16 there's one woman so far up her own arse ;- ) Anyway, just to...
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    oh deary me. off-limits woman...

    First, I stopped posting on DJF since I've been back together with my gf, then split again and have been out and about. She's gone for good this time (and don't say 'oh yeah right' - we've finally admitted that neither of each other actually love each other and we're only together for comfort)...
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    Don Juan Chatroom

    pah, no-one tells me anything. Oh well :- )
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    Don Juan Chatroom

    <censored> Need we say more? lol
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    Don Juan Chatroom

    ^ Bump! Anyway - to continue our fantastic debates & psyc ourselves up for a good night out, join us... :woo:
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    Don Juan Chatroom

    Nice roomy room. Join us :- )
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    which is harder? Clubs or street approach?

    It all depends on the type of club, the attitude of the people and the area you're in. If I'm walking down my highstreet, I can chat to people and drag them into the nearest cafe if we hit things off. I've never yet been slapped... but then again, if I tried the same highstreet at about...
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    field question

    Re: Re: field question lol - I find 'are you from around here' works quite nicely. Commenting on her red boots would probably come across as either quite femine or a shoe fetishist. Only kidding :- ) whatever you feel comfortable with & don't make compliments you're not sincere with...
  13. T

    The Cold Approach Just Did Not Work

    Get off the floor, dust off those trousers/pants (I'm english) and keep on trying. Who the fvck cares about what other people think. Practice makes perfect! On the otherhand, read the bible and check up on your mistakes. I'm no Don Juan, but it sounds like you made some pretty obvious ones...
  14. T

    TimN's bootcamp. Enjoy :- )

    Cr*p, I got flu :- ( 's knocked me out for about 3 days so far. I managed to stumble into town (had to!) and said hi to about 5 people. Not sure of their gender... Anyway, the conversations go more like this: [me] "hi" [them] "jesus, you look terrible, are you ok?" lol...
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    British Summer Time Is Here !

    Let me know if there is anyone in the Southend area into the alternative scene!
  16. T

    my bootcamp

    Hi, I started thursday too. You better work hard to keep pace! I'm going to have to be repeating myself as I've already managed 35 hi's to date! I don't go out much during the week so I'm trying to make up my numbers during the weekend stint. How are you getting on btw?
  17. T

    Is smoking ruining my game?

    Add to it the heart disease, cancer risks etc and you're making a good choice. Cigarettes only take your focus off the game - running around asking for a lighter maybe a good way of breaking the ice, but it's not really healthy. Then you spend most your time fixated around the cigarette...
  18. T

    TimN's bootcamp. Enjoy :- )

    Day Three: Today I decided to focus on women around the age and looks I would be looking to date. I managed to find 10 such women, though one was a security guard who had a little too much of the lesbian shotputter about her. She was quite good looking though. Three of them progressed...
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    The UK approach thread

    Because that's sexual assault :- ) You should know that if you're from England, plus of course, anal sex is illegal here (afaik).
  20. T

    Is It a good or bad move to write her something for our 6 months day?

    The only reason I remember my ex's 'anniversary' was because it was september the 1st, 2001. She went to New York :- ) Ten days later and I was getting a little stressed as she'd mentioned she was sightseeing that day. Fortunately she'd visited the twin towers the year before, but we've...